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The Hot Chick

The Hot Chick

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thumbs Up Funny
Review: This Was Such A Funny Movie. Rob Schnieder Rules. The Transformation Aint Realistic But The Movies Pure Hilarious. Everyone Should Watch It.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Hot Chick...better than i thought it would be...
Review: alright it's not an oscar winning role it's not trying to be..this movie is stupid...but a very funny kind of stupid....I just got this dvd today and i must say i did enjoy this movie. it made me laugh. The out takes is also very hilarous..
if you want a intelligent thoughtful movie this movie isn't for you..but if you wanna watch a movie that will make you laugh out loud. this is absolutley the movie for you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Surprisingly Hilarious.
Review: I expected it to be something similar to the animal, which was absolutely horrifying. However this one was absolutely hilarious!! I just adored Rob in this film! Just..wonderful.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The better comedy movie of all the times
Review: Rob Schneider is the best comedy actor, I`ve see.
The movie is a very nice representation of what can happen if a man change of body with a woman, the true is The Hot Chick is the best comedy movie of the last 10 years, and anybody can say not, because There`s Something About Mary (I thinked this was the best comedy movie of all the times, but now, I don`t think it) won too much awards for be the most funny comedy movie, But now, I can say, The Hot Chick is the better movie of all the times.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Kinda weird but funny
Review: Although it had funny jokes, I think it was weird when Jessica (in the guy's body) had to go to the bathroom in the club-it was sort of gross. The dredlock dude that Adam Sandler played was funny but stupid and weird all at the same time. It's kind of confousing unless you've seen the movie. The pillow fight was really funny. It showed you how good Jessica's life was when they went to the mall.(She's the most popular girl in school, has the cutest boyfriend, is really pretty, is head of the school's cheerleading squad, ect.) Although this movie was weird, it was really funny. Although it could've been funnier, I liked it. See it if you're a Rob Shneider fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This film does a great job of tieing every end of switching places between a male and a female. Rob schneider does an excellent job making this film hilarious and everyone in the film does their part too. I recommend this if youre tired of seeing the same old thing on the big screen. Cameos by Adam sandler and a few others make this a riot!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sporadically funny but basically flawed comedy
Review: I have to admit that I off-and-on enjoyed this more than many a movie that deserves a higher rating. Adam Sandler is a comic genius when he succeeds. But let him be involved in a movie, and there's always a major risk of a certain kind of failure. And that is that one or more "hero(es)" will dig themselves so deep a hole of mean, jerky, or sadistic behavior that they have an impossible task of digging themselves out to rise to real believable heroism. Often it is Sandler's own characters who are bit by that bug, but not this time. He's involved in this movie as an executive producer, and, as acting goes, only in a cameo. His cameo character is just a doofus going along for the ride, no more or less. It's Rob Schneider who has the lead role here, and, while his acting has been criticized, I can only find it to be among this film's less problematical aspects. He starts off playing a small time robber named Clive, first seen robbing a service station. He's not a particularly brutal robber there. Later we'll see him trapped in a young woman's body (yes this is a body-switching flick, like a throwback to the late 1980s in THAT regard!), and finding motivation in that morph to become a more brutal robber. But in the opening scene, he doesn't go ballistic or brutalize the service station attendant on finding there's only 15 dollars or so to take from the cash register. On his getaway we see him treated more cruelly than he treated his victim. There he runs into a gang of four high school girls - snobby prom queen candidate types. They are stock characters of teen comedies. They play cruel pranks as often as they can on anyone less popular than themselves. They're the kind you would expect, in any ordinary good or bad teen comedy, to end up falling into a pile of manure or something like that, with everyonne else cheerily seeing them as deserving it. They mistake Clive for a service station attendant and expect him to check under the hood. Too bad any resemblance to 80s or earlier retro themes ends with body switching and full service gas stations. These girls are full-blown contemporary cruel high-school vixens. The driver and ring leader among them, Jessica, beeps the horn several times and the four all giggle with sadistic glee as it makes Clive bump his head hard against the hood. Turns out Jessica has just stolen an enchanted (unbeknownst to her) pair of ancient African earrings. She drops one of them on the pavement as the four make their getaway from Clive and his dazed aching head. He sees the earring and picks it up, thinking it something perhaps valuable to add to his meager loot from the robbery. There the terror begins. Turns out, as long as the two enchanted earrings are separated, they cause a body switch between the two possessors. So Clive and Jessica will be stuck in each other's bodies for a while. The movie gives surprisingly little attention to Clive in Jessica's body. Jessica in Clive's body, on the other hand, manages to convince her(?) three friends that she really is Jessica, despite looking like Rob Schneider. The four set out to reunite the earring pair and get everyone back in the flesh they belong in. Yes, I warned, you, this foursome will come out being heroic! I could buy into their heroism only to the extent that I could pretend their original cruelty was never part of the movie. Meanwhile, the seldom on-screen Clive in Jessica's body fares less well in convincing any friends to accept him as he is, yet he achieves no forgiveness through his ordeal; he'll still be seen as a villain in the end. Jessica, and especially her three friends not dragged through any awkward metamorphosis, have a relatively easy path of pennance for their past sins, but get forgiven and allowed to be heroic. Mean girls get to redeem themselves, but bad guys are bad forever. No wonder one review I saw interpreted this as a "chick flick". But it gets to be one dishonestly, letting the "chicks" off easy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most Bitingly Hilarious Screen Comedy in Years!
Review: Rob Schneider is this generation's greatest comedian. He combines the deft wit of physicality (a la Chaplin) with the sharp hilarious bitings of say the Marx Bros. The genius portense of this picture is that in ancient Sumerian times King Balthazar wanted to marry this spanish princess but she didn't want to and swap souls with another spanish lady so she could be a princess and the first lady could be the other lady. Now 20 years later a snooty little W.A.S.P. (the titular "Hot Chick" Rachel Lee Cook) buys the magic Soul Earings in a hippie store owned by Enyato(Star Jones in a nice cameo.) She drops them at a supermarket Rob Schneider (the star of the movie in my opinion)is robbing and he puts it ON! A guy wearing an earring?? FUNNY. Anyway they swap souls and Rob Schnieder is now a girl with a penis and SOOOO far from being a HOT CHICK. It really changes what the meaning of the title is. Plus that makes it funny. I could go on and on and reveal every gag (Rob Scheider pretends to be a gay man from peru who can't play basketball!) but then it just wouldn't be the same. Rent it, buy it, LUFF IT!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: cool movie
Review: this movie is my favorite movie. its very hilarious. when it comes out, im gonna buy it right away. And Rachel Mcadams is a very pretty girl.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Hot Chick
Review: This movie is so much fun and Rob Schneider is the perfect person to portray a teenage girl in a 30 year old man's body. I can't wait until this movie is out for sale...I'll be the first one in line to buy it. Definately worth the $6.50 I spent to see it! Bravo to the entire cast (especially Adam Sandler and his 'drum solos').

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