Rating:  Summary: "Step forward...into the cave..." Review: "With insomnia, nothing's real?" [What's that flash beside the copier???] [What's that flash beside the doctor?] [What's that flash in the first meeting of the testicular cancer support group?] "Everything's a copy of a copy of a copy." "Like so many others, I had become a slave." * * * * * * * * * There is much in this film to suggest that a deep reading of Plato's *Republic* -- especially the section dealing with the two different levels of reality and the myth of the Cave -- is an essential starting point for understanding the perspective of this film. "I want you to go on to picture the enlightenment -- or ignorance -- of our human condition somewhat as follows. Imagine an underground chamber like a cave, with an entrance open to the daylight, and running a long way underground. In that chamber are men who have been prisoners there -- since they were children, their legs and necks being so fastened that they can only look straight ahead of them and cannot turn their heads. Behind them and above them a fire is burning, and between the fire and the prisoners runs a road, in front of which a curtain-wall has been built, like the screen at puppet shows between the operators and their audience, above which they show their puppets." (Plato; trans. H.D.P. Lee) "We are shown the ascent of the mind from illusion to pure philosophy, and the difficulties which accompany its progress. And the philosopher, when he has achieved the supreme vision, is required to return to the cave and serve his fellows [by telling them about the Truth which he has seen...], his very unwillingness to do so being his chief qualification [for they do not want to listen... the knowledge of the Truth hurts their ears, disturbs their illusions...questions their living and their lives...]. As [Francis M.] Cornford pointed out [in his edition of *The Republic*], the best way to understand the simile [of the cave]is to replace 'the clumsier apparatus' of the cave by the cinema [the movie theater!!]. It is the moral and intellectual condition of the average man from which Plato starts; and though clearly the ordinary man knows the difference between substance and shadow in the physical world, the simile suggests that his moral and intellectual opinions often bear as little relation to the truth as the average film does to real life." -- H.D.P. Lee, *The Republic.* * * * * * * * * *
Rating:  Summary: Exellent Movie, a must see Review: This movie u must see to understand, sort of like memento if you have seen it. it plays with your head. some exellent cinematography, and this movie is very well acted by edward norton and brad pitt. edward norton tags along with brad pitt after starting a "fight club," an underground boxing club where guys come to take their aggression out on one another. very hard to describe the entire movie, just buy it and see it, its that good. trust me.
Rating:  Summary: I am one of Jacks favorite movies of all time. Review: Throw in some "view over-and-over" humor, some interesting ideas, good acting, nicely balanced cast, well put together dvd package (including some SWEET extras on disc 2), one of my favorite plot twists of all time [great, because you can watch over and over and say "Aaaahh, so thats how it REALLY happened."] This is a dandy little flick - although not a family film. I would not watch this with anyone under say... 13, or so. But this is a MUST see. great little twist.
Rating:  Summary: START TO FINISH PUNCH FILLED THRILLER Review: Fight Club is one of those rare movies you know that was not made at the right time to be a big hit at the box office. Society tells us we are not suppose to behave let alone enjoy the behavior of Brad Pitt or Edward Norton. The two start a underground fight club which turns into a bizare terrorist group aiming to blow up major credit card and credit reporting agencies. By meeting their mission everyone in sociey would then start all over at zero and we would all be equal - AGAIN! Who wouldn't suport and cheer for that? However, as the plot unfolds you are quick to notice Pitt is only a fantasy person of Norton's thought process. Bizare -yes. Different -thank goodness yes. Recommendation - you have to see this movie. If you ever wanted to be taken on a roller coaster ride of fantasy mixed in with maybe some hidden wishes this is your movie.
Rating:  Summary: Just a comedy about a depressed guy Review: First let me say that the opening few minutes of this movie blew me away - the opening credit sequence alone is almost reason enough to rent this movie. And David Fincher definitely creates some of the most striking visual images you'll see on film. (But, as he proved in Alien 3, visual style alone doesn't make a good movie). I especially liked when Norton was walking through the Ikea catalog that was his apartment. Norton, Bonham-Carter, and especially Pitt give powerful perfomances. However, I found that this film amounted to less than the sum of its parts. Get past all the violence, and the anti-consumer philosophy, and this movie is basically a satirical comedy about a depressed guy who's losing it. And it's not very funny or entertaining. None of the "philosophical" stuff in this movie is anything new, nor is it especially profound. The idea of a programmed, white-collar drone who walks half-asleep through life has been addressed hundreds of times before, all the way back to "Metropolis" (or hell, even "Joe vs. the Volcano"). The messages are clear and not really very thought-provoking: consumerism, advertising, and big business bad. The comforts of modern society prevent us from feeling truly alive. We become owned by the things we own. Man has been turned into a self-help parody of himself by all the so-called "men's movements" that only aim to make man a more feminine version of himself. Is any of this stuff really that deep or thought-provoking? Have any of us not thought about this stuff until "The Fight Club"? The bottom line is that this movie is trying to be more than it is - had it focused on being simply a dark comedy, maybe it would have worked. Instead, it tries so hard to be hip and subversive that it simply doesn't end up being very entertaining. Maybe this movie will appeal to angry young people who are fed up with "the system". But for most others, it will be a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best Movies Of All Time Review: I was always shocked when Fight Club was overlooked at the awards circuit because of its content. If people would look past the blood and acually pay attention to the detailed story they would realize that Fight Club is one of the best movies of all time. The Director, David Fincher should be praised for taking a very detailed and interesting book and changing it into a very interesting movie. The scenery is very detailed and the actors seem to have excellent chemstry with each other. This is one movie not to be missed.
Rating:  Summary: If you want to be amazed watch this. Review: From the reviews, I wasn't sure if this was the movie for me. But upon the request of my friends I finially decided to rent it. It is now one of my favorite movies. There is so much more to it than violance. It's about life and bordem, pain and fun. It's about insanity and soap. Oh, man. It's about everything. If you want to think for awhile, this movie is for you. Oh, yeah, and be prepared to watch it at least twice.
Rating:  Summary: I want you to hit me as hard as I can Review: FIGHT Club is a great great great great movie. It has fantastic characters, a well written story, a disturbing theme, fantastic ideas, dark humor, and a mind-blowing ending. Watching this movie a second time, with the knowledge of what the ending is will only make it better. Tyler Durden played by Pitt is one of the best characters I have ever seen in a movie. What is wrong with the Oscar people?
Rating:  Summary: DavidFincher.net, This is a great film Review: Go to DavidFincher.net for an interview with FIGHT CLUB author Chuck Palahniuk
Rating:  Summary: "I Am Jack's Sensational DVD Package!" Review: Misunderstood by many critics and despised by a good portion of the viewing public upon it's initial release, David Fincher's film of Chuck Palahniuk's novel "Fight Club," remains of one of the best films of the 90's and one of the hippest, most subersive movies in recent memory. Brilliantly acted and directed (Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham-Carter are masterful), "Fight Club" could be the ulmtimate male-fantasy movie. What man with any intelligence and creativity doesn't have an alter ego somewhere who's better looking, more intelligent and tougher than he? And, most importantly, irresistable to women... "Fight Club" take this concept to an extreme level and emerges as one of the funniest black comedies in decades. What remains amazing to me is the idea that someone (in this case,David Fincher) read the novel and actually said to themselves "hey this would make a great movie" This 2 disc DVD edition does "Fight Club" justice, containing commentaries by Pitt, Norton, Carter and Fincher, extended and deleted scenes, storyboards and a host of publicity material. "Fight Club," by any reasonable standards is a great film and hats off to Fox Home Video for giving its fans a DVD that's worthy of the material.