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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This film is actually quite good.
Review: Well I just finished the film and I must say it's better than I thought it would be. It wasn't as funny as I anticipated, but it's good for another reason. Bulworth is the politician we wish we could have representing us in real life. Warren Beatty puts out a very interesting message through his horrible rapping abilities. The message is of course that all politicians are full of BS. But don't we all wish we had a Senator who would openly admit that? Just watch the movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best movies I've seen
Review: I rented Bulworth and loved it. I had no desire to see this film when it was out in theatres, but I stumbled upon it and picked it up. Boy was I glad that I did! It was excellent in almost all aspects. It was funny, twisting, and it all delivered a message.

I've read many reviews here and on other sites where people were embarrassed by Beatty's rapping, but you failed to see the point. He was pretty much mocking himself and, seeing that he produced and directed this film, that shows a lot of guts.

I was, however, slightly dissappointed by the rather unoriginal ending. But everything else in the film more than makes up for it. Everyone should watch this movie! You won't be dissappointed!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: political satire at it's best
Review: Warren Baetty has a nice film here. It is truly very daring. Daring in that it takes the black cause, at first critisizes it, and then takes it on as its own. I kind of got the feeling that the govornment doesn't want me to see this film, which was fun. It continually points to the two faced system that promises one thing and turns the other way to save its own behind. Does it propose any solutions? No, not really. It breifly mentions socialism, but mostly just complains about the current system. But that's ok, because we can't vote for Bulworth anyway, and no politician is going to get his campaign ideas from a movie. It's just meant to have some fun, see the other side of the coin, and get you thinking. Halle Berry has a somewhat small part, which I'm sure is only meant to illustrate the allure of black culture. She represents it well.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most relevant film in years AND fun to watch !!
Review: With limited television reception, we watch alot of videos, and this is the very best I've seen in years !! Absolutly relevant to modern day politics and society and at the same time fast-paced and fun to watch ! Highest praise for Warren Beatty for having the courage to make this film ! You have GOT to see this ! Buy it, rent it or steal it, just GET IT !!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: very good social commentary!
Review: Warren dares to speak to unspoken truths about our society. He takes on a number of issues with a bluntness you don't see in today's movies. This movie is a refreshing change from same old disaster movies that you see Hollywood churning out month after month... Check it out! t least rent it...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Should be called an expose'!!!!
Review: Honestly, this is really what happens behind the scenes in Politics! There is so much truth in this movie its a wonder it was able to be produced and marketed. Well,done, well acted, well everything! It was depicted as funny, but this stuff happens everyday in the political arena and its serious. Great Movie.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Weird, funny, satirical - but also simplistic
Review: Good old Bullworth, wild and crazy senator, goes from conservative Democrat to liberal Democrat, in Robin-Williams-like style. It's a good satire on politicians (of all types) and American culture, and what is wrong with America - but not always easy for non-Americans, particularly those unfamiliar with black inner-city life, to understand. The surprise ending is not too big a surprise if you follow the movie closely. _Bullworth_, despite the far-out behavior of its main character, is pure mainstream politics. It excludes all but conservatives and liberals, and states that the only antidote for Big Business is Big Government. I guess Hollywood isn't wild and crazy enough to put out pro-libertarian movies like this one could have been.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Pick a direction for this movie, please.
Review: A movie that could have been much better. Warren needed to choose if he wanted it to be a comedy, drama, or what. More or less it ends up being a confusing mess, leaving you with mixed feelings about it. The cheezy drama is just that- way too cheezy!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny and Good
Review: I just have to wonder if some people just go around looking to be offended. There are a surprising number of reviewers here who seem to think that the movie insulted business, insulted black people, insulted old people, insulted religion, insulted their third cousin, etc. The message that I saw in this movie was that an overworked senator who had just lost all his money in the stock market might go nuts and decide it would be funny to start goofing around on television, seeing how many people he could offend. The public was entertained, and wanted to see more of it, and as a twist, the movie decided to make it so that they liked his attitude enough to vote for him. It is absurd to think that more than a small, equally crazy minority would vote for him, but the movie is meant to be a satire, and it satired well.

I don't see where you make the connection that because a crazy guy is spewing out a lot of insults that the movie makers agree with them. The fact that most people recognize this as a satire means that they accept its content as being ridiculously over exaggerated, and the fact that is has made people think marks it as a particularly effective one. Above average movie; not one to be missed.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Bulworth was a very, very funny movie that both works as a comedy/satire and a drama, which very few movies accomplish successfully. This is the best of Beatty's career, and it is both sad and funny. The message it sends is unique and very true in many respects, and deals with problems that affect everyone. Also, a really good ending, despite the fact I was a little sad when it happened. BUY IT, RENT IT, I DON'T CARE!! JUST SEE IT!

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