"Stupid Llamas!!!!" *l* If you love whimsical, cheesy, and just a little tacky, this is definitely the movie for you!
Summary: And then....
Review: "Dude Where's My Car?" stars Jessie (Ashton Kutcher) and Chester (Sean William Scott) a couple of dimwitted dudes who are trying to find their car. In this scavenger hunt for clues to find out where their car is Jesse and Chester get in and out of some funny binds. They find themselves encountering bubble wrapped freaks, a transvestite, two foriegn guys, oestrichs with a French ecentric owner, one total stoner dude, a chinese order taker, their girlfriends, a shibby girl with her bully of a boyfriend, and one hot alien.The jokes are as dimwitted as they are, but you'll find yourself laughing at them. A little slapstick comedy with a pinch of spoof creates a great flick. The movie has a great flow and keeps you interested in what will happen next to these two lovable guys.
Kutcher and Scott work very well together. They really make the characters come alive and give us a hearty laugh when we really need it.
You'll be able to watch this with your teens and not feel bad about it. This movie is rated PG-13 because of the sexual and drug related humor. So if these traits concern you watch it first laugh a lot and then let your kids watch it!
Summary: Dude...
Review: Hmm... okay... where to begin...
This is the kind of self-babble I'm left with in trying to think of things to write about in this, my review of "Dude, Where's My Car?," a movie so ridiculously conceived and scripted, so reundant in it gags and one-liners, so absolutely mind-melting that to watch it is to realize a new level of stupidity. But that doesn't mean it's not fun.
There's the most basic of plots: Jesse and Chester, two stoners whose vocabulary consists of relentless utterings of "dude" and "sweet," wake up one morning to realize that Jesse's car is missing, and they have no recollection of the previous night. As they set out to find the car, they begin to piece together the silly, unbelievably outrageous events of the previous night, from a tryst in a strip club with a transsexual stripper who gave them a suitcase full of cash, to encounters with different groups of nerdy, busty, and macho aliens, all demanding from them a device known as the continuum transfunctioner.
And that's it, the entire plot of the movie, mixed in with some truly hearty laughs and some good yet goofy acting from two guys who know what they're doing. The movie works for the simple reason that Ashton Kutcher (Jesse) and Seann William Scott (Chester) do such a good job of acting completely stupid that they sell us on the whole stoner appearance of the movie. A film like this can't work without the mentality to back it up, and the absence of that mentality is just what it needs.
There are laughs, and while some of them are forced, there are those that succeeded in getting more than just a chuckle out of me. The two guys' mentality is one gag, but the movie also makes us laugh by playing their girlfriends, known as "The Twins," to be just as air-headed as they are. A chinese fast food drive-thru results in an hilarious explosion of anger, while the whole girls-with-big-hoo-hoos mentality runs throughout.
There's really not a whole lot more to say about this movie... it's stupid, it's ridiculous... it makes its characters out to be heroes in the most contrived situations imaginable, and there's no shortage of brainless dialogue and actions. But, for what it's worth, it's not a total waste of time, and I found myself laughing in all the right places.
Summary: This movie cracks me up!!
Review: I loved this movie. I can remember seeing the previews at the theatre and telling myself I had to go see it. I did see it at the theatre...twice. I laughed the entire time. I now of course own the DVD and have seen it an additional 4 or 5 times. I think Seann William Scott (Chester) and Ashton Kutcher (Jesse) make a terrific duo - somewhat like Bill and Ted...who were great as well. Chester and Jesse play off of each other well, which makes the movie work. The entire movie is absolutely nonsensical, which is what makes it fun. For those of you who haven't seen the movie (and you should) I won't ruin the fun of the movie by revealing too many details. It's about two stoners (Jesse and Chester) who wake up one morning not knowing what happened the night before and Jesse can't find his car, thus setting them out on an unexpected journey to locate the car and quite possibly discovering just what happened the night before. It's an absurd adventure where bizarre characters abound and Jesse and Chester discover more than what they bargained for and realize maybe they need to cut down on the shibbying! I recommend this movie just to have some great fun!!
Summary: Dude, I Hate This Movie!
Review: One of the worst films ever made. Seriously, dude!
Ashton Kutcher from That '70s Show and Seann Wiliam Scott from American Pie. The show and movie are wastelands. No talent whatsoever. I contrast this with the classic Dazed and Confused which is a gold mine of talent, even the people in minor roles.
So these two guys awake to find that they had such a good time they forgot the previous night. They also can't find their car. A lot of talk about "shibby." This is a shameless poseur stoner comedy. Dude, how's that for adjectives?
As for the space aliens, Ed Wood did it better in Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Summary: Dude, what a shibby movie, dude!
Review: Granted, this movie is dumb. And at first glace, it makes no sense. But that's the whole beauty of it. No one said this movie was, um... thought provoking?
