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American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

List Price: $29.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: YEAH! FInally! The worst film of the millenium!
Review: I did not know one could write, produce and especially direct a film like this one. The accumulation of unbearable (I hope this film does not reflect the average American suburban precollege teen) nonsense is hardly imaginable. I am really sorry about those people who liked this film and especially two things: a. the dichotomy between explicit verbal sex and the absolute absence of any realistic love scene (I would be very astonished if every single American teen is negotiating his First Time like this). b. the stereotypical image of the east-European girl. Although Nadia was really amazing (but a bit too solarium burnt and silicon breasted for being a Check or Slovakian girl (note for the scriptwriter: there is no Checkoslovakia any more), I wonder why she was the only one who had to get naked (and no American girl or guy)! Well that's it. Thanks for reading and sorry for those who might like the film.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Funny
Review: I rented this movie the other night and have to admit that it wasn't as bad as I expected. It's a very sexual coming-of-age story told from many different points of views.

There were two things that I thought made the film very enjoyable. One, Jim (Jason Bigg's) relationship with his father is great. Its awkwardness is brilliant. The other is the relationship between the Oz character (Chris Klein) and Heather (Mena Suvari who was also in American Beauty.) This relationship has the most development and was in my opinion the most interesting.

But since this is a teen movie, there has to be the obligatory cheap laughs. Human *ahem* bodily fluids in a drink, a laxative joke, etc. The strange thing is, I am a teenager (18 yrs old, thank you very much) and did not laugh at these jokes.

I've also noticed that people screamed at the movie's foul language. Trust me, it isn't THAT BAD. After seeing South Park and Blair Witch Project, watching this seems like watching a Disney movie.

So there you have it. Was it entertaining? You betcha. Worth a watch? Definitely. The funniest movie ever? Well... no, but still check it out. You won't be disapointed.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great, if you like obvious and childish sight gags
Review: I believe this movie billed itself as "This generation's Animal House". It's been a while, but I seem to recall that John Landis, even at that early stage of his development, managed to balance a desire to challenge the sensibilities of those days without sinking to the obvious or cheap without some offsetting subtle gags. No such luck here. It's play for the "quick and dirty" laugh all the way.

My fifteen year old asked me if he could see this picture and I replied in the negative. I wish I could say it was because the content and sophistication were beyond him. Rather, I was embarrassed as to what he might make of popular culture as we enter the new millenium.

Save the money and get something more challenging and witty, like "Dumb and Dumber" or maybe "South Park".

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Show me the Beef
Review: I thought this going to be a good teenage T & A movie but I guess that's a genera gone by. The movie had lots of hot girls I waited to catch a glimpse of, but that never happened; Just teasers. I suffered through the whole thing and in the end was bummed I bought it. I had heard this was a good movie but it wasn't that funny and didn't show much nudity either. Buy "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" instead. Same idea but much better executed with Phoebe Cates to boot!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny and curiously emotional.
Review: A sex comedy with a heart? Say goodbye to pure harmless raunch -- American Pie, despite its gleefully gross sense of humour and obsession with all that is libidinous, actually also hides a real sensitivity behind all the naughty jokes and embarrassing situations.

Much like Fast Times at Ridgemont High but to an even greater extent, American Pie makes you laugh by daring to put its characters in the most ear-reddening of situations. Jason Biggs deserves a hand for diving into those situations with pizazz while also keeping the character likeable, somebody you can relate to. Porky's certainly didn't have that. An instantly appealing cast (Chris Klein, Tara Reid, Mena Suvari, Eugene Levy) with a couple of great comic gems in their midst (the pitch-perfect Natasha Lyonne, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hanigan) keep things interesting throughout, and the script -- despite its three-week-old-apple-pie premise -- manages to achieve a freshness and wacky sense of humour.

Some characters are underdeveloped -- especially choirgirl Heather (Suvari), Stifler (Seann William Scott) and Nadia (Elizabeth) -- but with so much going on all the time, and such an appealing cast of characters across the board, that can be forgiven.

American Pie manages to evoke pathos along with laughter, and therein lies its greatest strength. When Vicky (Reid) says, "I realized nothing's perfect", the filmmakers sympathize with her. As it does with all the other high schoolers in the movie.

View it with an eye on the people behind the caricatures and you'll be rewarded beyond the movie's dirtier jokes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: And you thought Porky's was funny?
Review: Not many comedies over the years have really put a smile on my face. I long for the old days of Porky's, Revenge of the Nerds and the other *classic* comedies didn't mind using sex, nudity and profanity to make an audience laugh. American Pie not only surpasses the *classics* but hopefully will set the standard for the next generation of comedies to be released into theaters.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: unrated version not much different from the original
Review: First off I would like to say that this was the funniest movie of the year! I watched it in theaters 5 times and I laughed as hard the 5th time as I did the the 1st time. As for the unrated version there is about less than a minute more that was added here than the orginal version. If you had a choice of chooseing the rated or unrated, you cant go wrong with either of them. As for the rest of the DVD, its awesome. It has access of the greatest quotes and songs that were played in the movie. Plus, they have the video for "You Wanted More" by Tonic which I was extremely happy to see because it didn't get enough airtime on the music channels. Overall, I would say this is DVD is a good example of one of those DVDs that show what you can put on a DVD. Plus, having the trailer for Man On The Moon was a major plus!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hot Hot Hot!
Review: I realy enjoy sexy topics and this one is the most sexy film I've ever seen!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Classic!
Review: This movie is an instant classic. It is full of up and coming(yes, there is a pun intended) stars. I will never see pastry in the same light again. I give it 5 stars. I laughed till I cried. Honestly

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Oh my!
Review: Ok. I'll admit it...I actually thought this movie was hilarious! Granted, it blatantly uses shock humor, but it's entertainment, folks! Ligthen up! Some of the scenes bordered on lame, so that's why I gave it 3 instead of 4 stars. But my husband and I both found it amusing (and we're over 25, just in case you were wondering).

Since when do films have to be deep or completely original? Come on...if we held all movies up to those standards, the majority of them would fail. Much of the film is far-fetched, but isn't that part of the movie-going experience? If you're looking for realism, go rent a documentary. I thought the acting in this film was above that of other popular stars (sorry Neve...you just don't do it for me, babe), and the sophomoric script is exactly what I was expecting. I just wanted to laugh. And I did. So in my terms, this movie was a success.

And by the way...I thought the Graduate reference was hysterical...although lost on the majority of viewers.

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