Rating:  Summary: "I shoulda stayed home and played with myself" Review: The best comedy ever! I mean, it's all about Rodney Dangerfield. Every single second he is on the screen it's laugh after laugh. He is definelty one of the greats. Who could forget the classic scene where ted knight is trying to tea off and rodney says, "Thousand bucks you slice into the woods." Knight replies, "Gambling is illiegal at Bushwood sir and i never slice." He slices it and yells a curse and rodney pops in with "All right. You can owe me!" and ted yells "I OWE YOU NOTHING!" I love that!!! The only way you can not laugh at this movie is if you are a souless decapitated dead corpse. Buy it today.
Rating:  Summary: You can keep your Happy Gilmore! Review: This is clearly one of the greatest movies of all time. A national survey shows that more men remember the jump ship to Hong Kong scene that their wedding vows. Nothing can stand up to that. I am 13, so naturally some of my friends overly appreciate Happy Gilmore, which is, while good, nothing compared to the all around greatness of this movie. Yes, I am the youngster that truly appreciates Rodney Dangerfield more than Adam Sandler. By the way, this is also one of Chevy Chase's only movies where he truly portrays his talent.
Rating:  Summary: Classic!! Review: One of my favorite comedy films of all time!! Utterly brilliant.
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Classic Comedy Review: Every single scene in this movie rocks big-time. It's hard to say which of the actors steal the show as Chase, Knight, Dangerfield and Murray try their best to run away with the movie. But if I had to make a decision I would have to say that this IS Dangerfield's movie. His sleazy, friendly, insulting, buffoonish and graciously tipping character is the centrepiece of this movie, which pre-dates the Airplane-style humor of visual gags and jokes.There ain't much plot but there is still more than there is in the standard comedy modern movies. The film cuts to about 5 different sub-plots at regular intervals. The funniest of which being Murray's ever ridiculous attempts to catch a pesky gofer. I love those scenes. The gofer looks so fake and so cute, he's literally a stuffed toy being moved by hand off-camera. Ted Knight's Judge Smails is a hoot. The pompous and self-important arrogance mixes well with his cluelessness of how to be gentlemanly towards people and his clumsiness. He is bull-headed, acting without thinking and always letting his rage get the better of him. This is a perfect personification of the majority of courtroom Judges. Chase does a good job as hedonistic playboy golfer Ty Webb and his ONLY scene with Bill Murray is THE best pure dialogue scene in film history. The total [garbage] that they talk is [really]funny... And so is the whole movie. Forget the sequel. See this movie when you get the chance. The DVD is in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen with Dolby Mono sound.
Rating:  Summary: A Reason to Start Liking Bill Murray Review: This movie is about a country club with the wackiest bunch of characters associated with it you could ever imagine. It focuses mainly on Danny Noonan, a caddy, who is trying to win the favor of Judge Smails to get a scholarship. One of the main characters is a gopher who terrorizes Bill Murray's character: Carl Spackler. This movie is very funny. Especially if you are a sport junkie. Bill Murray doesn't spend as much time on screen as some of the other characters, but he definitely steals the show. Rodney Dangerfield as Al Czervik comes in a close second. Even Chevy Chase is funny in this movie (he lost it somewhere later on in his career). This DVD is a solid buy - great movie, good sound/visual quality, and decent special features.
Rating:  Summary: Not Funny... Review: I don't know why this film is considered a such a classic comedy, especially considering that it was released in the same year as the single greatest film comedy of all time, "Airplane!". Caddyshack has some funny moments, basicley Rodney dangerfield's all to brief appearences, but that's not enough to carry a whole movie. The biggest mistake in this piece of ... was focusing on the kid (Danny, I think) instead of Dangerfiled. Still Dangerfield is always a joy to watch and there is this one hot scene with Ted Knights ... daughter that's pretty good, but for pure laughs I just can't recommend it. Watch "Airplane" instead.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest comedy chemistry of a movie of all time! Review: Rodney Dangerfield is a rude, overbearing rusty comic powerhouse, his first appearance in the movie is simply hilarious, the jokes just start and never end!: from "wo, what a ugly hat, last time I had a hat like this, I got a bowl of soup... to Ted Knight: "Oh it looks good on you though" he rolls his eyes, and Knight leaves the shop putting the hat back on the shelf to "Hey everyone, were all going to get laid!" the crowd on the deck cheer and appaulse!. Rodney and Ted are perfect working with each other. this is probably the most influence National Lampoon style movie ever, this movie was different from Animal House with the destruction scenes added to it because of Dangerfield performance. Chevy Chase and Bill Murray seem to be introuced to the movie screen from this movie, and finally they were out the SNL skit and finally got into movies, I loved Bill Murray underground comic performance as a slobby grasskeeper called Carl trying to dispose a gopher out of the golf field! Chevy played an overrated playboy, but looks as if he don't want to do with a woman, that was makes it funny and innovated. people should see this movie more time. It haves a enlightable and enjoyable look to it. buy this movie on DVD format or VHS. thanks!
Rating:  Summary: 19th aniversary DVD review Review: The film is awesome, that goes without saying. Many people love this comedy. In fact, it is stilla popular and strong movie. I rented the 19th aniversary. I was so excited. It was in full frame. NOT pan and scan. Full frame. That means it was shot in the 4'3 1:33:1 ratio of a conventional television, and then cut off at the top and bottom of the screen, thus being "masked," or "matted." You'd think that this would be a bad thing, but it is still the directors vision. He was working around full frame. Reasons they'd do this: 1. cheaper, and 2. better vhs release. This film was coming out at the time that vcr's were becoming popular. Usually, a film would only be in theaters. To their knowledge then, the film's future was on vhs. Warner Brothers had a history of doing this. This is why thay release a lot of full screen dvds. Theve realized that people prefer matted over full frame. If you want widescreen so that heads don't get cut off, this is not the format. But if you want directors vision, this is it. You could buy the full screen, and then zoom in on a widescreen t.v., but thats just right down the center. Matting is like panning and scanning vertically for widescreen. It's just like watching a true widescreen movie on a conventional t.v., and zooming in. The shot might have to be cropped in a different location. I held out, and sure enough there was a 20th aniversary edition. However, even though it is a classic comedy, the picture, and sound is dated, like Animal House and the Jerk. The picture is "below par." It needs a handicap though, seing how dated it is. Its an improvement overthe several video, and 2 dvd releases. I don't know about beat or laserdisk. I don't have either of those. The sound is mono, but it's good enough for now. The special features are worthwhile. I remember the t.v. version used material from the cutting room floor to fill in for some of the raunchier gags. Like I said, though, it's good enough for now.
Rating:  Summary: depends on your style Review: This movie is not for everyone. the humor is crude, the exting is a bit overdone, and there is a mechanical gopher. there are some funny bits to it though and you will laugh if you don't get sick of some of the characters first. all in all, if you haven't seen it, you probably should just to say you have. there is some good bonus material on this dvd as well.
Rating:  Summary: AVOID THIS LIKE THE PLAUGE!!... Review: this movie is the worst i have ever seen. it's dumb sense of humor isn't humor at all, and there is absolutely nothing good about it. the characters are disgusting.