Jesse (Ashton Kutcher) and Chester (Seann William Scott), are two dudes with quite a vocabilary (sweet, shibby, and dude). Waking up one moring, they realize they don't remember what happened the night before, but it seems as though they got quite wasted! There's a lifetime supply of pudding in their kitchen, they have tatoos, a stripper (and don't ask if it's male or female- hard to tell!) gave them a suitcase full of money, and their girlfriends ("the twins"- Jennifer Garner and Marla Sokoloff) are pissed at them because they ruined their house and forgot their anniverary. No problem, right? After all, Jesse and Chester got them gifts. They'll just go to Jesse's car and get them. But whoops- where's the car, dude?
From then on, Jesse and Chester go on a wild chase after their car, a bunch of space dorks say they have to get the tran--- ("how can we find it if we can't pronoce it?!"), a bunch of "hot chicks", running away from lama's (or are they?), a chinese food take-out troubles.... wow, this movie is f-u-n-n-y! Isn't it?
The cast is great- Hal Sparks as Zoltan, Jennifer Garner and Marla Sokoloff as the twins, and Seann William Scott and Ashton Kutcher as Jesse and Chester. The movie also has some great tunes.
See this movie if you really want to laugh. See this movie at a party. See this movie with your friends. See this movie if you have a dumb sense of humor (like me). Just see it!
Summary: Awesome teen
Review: There aren't that many good teen movies out there anymore. Movies like "She's All That" and "Bring It On" are not funny, and are successful because of the teeny bopper crowd who would see "Battlefield Earth" if Freddy Prinze Jr. was in it. Among all this crap, is the two best teen comedies of this decade. "Dude, Where's my Car" and "10 things I Hate About you". This movie is the pot comedy without the pot. It is a little "Star Wars", "Who Am I" and a lot of "Half Baked". It tells the story of two "shibby"-loving dorks, Jesse(Ashton Kutcher) and Chester (The funny-as-hell Seann William Scott), trying to find out the location of their car, where they put the gifts they bought their girlfriends, and why the hell they have a lifetime supply of pudding in the fridge. Along the way, the meet an ostrich-loving frenchie (Brent Spiner), alien worshipers(led by "Queer as Folk"s Hal Sparks), and a mercedes owning playboy (Fabio). This movie does the job of spoofing bullies and snobby girlfriends in Teens ("You guys are sucky boyfriends!), creating a catchy phrase (Shibby!), and casting the most believable best friends since Bill and Ted. I know, this is from someone who would prefer Mallrats from Gladiator any day, but I love this movie with all my heart. In conclusion, a man who loves Cheech and Chong, "Spaceballs", and "Meet The Parents", should see this movie faster than you can say "...and then?"
Summary: Dude, where's the remote?
Review: Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott star in the low-brow comedy "Dude, where's my car". The film begins with the duo waking up not remembering what happened the night before due to them "being so wasted". It also stars Alias' Jennifer Garner and features a cameo by Brent Spiner (Data from TNG).
I tried to laugh, really I did, but this was so unfunny. Sure drug induced comas might be amusing to dope heads but I failed to see the humour. I'm a big fan of such movies as "Dumb and dumber", "Blazing Saddles", "Young Frankenstein" and others that feature dumb humour but this was just dumb. The only amusing scene was at the chinese takeout, "and then," that was funny. Once again Hollywood subjects us to same sex kissing in a comedy, I get really fed up of the whole gay thing being pushed on the public, it aint normal, read the bible, it's sinful folks!! So is pre-marital sex (thought I'd throw that one in).
Save your dough and buy the vastly superior Dumb and Dumber instead that features great humour without the overemphasis on sex and homosexuality.(...)
Summary: Is it Camp or a possible Cult Classic ?
Review: Two Dimwitted Pot-Heads Jesse (Ashton Kutcher) and Chester (Seann William Scott), who are two loving Party Animals. But one day, they wake up one morning with a burning question:Dude, Where`s My Car? On the search of their car, They get involve with a transsexual stripper, encountering Hot Alien Chicks, Seemingly Gay Male Aliens, a Cult Group and Dodging Killer Astriches. While Jesse and Chester are trying to score (Special Treats) from their ticked-off Twin Girlfriends (Jennifer Garder and Marla Sokoloff).
Directed by Danny Leiner (Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, The Great New Wonderful) made a funny, campy fantasy comedy that was a Box Office Hit back in 2000. This becomes a Cult/Camp Classic, because of Kutcher`s and William Scott`s enjoyable Comic Performances. DVD has an R-Rated Commentary Track by the Director and the Two Leads. DVD features has Seven Extended Scenes, some were trim to get a PG-13 Rating instead of a R-Rating. Also has featurette, music video, theatrical trailer and t.v. spots. DVD has a sharp anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an fine-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. It`s a enjoyable comedy but some will dislike this Campy-Comedy but Teens will be more forguven than Adults. Grade:A-.