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Head of State (Full Screen Edition)

Head of State (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $14.99
Your Price: $13.49
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliantly funny!
Review: I've always loved Chris Rock, whether it is the comedian's stand-up work or his acting roles. His stand-up work has always been bright and entertaining, as it tackles social issues in a way that, while raunchy at times, is still smart and right-on. It's a credit to Rock that "Head of State" (his directorial debut), while technically poorly filmed and awkward at times, still managed to be amusing enough to carry my interest.

"Head of State" stars Rock as Mays Gilliam, a DC alderman responsible for one of the poorest areas of the city. When the frontrunners in the current presidential race are killed when their planes crash into each other, Mays is picked to run for office. They think he can't win, but the party thinks they'll look good for him trying. For a while, he goes along with the lines from his aides (Dylan Baker, Lynn Whitfield), but when his brother Mitch (Bernie Mac) enters the picture, he sets him straight. Soon enough, Mays is speaking his mind, running with the motto "That Ain't Right!" (his opposition is running with, "God Bless America, and no place else!"). When nobody will run with him, Mays takes Mitch.

There are funny bits here large and small, but they come through inconsistently. I liked the Jay-Z song playing on the radio throughout many scenes (complete with "and now back to the Jay-Z song, already in progress"). The movie's opening credits go through a list of politicians, before telling us that "...and none of these people are in the movie." Some of the film's various campaign ads are silly and amusing. The joke of how Mays turns his campaign into something resembling a rap tour (his bus reads "MG2K4") worked, too.

Oh, but the problems. As sharp and funny as the couple of speeches that Mays has about the problems of the country are, I don't think I ever heard the character come up with something inventive or inspired as to how to handle any of those problems (well, that's not entirely true - in the last speech of the film Mayes urges parents to "knock your kids out, it's good for them!"). For some reason, the film has been turned in with a PG-13. For anyone who's ever seen Rock's stand-up act, you'll know that the man needs to curse. It's just part of his timing. Taking out all but a couple of four-letter words makes the film lack edge and feel somewhat bland.

Bernie Mac is underused in the film, too. Although his bit of slapping nearly everyone he meets started to get tiresome, there's a stretch with him answering questions on political talk shows later in the film that's utterly hilarious. The romantic subplot with Tamala Jones is rather tacked on, and some of the other bits in the film (the government has trained a group of "super whores" to take care of the politician's needs, as to avoid sex scandals; he calls "security" every time his stalking ex-girlfriend (Robin Givens) appears) just don't work.

The look of the film is just about the most serious issue, though. While reportedly not cheap, the film still looks that way - under-lit, blandly filmed and edited with little rhythm (the movie sometimes seems less edited than "thrown together"), the movie has less of a visual style than most sitcoms do. Many of the film's crowd scenes (aside from one where people in suburbia run from their homes screaming) look obviously under-populated. The middle of the film, even at 95 minutes, starts to drag a bit.

Still, the movie presents itself with enough energy and enough awareness of what it is and what it isn't that it makes for decent viewing, even if those who are fans of the actor will be constantly reminded how the film could have been something considerably better. Those interested but not too sure, should check it out as a rental first.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Standup Political Comedy
Review: Chris Rock plays politically inept New York alderman Mays Gilliam, who cares about his constituents. After saving an older lady from being blown up during the demolition of her former home, he is hailed as a hero. Soon he is targeted as a potential presidential candidate who is intended to lose the election.

Initially Mays follows the recommendations of his campaign advisors, but he doesn't care for the style of the campaign and soon strikes out on his own, with predictable disastrous results. After talking with his brother Mitch (Bernie Mac) Mays returns to a more sincere style, eventually kicking the ... of the current Vice President, who is favored to win the next election, during a televised debate.

Some of the humor works really well, even the repetitive scenes, such as the appearance by Mays' former girlfriend throughout the movie. However, for the most part the plot is a vehicle for Chris to perform various standup routines, and it's obvious that they are standup routines because of how they are filmed. While I found myself laughing in several places, this isn't a film I can recommend, nor would I care to watch it again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Good Movie
Review: Iliked this movie, I thought it was pretty good, not too over the top, semi-sappy love story and good supporting cast. Out of all of the films Chris Rock made: (Post New Jack City), this one was his best.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Poorly constructed film
Review: This film was the "Hey lets make fun of white folks" movie of the year. It could have been a great political satire, and some elements of it work that way, but overall it just flops.

