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The War of the Roses

The War of the Roses

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $11.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Well acted, nasty, overlong, sour
Review: The four terms in the heading sums up this film. Interestingly enough, in one of the special features--a deleted scenes montage--DeVito introduces the montage (as the director) and comments on how most comedies are about an hour and a half and this one was special; it's almost two hours.

Too long. The acting is excellent, no question. And there are some funny bits and some sarcasm that definitely works. But watching the twosome constantly throw stuff at each other, insult each other, destroy everything in sight, and otherwise abuse one another--over and over again--eventually gets pretty tiring.

DeVito's brief interludes, as he narrates the tale to an unsuspecting about-to-be-divorced silent guy, are welcome breathers from the endless barrage. The 80s materialism thing is done fairly well here--especially when Michael Douglas takes a leak on Kathleen Turner's gourmet fish recipe--but within a short time the point is made and there's nowhere to go but down. Or just to keep going.

And that's what happens. It keeps going and going and then like the (in)famous bunny, except with severe arthritis, it finally, gratefully, stops. You breathe a sigh of relief when it's over; then, possibly, you wish you hadn't started in the first place.

One of the big problems here is a total lack of warmth--even at the beginning when things are supposedly lovey-dovey. You don't feel that. There's attraction and lust and then, poof, lawyerdom and marriage and kids. That's it. And then the fighting starts.

For a smarter movie about 80s materialism and marital strife, see The New Age with Judy Davis and Peter Weller. It's not on DVD, but it's much sharper without being nasty.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: favorite 80's movie
Review: This has to be my favorite 80's movie. This movie is about a couple who fight like mad over a divorce and take eachother captive in the house. They fight to the death and mess up everything is their paths. Very funny, sad and scary. This movie makes you never want to marry.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wickedly Funny
Review: This has to be the funniest movie I have ever seen! Kathleen Turner's and Micheal Douglas's on-screen chemistry is incredible....for those who loved "Romancing the stone", and the "Jewel of the Nile" trust me when I say you have never seen these two's chemistry until you see the "The War of the Roses", even though "Romancing the Stone" is my favorite Romantic Comedy....This is my favorite Dark Comedy! It's a must for Douglas and Turner fans!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Savagely Funny Black Comedy
Review: This is a black as it gets, folks. But if you let yourself go along for the ride, you will find it to be gleefully vicious. The cast all look like they had an absolute blast here trying to one up each other - just like their characters do. Turner is brilliantly funny - right to the last drop. Douglas matches her blow-for-blow and Devito seems to be having the time of his life telling this cautionary tale to perspective divorcees. HIghly recommended for those who like something a little darker.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Dark Comedy ever, and one of the best PERIOD!
Review: This movie established a new meaning for the word(s) dark and comedy. Danny DeVito is a complete genious. He combined Kathleen turners amazing acting capabilities and added Michael Douglas' humourus yet sereal take on the role. Then he put it on the table, evascitated it and added darkness. This one is on my all time favorites. Danny DeVeto did a more than a superfluous job on this movie. Furthermore it is a good DVD. There is not a doubt in my mind, this movie is a classic!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: DeVito's best work !
Review: What a great movie this is ! DeVito is a truly underrated director whose every movie has been outstanding. His director's commentary is one of the best you'll ever get to hear. This is easily the best DVD I bought during 2001 and it's hard to figure out why it's not more of a bestseller.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the Best Dark Comedies of the 80's.
Review: When a young intelligent couple (Two-Time Oscar Winner:Micheal Douglas & Kathleen Turner), who did feel in love at first sight, then they got married and and then they have two children. While the husbadn is a successful lawyer and living in a large house that his wife found for him and thier children. But years later... when the wife knows that the marrige isn't working anymore-she wants a divorce and she wants the house. The husband refused to let her go and the house, he goes on a war with her, they become very protective of the house and also rising hell. But when both of them are taking a increasingly dark and dangerous path, it seems to be no redemption for this nasty twosome.

Directed by Danny DeVito (Throw Mamma from the Train, Death to Smoochy, Duplex) made a clever, somber comedy with an edge. Douglas & Turner are fabulous in this mean-spirited movie. Devito has a supporting role as Douglas's calculationg guidance lawyer. Cleverly written by Micheal Lesson (I.Q., What Planet are you From, The Tuxedo) from a novel based by Warren Alder (Random Hearts). This was one of the Biggest Hit of the Winter of 1989. This has excellent cinematography by Stephen H. Burum (The Untouchables, Casualties of War, Raising Cain). This film does Over the Top and at times, Too-Much even for a Black Comedy but it's DeVito grand (odd) style from the camera Point of View is one of the film best asset, this unique film is a matter of personal taste, it's a well done film. Grade:A.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good DVD of an under-appreciated film
Review: While critics (and audiences) were somewhat lukewarm in their response to this film when it was first released, I enjoyed it. Although it's a "black comedy", it never veers too far into total comedy or total darkness. DeVito's narration helps to hold the film together and keeps it from degenerating into a series of mind-numbing retaliations. The film is visually appealing, with interesting camera angles and a solid sense of composition that is often lacking in comedies. The movie has held up well and does not appear as dated as many films from the same time.

Douglas plays his role of a rather self-important and arrogant know-it-all quite well, and Turner is equally convincing as she exhibits growing distaste for him.

The DVD has a very good video transfer. The sound is surprisingly good for a 2-channel source, with reasonably good directionality in the front speakers.

There's a montage of deleted scenes that are arranged in chronological order so that it's easy for the viewer to mentally insert them in their proper place in the film. Unlike some deleted scenes, these have the same video and audio quality as the film itself.

Overall, this is a nicely done DVD of an under-appreciated film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good DVD of an under-appreciated film
Review: While critics (and audiences) were somewhat lukewarm in their response to this film when it was first released, I enjoyed it. Although it's a "black comedy", it never veers too far into total comedy or total darkness. DeVito's narration helps to hold the film together and keeps it from degenerating into a series of mind-numbing retaliations. The film is visually appealing, with interesting camera angles and a solid sense of composition that is often lacking in comedies. The movie has held up well and does not appear as dated as many films from the same time.

Douglas plays his role of a rather self-important and arrogant know-it-all quite well, and Turner is equally convincing as she exhibits growing distaste for him.

The DVD has a very good video transfer. The sound is surprisingly good for a 2-channel source, with reasonably good directionality in the front speakers.

There's a montage of deleted scenes that are arranged in chronological order so that it's easy for the viewer to mentally insert them in their proper place in the film. Unlike some deleted scenes, these have the same video and audio quality as the film itself.

Overall, this is a nicely done DVD of an under-appreciated film.

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