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American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

List Price: $29.98
Your Price: $26.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: FanFREAKINtastic!
Review: When I saw the previews for this movie I was skeptical, but when I saw it, I laughed my head off. And Shannon Elizabeth, though it was a small part, played very well as a eastern Euopean exchange student who gives a very sexy yet innocent nude scene with Jason Biggs. It is well worth the money spent to see it. Did I mention that Shannon Elizabeth was very sexy...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: American Pie Unrated Version
Review: I want to see American Pie Unrated Version

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny, fun
Review: American Pie was not at all what I expected. I expected a sex comedy and got it, but I also got a nice coming-of-age story as well. The 4 guys really mature during their trials and tribulations of getting a date for the prom. The movie is funny too, especially the dialogue between Jim and his dad. And one of these stars is for Shannon Elizabeth, who is very, very fine.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "American Pie" is a very funny teen sex comedy romp!
Review: "American Pie" is a funny film. It is a very funny film. Clever writing is not the reason for the hilarity of this film. It is the sex gags. It is the performance of Jason Biggs. There are alot of things that make this a hilarious film. If you're looking for a good laugh then look no further than "American Pie". Now, don't get me wrong. It's not as well written or acted or as funny as "There's Something About Mary", nor will it be considered a classic like that film, but it is still something that will make you laugh. Enjoy it, don't analyze it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Clean Fun
Review: Being a big fan of Mena Suvari, I had to see this. This movie is funny, and at times maybe a bit to gratuitous, but with the believable acting and the all too believable situations, this Pie definitely leaves a good taste in your mouth.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not Quite A Classic
Review: It feels like warm, apple pie. Or maybe it just feels like rehash.

American Pie is the heart warming story of a group of high school friends trying to lose their virginity by prom. I know, it doesn't sound heart warming at all, does it? Well, it tries to be in the last twenty or so minutes, but contrary to what many believe, I don't think it quite worked out.

Instead, the film is a fairly honest look at the sexuality that overruns today's teens. Some parts were just outright disturbing, but still funny. This is definitely of the Something About Mary group of gross out films. What it does, however, is succeed when it is not trying to gross you out. The genuinely funniest moments come away from the pie or foamy beer. This is a lesson many script writers could learn.

In the end, American Pie is just what it tries to be, a funny teen comedy. What it isn't, however, is a classic like Porky's, which it gets so many comparisons to.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: One time, when I was in band camp...
Review: I really wanted to see this in the theater when it came out, the trailer was hilarious and promised a film more robust than what was delivered. I was torn on rating this film... I did laugh out loud during many scenes... and this is a comedy after all... but I know if I ever see it again, only one scene will be funny to me... other laughs were really just weird-shock-value laughs.... the very uncomfortable laughter you have when you're looking around to see if your mother just saw you watching this foul movie.

I cringe when I think of young kids watching this film and seeing this as normal behavior... and worse, acceptable behavior. I don't think of myself as a prude, but this was an overly offensive, gross and over-sexed flick. If it was targeted for adults only, I probably would have enjoyed it more... I just kept thinking, "what if my kids saw this?.... ewww!"

The one classic line (and punch line) in the film made it worth squirming through the rest of the mess... it was a funny film, but I can't imagine seeing this over and over again. Two scenes in the film were worth 5 stars for the laugh meter, but that hardly makes up for the remainder of the mediocre content. It's worth seeing once, but by adults... and those who aren't easily offended by gross, lewd behavior.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This movie gets really boring!
Review: When I first saw American Pie in the theater I really enjoyed it. I laughed so hard at every scene. I brought it on DVD and video and I still liked it. But now that I have seen it a million times it has gotten stupid. Becareful when you buy it on video because it's a hard decision on which American Pie version you want to get. The unrated version is okay but I like the original better because it's the way it meant to be. If you hadn't seen this movie yet you would probably like it for your first time but if you watch it a million times you might think it's a stupid movie. So becareful when you watch it a bunch because you might not like it anymore. But it's still a good movie though. Try it for your first slice!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An instant classic of its genre
Review: Watching American Pie brought back a lot of movie-watching memories for me, of the crazy time known as the mid-80s when HBO (virtually the only cable station at the time) would play really funny "teen" sex comedies late at night, and a good time was had by all. It's hard to call American Pie "art," but it is definitely "entertainment," a rare commodity these days. The film moves along at an agreeable pace with many sight gags. The characters were not the most three-dimensional figures ever to be found on film, but there was enough variety to ensure that every viewer might see one or two people that reminded him or her of someone they knew from their own high school days. The scene where the guy took the laxative and ran like a demon to the restroom (only to discover too late it was the girls' room) is one of the four or five funniest scenes I've seen in any movie. The DVD has running commentary from the directors and most of the principal cast members which is a riot--tantamount to hanging out with four overgrown frat boys rather than serious auteurs.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: American Pie
Review: It's a good thing PETA doesn't stand for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Apple pies". If it did the movie would be banned in the U.S. American Pie is one of my top 10 funniest movies ever. It reminded me and made me yearn for my old high school days. The material in the film is remarkably typical to the issues yesterday and today's teenager has to deal with. Ironically the material is not suitable for persons under the age or 18. Anyway, I highly recommend this film to all 20 somethings that partied in high school. It's pretty darn funny!

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