Rating:  Summary: So bad it's hilarious!!! Perfect if you like goofy escapism. Review: This is a hard movie to recommend because people either love it or hate it, depending on how seriously they take it. I would actually give it 4 stars but I know it's not for everyone. The two protagonists'perceptions and values are never meant to be taken seriously. Even an old lady in the movie mutters "effing stoners!" as she passes the heroes. As a woman, the overt silliness of the sexist stereotypes did not offend me in the least. Every character was a two-dimensional stereotype, hilariously so. I'm a big fan of The Naked Gun movies and Bill and Ted. While this movie is more like Bill and Ted, it's sheer goofy jokes reminded me of the over-the-top humor of The Naked Gun. We are laughing at how stupid these guys are and how stupid everyone else in the film is. That's the point. If you keep that in mind, it's a very funny ride. My fiance and I watched it at the end of the Sept 11 week. We needed an escape from the intensity. It left us both on the floor laughing. It was the perfect prescription for taking a break from reality.
Rating:  Summary: A triumph of nihilistic existentialism Review: With minimalist setup, deft wordplay, and characterization that is brilliant in its reserved subtlety, this film is hauntingly reminiscient of the greatest works of existential literature of the past hundred years. Jesse and Chester demonstrate their astounding mastery of the craft as they assume (nay, become), what can only be described as the Vladimir and Estragon of the stoner-flick genre, simultaneously lost in their own struggles with self while bravely overcoming the conflicts thrust upon them by an uncaring world. In an overt homage to Franz Kafka's seminal novel, "The Metamorphosis," the two awake to find that they have been cheated of the ego, and, much like Gregor and Samson, are left without transportation in our modern dystopia where a car is so direly neccessary to the realization of the Freudian being. The quest that follows can be compared to "Waiting for Godot", only without the waiting, as the frantic and sometimes near incomprehesible pace of the film is set in play to satirize our own neomodern, hyperindustrial lives where one cannot pause, even for a moment, to enjoy the scenery, or, in this case, the "Shibby." It's understandable that the screenwriter had to invent the term for this masterpiece of cinema: his grasp of language makes him a modern-day Shakespeare, and he seems almost chained to the inadequacies of English prose as he struggles to connect with his audience (For anyone with an advanced degree in French Literature, you'll find the alternative language track to be quite illuminating). The acting in this film is deliberately downplayed, and it is clear that the director sought to mimic the tone (though not the qualms) of the German Minimalist theatre. Further, the extraterrestrials (or so we are to believe!) are overtly malicious in a striking parallel to Dostoyevsky's narrator in "Notes," although the Lynchesque makeup design seems, unfortunately, a distractingly obtuse addition to the otherwise restrained and dignified scenes. Alas, like Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead", this brief film serves only to awaken the viewer to the concepts to be expounded upon in the epic, four-hour sequel "Seriously Dude, Where's My Car", an opus that surely cannot be missed by anyone espousing to be of the literati.
Rating:  Summary: Shibby! Review: Trust me--my taste in films usually runs along the lines of "The Silence Of The Lambs" and "Dead Poets Society", but I absolutely loved this one. Every other dumb comedy that I have ever seen has become one of my most hated films, but that's probably because they were, in some way, smug about their stupidity. There's nothing even remotely smug about "Dude, Where's My Car?"--no one would be fooled. However, it is clever in its own unique way. Notice how everything ties together so cleanly in the end. "And then?" And then, pay attention to the highly quotable dialogue, on par with any Bill Murray or Steve Martin film. "And then?" And then, keep an eye peeled for classic sequences like the Chinese Foooood drive-thru quarrel and the duel with Fabio. "And then?" Uh, that's about it. For lowbrow comedy, this one delivers to even one's highbrow side. You won't be demeaning yourself at all by being entertained by this one. "And then?" No "and then"! "And then?" No "and then"!
