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American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

List Price: $29.98
Your Price: $26.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great tasteless comedy!
Review: If you're like me and enjoy tasteless comedies like Kingpin or Baseketball then you will definitely enjoy this movie. However if you're in to the more critically acclaimed comedies like Election or Woody Allen movies then you may want to avoid it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: John Hughes directs "Portnoy's Complaint"
Review: A surprisingly fresh take on Hollywood's most mercilessly pummeled dead horse--the I Hate Being A Virgin Teen Comedy. I'm sure the director has studied all of John Hughes' 1980s output...there's even a main character who I could swear is consciously doing a dead-on vocal impression of James Spader! What sets this film apart from, oh, say..."Porky's III", is that the writer, director and much to thier credit, the actors, treat their characters with respect, as opposed to the usual broad cartoonishness found in similar-themed movies. Even over-hyped "gross-out" scenes are presented totally within the context of the character's situation; they don't come off as gratuitous at all. Winning performances all around, it was especially gratifying to see the highly underrated "SCTV" alumnus Eugene Levy being so well-utilized. Newcomer Allyson Hannigan nearly walks away with the movie with her "One time, at band camp...." monologues. A true rarity these days, a genuinely funny comedy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie was hilarious!
Review: This movie was some of the most hilarious scenes in cinematic history. I laughed through the whole thing.

The story concerns four teenager boys who are desperate to have sex. Only one of the four has girlfriends, but she isn't sure if she is ready. They decide to make a pact to lose their virginity with the deadline being prom night. At first the boys seem to have everything covered.

One boy joins the jazz choir in order to get a date for the prom, and it actually works. Another boy has the girl of his dreams in his house changing. A third boy has a reputation spreading very rapidly about him, and it seems as if he will have to chose between many women for the prom. The couple seem to get closer as the days go by. From the looks of things, their vow would be accomplished.

At that moment, their plan backfires on them in hilarious ways. For example, one boy has noisy dirrhea in the girls' bathroom. His reputation is destroyed from that point. Another boy has himself and a girl brodcasted over the internet, but a hilarious moment makes him the laugh of the school.

When prom finally arrives, the four boys will finally lose their virginity. This movie may have had some humor that some may call "offensive" and "crude", but that is what makes the movie hilarious. The script is well-written and the cast gives a wonderful performance. If you hate movies with lowbrow humor, I do not recommend this film. If you are looking for something the opposite, I recommend it.

However, there is one flaw with this movie, which was the disappointing unrated version. The tagline was misleading. They could have shown that movie in theaters. It only included one minute of extra footage. If you rent this movie, don't waste your time on the unrated version. I guarantee that you will be disappointed.

Overall, this movie was excellent. I would give this five stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "this one time......at band camp"
Review: American Pie was so hilarious it had me rolling on the floor laughing. Who could ever forget the classic scene where Finch has to use the women's restroom to take care of business and isn't exactly quiet about it. It's too bad that Eli Marienthal (Steve Stifler's younger brother) didn't have a bigger role; he was incredible as Hogarth in the Iron Giant.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hilarious
Review: I usually do not like movies that are aimed towards the teenaudience, even though I am a teen myself(18 years old). In the past Ihad found these movies ridiculously stupid, mainly because it takes no extraordinary intellectual effort to make them. With that aside I found this movie very funny and surprisingly enjoyable. The thing that I enjoyed the mostis that it correctly protrayed teen sex life with a bunch of different personality types. My opinion is that if teens want to have sex then it's their choice, hopefully they'll do it with thought and understanding of the consequences. Anyway great movie.

Peace to all the teens out there.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Hmmmm....
Review: I almost feel bad typing this...there is nothing new or original here. All of this has been done before. (ie Porky's, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, etc) I was actually rather bored by this film...I'm sorry...I guess pastry and internet sex shows don't do much for me. I wish someone would realise that people between the ages of of 13-20 (well, some of us, anyway) aren't really that amused by bodily fluids and flatulence. The performances were very good, very believable, with the exception of Shannon Elizabeth, but I seriously doubt that she was cast for her acting ability. For a more intelligent teen coming of age story, I recommend 'Get Real.'

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Welcome American Pie
Review: Ohh my God what type of movie is that how can be a movie like this.Would you belive when I firstly watch this film on cinema I stoped myself so hardly not to pee my short.It is the most entertainig film I have ever watched.What a brain I would like to celebrate the writer of this movie.It was so funny I remember that after the movie ended I ran to to buy tickets of the next hour to watch it again.I belive that everybody who watched this film are laughing when they saw a picture of this movie anywhere any time.Strictly Recomended.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Scary reflection of today's teens
Review: I find it pretty frightening that people actually think this movie has merit. I only gave 2 stars for some mildly funny scenes. What is it with people saying this had a moral ending? Yeah, the lacrosse guy seemed sensitive and all, but they all went ahead and had sex, didn't they? The film would have redeemed its explicitness it they hadn't. With kids having sex younger and younger these days, normalizing sex is not a good idea. While they may be physically ready, they are not emotionally ready. This movie totally takes for granted, that while teen sex is real today, it does not need to be made light of. Parents like Jim's father are helping make sure their kids do have sex by acting like their pals, not their parent. I am only in my twenties, but waited for the person that I eventually married. After witnessing my friends many broken relationships, I have seen that having sex early results in a "cheapening" of the intimacy that should accompany sex. Eventually they just end up sleeping with many people and never really have the close relationship they are looking for. Some of the reviewers praised this movie for being realistic. THAT is truly concerning. Someone actually said this had family values in it! And people wonder why we have all kinds of problems with teens today! Wise up people!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible
Review: I went with a group of friends to see this nuch hyped screenplay, and I can tell you that it was not worth it. I came out disappointed and puzzled that so many people (other college students included) thought this was a great piece.

The "I have to lose my virginity" line is taken to absurd levels that even made a liberal person such as myself shake her head in disgust.

Not even the inclusion of Alyson Hannigan (BTVS) could have convinced me this movie was as good as everybody said it was.I really think the script writters and the directors could have and should have done better. The infamous kitchen scene (from which the title comes from) was something that might have impressed junior high students, but I did not think it was good

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funny Teen Movie
Review: Not many people that are older than 30 or so will like this movie. American Pie is a movie made almost exclusively for the teen and younger twenties audience. The jokes mostly revolve around sex and sex related material (which has to be there considering the movie is about four guys wanting to lose their virginity), so if that bothers you I wouldn't buy this movie. The jokes in this movie work very nicely though, and are good for more than a few chuckles. The teens in this movie are actually pretty good actors, with Jason Biggs leading them with some fine comic work. I also really loved the dad in this movie, he was just hilarious with the ways he tried to relate to his son (Jason Biggs), some of the conversations between the dad and son were the funniest parts of this movie. If all the sex related material doesn't bother you, I'm sure you'll find this to be a very funny movie. Strongly recommend for teens.

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