Rating:  Summary: How does it feel after Sept. 11 Review: I loved Fight Club the first time around. I was mesmerized by the visuals, the story, the mystery, the fine acting and the surprise at the end. Now I want to seeit again, becasue I think it says something about the destruction of society that may not be far from what the suicide bombers were thinking. This movie might just get inside that type of head a little bit and give us some understanding at least, if not solutions. See it, if you haven't. And if you have, see it again.
Rating:  Summary: Losing all hope is freedom Review: This is an amazing motion picture, based on Chuck Palahniuk's equally amazing book. Rarely can you find a movie that's simultaneously nihilistic, hilarious, inspiring, and bitingly satirical. Unfortunately, Fight Club has been grossly misunderstood by most mainstream critics. This comes as no surprise, seeing as many future classics have been initially despised or misinterpreted by critics and viewers alike. If any of the frat-jocks/WWF fans reading this review enjoy this movie solely because it contains "hardcore fight scenes", (...). Your kind will never understand this movie OR Chuck Palahniuk's genius.
Rating:  Summary: A 15 Year Olds Objections to Fight Club Review: Fight Club has all the right messages, but it delivers it in all the wrong ways. This movie is meant to be a social satire, supposed to make us think about our society. What we own owns us, not the other way around. Corporate America controls our lives. These are true messages, ones that I couldn't agree more with. The problem is, you can't degrade corporate America when you ARE corporate America. The great message in this film loses it's genuity when the movie is so hypocritical. 21st Century Fox produced this movie to make money, which is everything that this movie opposed. Open your eyes people. This movie is a fraud.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent DvD Review: The movie is excellent, supurb, a masterpiece. And the DvD is just as good. Starting from the fake warning when u pop it into ur player. To the loads of hidden eggs. The commentary is the best ive heard in awhile. If u want to know more about fight club listen to it. David Fincher tells u alot of the things that are unclear. Such as the Narrators name. he doesnt have one. the DvD mirrors the movie's pretence. It keeps u wondering. second guessing. ...this dvd will please everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Fight Club Review: This may have been one of the best movies ive ever seen in the aspects of what this movie is doing. I mean this movie is not in the same genre of greats such as the Godfather, Star Wars and things such as that. But in the movie genre that this film was set in, it was a very thought out movie. The plot was very good with a lot of detail and build up. The acting was phenomenal. Brad Pitt's character was a very conplex yet abnoxious and driving character, then with Edward Norton, his character was very tentative and oblivious to everything. Brad Pitt portrayed the exact opposite of what Edward Norton's character was. This movie is definitely not for the people who want just the general shoot em up and love stuff. This is a a thinker movie. I dont care who you are, if anybody says they knew the end was coming the first time they saw it, they are full of ....
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, great set Review: All those who are upset over the "fact" that this is basically Corporate America Hollywood Bigshots pretending to hate themselves need to settle down. Its a darn fine movie, and anyone who's tired of cliches (judging by disgruntled reviews of Pearl Harbor, EVERYBODY) should be grateful that these types of films have managed to get studio backing. I've never seen the actors, narrative, music and visuals blend together better than they do in Fight Club. So who's ready for Panic Room?
Rating:  Summary: Read the book, don't see this... Review: If you love the film, fine, I'm glad for you. I happen to have read the book and think the film A) doesn't understand the book's point and B) has a rebellious posture but never does anything remotely rebellious. I know this film has a lot of vociferious defenders, but, frankly, I could care less. This movie is one of the worst literary adaptations on the planet.Let's start with the actual book itself. What you have to understand is that the book, despite being only 200 pages, is extremely elaborate; everything, literally everything, any character says or does ties back to something else as you progress. So if you're adapting the story, you can't just drop parts of the novel and shove new things in. It won't work. Which is exactly what David Fincher and Jim Uhls do. Fincher and Uhls just didn't understand the book. While Fincher goes off on his usual "lookit me, I'm an auteur because I make everything grimy and dark" kick, Uhls, a first-time screenwriter, adapts things to Fincher's over-the-top, idiotic sensibility. What really bugs me was the COMPLETE rejection of Palahniuk's use of duality; he mocks both materialism and a rejection of materialism so complete you reject yourself in the novel. Here, Fincher endorses the latter as a good thing. Here's what REALLY gets me; Fincher obviously thinks he's pushing the envelope here, but not once, NOT ONCE, are we confronted with anything we haven't seen before. He never does more than poke at the surface of disgusting and/or bizarre and says "See, I'm a rebel!" He completely lacks the courage to include some of the more intense scenes in the book, instead replacing them with cheap laughs at easy targets. After all, God forbid we'd challenge the audience or maybe threaten their sensibilities any more than cosmetically. I could keep going. If you think this is a great film, I recommend you read the book and really think about it. If you still think it's a great film, well...I'm sorry you got so suckered.
Rating:  Summary: Fight Club - makes the grade Review: Not only because it is just my ind of movie. The entire production is top quality. From casting to cinemetography, to the soundtrack even. Excellent movie for anyone... ecspecially those who see beyond the corporate ways.
Rating:  Summary: You are not your job. Review: You are not what you own. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You ARE someone looking for something to buy, though.. and if there is anything worthwhile hidden in this god-forsaken wasteland called internet commerce that just MIGHT wake you from your delerious slumber, this movie could be it. The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club as if it had anything relevant to say about today's bubble economy and the growing fever for a return to the military-industrial boom times. The second rule of Fight Club is you do NOT TALK about anything that might upset the status quo. The third rule of Fight Club is you should watch this movie and honestly Think. Then watch it again. It will twist within you, ideas may writhe and cause you a measure of discomfort. The fourth rule of Fight Club is.. one idea at a time, people. Don't overwhelm yourselves. Fincher has done an amazing job with this film. Anyone who could watch the performaces of Pitt and Norton and Not feel a sense of amazement is clearly brain dead. The editing, sound, music, and script are also clearly superior. The fifth rule of Fight Club is... only 1000 words per review. Watch it. Learn it. Live it.
Rating:  Summary: A stunning movie with nearly infinite depth Review: The main Amazon review of "Fight Club" says it's about moral decay. Yeah, and I'm U Tant. Fight Club has nothing to do with societal problems or moral decay. Fight Club doesn't even have anything to do with fighting. Fight Club is about the interior landscape of the human soul and the struggle to become. But please, please, see Fight Club for yourself and you decide. I liked Fight Club when I saw it in the theater, but the main plot twist frankly took most of my attention. It wasn't until I started watching this DVD that I actually got Fight Club. I've now seen Fight Club more than 10 times, and I'm still picking up things I hadn't connected before. There is so much to this movie I can't begin to even talk about it. With each viewing it seems more impossible that any major studio would even touch this movie! Instead, let me say that this DVD edition is the DVD I measure all others against. It is superb. There are piles of extras, including multiple documentaries on the making of the movie. There are also different commentary tracks. The main commentary track, with Norton, Pitt, Carter, and Filcher, is the most interesting, and the one I'd suggest you listen to after watching the movie a few times. You may find as I did that it helps you pick up even more the next time you watch the movie with the commentary off. Also, Fight Club is a movie made for viewing on DVD. You can study certain scenes frame by frame. I'd tell you why you'd want to do this, but as you'll soon find out the first rule of Fight Club is that you do not talk about Fight Club. I honestly think people will be watching this movie in a thousand years, if there are still people left on this Earth. If you love movies, you must see Fight Club.