Rating:  Summary: Funny With a Twist Review: "Dude, Where's My Car?" is the story of two friends, Jesse (Ashton Kutcher) and Chester (Seann William Scott), who wake up one morning after a hardy night of partying to find Jesse's car missing. The movie revolves around their recollections of the previous night and their encounters with people they supposedly met the night before as they look for Jesse's car.To say that this is a dumb comedy is an understatement. Movies like "Dude, Where's My Car?" get away with this however because they obviously acknowledge it in the movie. You can tell from the dialogue and the acting that everybody involved understands that no one should believe this is serious piece of movie making. The film contains a group of nerdy wannabe space travelers (Zoltan!), two buffed Swedish space aliens, a group of well-proportioned space babes, and a pack of over-testosteroned jocks all looking for the same thing: a powerful and mysterious device that could destroy the universe. Jesse and Chester must find the device before the others do and return it to its rightful owners. This is certainly one of those movies where it helps to not think too much. It's a stupid duo flick reminiscent of the Bill & Ted movies. Without the space alien twist though, this likely would have been another painfully mindless teen flick like "American Pie". However, "Dude, Where's My Car?" comes through for 90 minutes of 'stupid' entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Embarrassing for all involved Review: I had high hopes for this based on the trailers. It was a worthwhile experience for the reminder that a movie can be so bad as to be physically painful to watch. I stayed through to the end, even though I knew after the first five minutes that there would be no ultimate redemption here. As a cosmic balance maneuver I guess we have to make up for all the good movies by occasionally watching one that makes you wonder what passes for quality control in Hollywood these days. I think a little name naming is called for here since we would all like to avoid the truly bad in the future. Directed by Danny Leiner (Gilmore Girls, Felicity, the Tick). Stick to TV, Mr. Leiner. Please. Written by Phillip Stark, a web search revealed no other writing credits. One hopes he doesn't hide his work under other names as well. And now for the really embarrassing credits. The otherwise excellent Jennifer Garner (Alias), Marla Sokoloff (the Practice) and Brent Spiner (Star Trek Next Generation) prove that the transition to movies sometimes means taking whatever roles you can get. Maybe they took some tips from co-star Chris Elliot (Letterman). If you can't remember the people, remember the label: Fox Home Entertainment. I certainly will. Like anthrax.
Rating:  Summary: I disliked this one Review: If you liked this movie, that's fine. I don't mind. But, I disliked this film. If you really like the humor, 82 minutes is too short. If you hate it, 82 minutes feels like an eternity. It is trying to be so stupid that it's good. Sometimes it works, but not with this one. This movie has good actors and good talents, but it fails miserably. I do not think... are usually funny. Sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, Where's The Writers? Review: This movie [stinks]!!!...The entire movie was nonsense, sex (not that that's a bad thing, I'll get to it later), and gross-out humor, including a big wet kiss between the two male leads! In my opinion, there are only three reasons to see this movie. 1). Hot women 2). At the end, these alien women form into one extremely hot 20 ft. tall superbabe who wears very skimpy clothes and has a huge rack! 3). At the way end, these other aliens give the guys these necklaces to give to their hot girlfriends. When the girls put these on, their breasts magically grow a few sizes!!! I don't say that these are worth paying to see this movie, but if it's on tv, try to catch the end. Otherwise, steer clear of this bomb!!!
Rating:  Summary: Do I even have to give this 1 star? Review: Oh my......what word could I give this movie to explain how horrible it was...TRASH? No because watching Trash in a Trash can is alot funnier and better. Maybe SHIBBY for that ridiculously stupid line they invented. Yes, SHIBBY it is. This film was absoluetly horrible, from beginning to end I couldn't wait for it to end. The continuents transfuction.....you gotta be freakin' kidding me! Only a retard, on 'shrooms would like this movie. I feel sorry for the poor director to have to actually admit to directing this. There was 1 half-decent part, that I laughed the first time I saw it, and the second time I saw it I didn't even crack a giggle. And that was the "NO AND THEN" part, it was kinda funny, even writting this I catch a grin on my face. Unfortunetly, the reason it is funny is because of the racism towards the Chinesse which is totally wrong, but really what else do you exspect from a movie that has a dog smoking weed. It needs to "shibby" its way to the garbage and pretend it was never made.....STIFLER, SAY IT ISNT SO!
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Enjoyable Review: I decided to watch this movie because I just expected to watch a dumb funny movie. I was pleasently surprised that it is better than I though. I actually would rate it 3 and a half but they don't have that option. The subplot of the movie may be bizarre but was originally and added to the film. People who rated it bad don't really make sense because if you were watching it you're not watching it for a great storyline, camera angles or anything like that. It's clearly a goofy fun film. Sometimes you just need to watch films like this.
Rating:  Summary: LOOK A UNICORN Review: When this film was in theatres I was thinking that looks dumb! But now its sitting in my movie stand! I rented it and I thought I gotta own this one! Dude wheres my car is about two stoners who wake up one morning after a wild night of partying and cant find their car that has the gifts in it for their twin ticked off girlfriends. They also have to find a special space machine so the universe wont be destroyed! The only reason I rented this one is because of Seann william scott-I have all his movies! I also thought that the music in this film was shibby-and I'm also buying the soundtrack! CHESTER AND JESSE ARE SHIBBY AT THE MOMENT-PLEASE LEAVE YOUR SHIBBY AT THE BEEP. SHIBBY!