A lot of the humor is just plain dumb, especially the first hour or so. I do encourage you to sit through the whole thing, because it gets watchable in the last half hour. The idea of not actually mentioning parties but instead symbolizing each through a "black suit" or a "gray suit" is nice, but the film doesn't work with its potential. Instead it boils down to bad race jokes and repeated gags. Even Bernie Mac, who offers 70% of the movie's laughs, can't save this film.

It also boils down to another typical Chris Rock movie. He's trying to make it to the top, and he likes a girl, and of course he's the nicest guy in the galaxy so the girl immediately falls for him, and every thing ends honky dory happy sappy - even if the situations don't really call for it. For further reference, watch "Down to Earth."

Some one should have shouted "SECURITY!" when the writers brought this script to the producers.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Some Laughs, but Mostly Embarassing!!
Review: Down on his luck, a Washington D.C. alderman accepts a chance to run for President of the United States. Chris Rock's fantasy comedy certanly had me laughing at times. Bernie Mac, Tracy Morgan and Robin Givens were hilarious in their roles. But overall, the stereotypical urban humor was rather embarassing to watch. It could have been a much more funnier film if they stayed away from it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I'd vote for him!
Review: The movies copped a few up and down reveiws, but somthing else tells me theres a diffrent reason for there low reviews that I wont go into.

I thought the movie was ok. By now you youve read other reviews on it, so I wont waste time by recapping another one.

Chris Rock has done better, And knowing alot of Chris's earlier work when he speaks about politics, i thought it would be great of he put some of those things into this movie like he originaly did on a great stand up show when he was 21 called "Comedy's dirtiest dozen" check it out! Then he repeated some of what he said on that act, and added to it on "staurday night live" (check out best of Chris Rock) But over all, for a film directed, produced, and starring in, I think Chris has done a pretty good job. The movie isnt all laugh after laugh, it has its moments, yet it has its bad, but dont they all? A few things would have made me dislike the movie if what happened and was said at the end during a speech that made me feel like thats exactly what I was hoping he'd say, and was a releif it was finally said. But you'll have to watch it and find out for yourself if you feel the same way?

Bernie Mac is mostly the charactor I didnt enjoy too much in the film. I didnt understand why he kept hitting and slapping people? But I guess like he said "its just the sillyness of the movie"

It didnt turn out the way I thought it probably would at the end, I thought he would end up getting shot like you see him think about through the movie, and then Bernie Mac end's up presidend! But I wont spolit what happens for you, youll have to find out for yourself!

I think this movie is worth a rental at least, not sure i'd wanna own it and watch it over and over again, and sure, things could have been better. But it's not a bad movie overall. I wouldnt really wanna own it, but yet, i dont hate it.

The bonus features arnt anything to look at. Commentary is there if you wanna listen to it, theres deleted scenes which really arnt worth looking at, and the boring ol photo's... nothign spectaculer or worth glancing at really... the movie I give 3 stars to, and the bonus features i give about a 1 and a half to.

Bottem line: Rent it, or wait till its on the TV. Not really worth purchasing unless you've seen it and want it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not Bad But I've Seen Better
Review: I personally wasn't offended by most of Rock's jokes but overall the film wasn't that great though it had its moments (such as the debate near the end of the film). Still, I have to agree Chris Rock is funnier when he's doing stand up comedy. His films just don't seem as funny as his comedy routines. Plus, for those that view "adult" films, was it just me or was that former adult film star Monique sitting in the crowd during Rock's character's initial speech when he decided to go his own way and deviate from the script?

Overall, not bad but I'd find it at a reduced price or just rend it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: So unfunny
Review: Chris Rock, who is a noted racist, couldn't possibly less funny than he was in this film. This movie is utterly horrible and I have no idea how it ever got made. The jokes are bad and the racism exhibited by Rock in this film is disturbing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I must have been living under a ROCK
Review: I never knew till' now that this guy had his own show. If you look Chris Rock up in the dictionary it would say: A black man that believes other races own African Americans something. Look it's time to let bye gones be bye gones. His message is redundant and he's just not funny. I have a very close friend who is black, he hates Chris Rock and says many blacks feel the same. HEAD OF STATE is a great example of a bad movie. Rock shows us that he made it threw the 7th grade, maybe 8th. Go back to the ghetto Mr. Rock you are not needed.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This movie was just o.k....
Review: This movie had some pretty dumb comedy in it but that was to be expected. I'm not one for dumb humor but I usually don't mind Chris Rock so I decided to watch it. It really wasn't that bad. The ex-girlfriend showing up over & over was pretty dumb & the slapping & punching done throughout the movie was way too much. It was just pointless. If you like dumb comedy you may enjoy this movie as a rental but if you don't typically go for the dumb humor I'd say pass.

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