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American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

American Pie (Ultimate Edition - Unrated)

List Price: $29.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Decent
Review: I was expecting this movie to be as funny as there's something about mary or the waterboy. This movie was overated but it sill is a decent comedy though, though not the best teen comedy (10things I hate about you is better) out there. However, it's still fun to have around to watch once in a while

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of the great high school movies
Review: American Pie comes off as a very funny comedy about kids forcing upon themselves a coming of age. It plays very well without going too far over the realm of the realistic.

Considering the inexperience of most of the cast (most were new to me), they all performed well in their roles. Shannon Elizabeth will most definately have a future in front of the camera as she played the droolworthy foreign exchange student.

Unfortunetly word of a sequel is out there. Leave it alone. Unless they start over with a new group, or pull a great story out of their butts, any sequel will be an injustice to the first. If they start over with a new group, it's more or less a remake of the original, and if they continue with the original cast, why bother? They already succeeded in playing out the idea of the movie. What would they do next that could be nearly as appealing?

American Pie is a worthy movie to add to your collection. If this movie is up your alley, try "10 Things I Hate About You". I tend to like "10 Things..." a little better. It has that certain endearing something.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny as hell!
Review: This movie is funny as hell. Dont miss this hilarious laugh riot.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Brilliant Comedy!
Review: The funniest movie of 1999! One of the best comedys ever created. Jason Biggs Shines

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Average at best
Review: OK let's see...4 high schoolers who try to get laid before they graduate. Haven't we been down this road way too many times before? Enough times to know the outcome before the opening credits even finish. Now that we know the plot, let's talk performances. This movie signaled the official typecasting of Jason Biggs as a loser who can't buy a date who ends up a winner in the end(His next movies, Boys and Girls and Loser are basically American Pie ripoffs with less sex with pastry). Mena Suvari, however, was able to put her average performance behind her after her brilliant acting in American Beauty. Simply put other than a few clever jokes and out-in left-field sight gags, American Pie was simply just another oversexed teen flick. You can only beat a dead horse for so long before it's no longer fun,


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best comedies of the year
Review: I was never really wanting to watch "American Pie" that bad, but while I was in Texas with my family, my aunt told me I had to see it. I watched it and she couldn't have been more right. There's no doubt that it's one of the funniest movies of the year, if not the decade.

It's about 4 teenage guys that decide they have to lose their virginity before they graduate high school. From that point on, the whole movie is hilarious. Some of the funniest parts are when one of them experiments with an apple pie and one of the other guys try to have sex with a girl while his room is broadcast live on every computer in the world.

If you haven't ever seen "American Pie," trust me, you've got to see it. I recommend for you to watch it, or buy it, so you can find out what happens while the friends try to score for the first time. If you like comedy movies, "American Pie" is definitely one of the movies you can't afford to miss.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great movie, great extras
Review: I hope you have seen the movie so I will just speak about the extra things on the dvd. There is a great commentary by the director and some of the actors, it makes the move even more hilarious! I also loved the blooper/outakes.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A new version of the teen movie concept
Review: I enjoyed the movie for what it is...a new version of the traditional teen movie concept. The neat part about it is that it's an updated measurement of what teens go through in this day and age... with the funny computer/webcam scene...and newer clothing and music. It's about teens wanting to get sex...a concept done over and over...and this probably is one of the more visually-appealing ones made.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: VERY Funny, but somwtimes over-expressive
Review: I thought American Pie was very funny, had just enough sex jokes, and had good actors, but eventually, it got tiring. Even though the jokes were funny, after a while they just kept coming in no order at all. After about 40 minutes, it seemed like the movie was trying NOT to entertain, but test the audience, and see how much raunchyness they can take. Although most of the movie was jokes, and not events or plot, the ending and actual events that weren't one big joke, were very entaining, and never dull. I recommend this movie to people who like raunchy jokes, and don't need a plot throughout the movie. In that way, it's sorta similar to Scary Movie, which is MUCH funnier.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The stupidest movie I've ever seen
Review: The plot? Let's get laid (while using Durex condoms and drinking Mountain Dew.) THAT'S IT. Hollywood says they arent responsible for the moral decline in society...yet they frequently put out films like this with underage drinking and sex. Im only in my early 20's, so its not that I'm an old you-know-what, but I really think this film puts alot of bad ideas and values into kids' heads. As far as the movie itself goes, the dialogue is entirely cliche and stupid. I know that all high school kids are not like the ones portrayed here, but Hollywood wants to make you think so. I would give this negative stars if I could.

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