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Trading Places

Trading Places

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: forget the darwinsm pseudo-physcolanalysis.....
Review: If you want, you can start considering the sociological implications and issues reated to the Darwinism concept (like some of the other reviews here. Theres nothing wrong with that.....), but its a lot better if you just take the film at face value - an amazing plot, excellent acting and funny jokes. This, even to date is the best movie I have ever seen. There are jokes in there for all levels, and everybody will enjoy this one. Traditionally one shown at Christmas and new year, it's bound to be on TV, but they ALWAYS edit out scenes and language - and its the original use of language, and its impact today, that makes this film. TV versions are watered down and lack the original direction and punch that the director had originally intended. (Vote for the DVD release while your here also).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: my favorate movie of all time
Review: i can't remember the first time watching this and don't know why i like it the best out of all my other movies. it is just a great movie. it stars eddie murphy, dan aykroyd, ralph bellamy, and don ameche with jamie lee curtis. aykroyd is a wealthy business man who works for ralph and don. eddie is poor as hell and lives in the getto. eddie and dan and bump into each other and dan thinks eddie is trying to steel his suitcase but he isn't though. so eddie runs into the building with police chasing him and gets arrested. so when ralph and don see eddie they make a bet whether eddie can run the business just as good as dan. when eddie and dan find out what happened they arrange for a rich and ritious payback. rated r for language and nutity.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Definitely one of the best
Review: I have difficulty imagining anyone who has lived through 1980s America having avoided being exposed to a number of movies. High on the list is Trading Places, and with good cause. A superb comic cast and (for the most part) original and mature jokes and gags make it among the most popular comedies ever made. The story itself is a classic - a "scientific experiment" pitting heredity vs. environment in which a wealthy executive and a petty criminal are made to live each others' lives. Sort of a comedic modern-day The Prince and The Pauper that pokes some much-deserved fun at the upper-upper class, racial stereotypes and the money-driven white collar mindset that characterized the 80s. The writing is very clever and the performances are flawless. If you're among the select few who have never seen this movie, I guarantee that once you do you'll wonder why.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Eddie Murphy At His Best!
Review: This movie is loaded with funny line after amusing sight gag coupled with a pretty good story. Eddie Murphy's humor is relatively clean and his character portrayal of Billy Valentine really utilizes his full comedic repetoire. Is very interesting how the story develops and how in the end Dan Akroyd and Murphy team up to teach the Duke Brothers a lesson in treating people with respect. Jaimee Lee Curtis, Don Ameche, Ralph Belamy, and the actor who plays Beaks all are entertaining. Certainly worth a rental if not a purchase.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The greatest comedy ever written
Review: Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd team up in this wonderful comedy of two people at opposite ends of the socio-economic ladder switch places as a result of a bet wagered between the "Duke" brothers, two securities brokers who have amassed a huge empire. Lewis Winthorp (Dan Akroyd) is a Harvard graduate who has an "upper crust" demeneor and an intolerence of others not of his stature. He is the manager of the Duke empire with a promising career, but when the bet is levied and Lewis's career is subsequently distroyed by the Duke brothers, William Velentine (Eddie Murphy) is inserted into his role and the fun truly begins. Lewis Winthorp, incensed by these turn of events, is hell-bent to get his job back and crush Valentine simultaneously.

This movie ranks as one of the greatest comedy ever written and is a personal top ten movie of all time. Trading Places is brillantly written and directed by Harold Ramis and John Landis respectively, and the plot is both absurd and hysterical, to the point of believeable. This movie is certainly a must-have for fans of Akroyd and Murphy as their roles in this film are regarded by many to be their finest. I cannot rate this move more highly. Buy it, you'll love it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy, & Jamie Lee Curtis at best!!!
Review: This is a great movie!!!! Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd couldn't be funnier! And there is a great part with Jamie Curtis (you know what I mean)! Dan Aykroyd plays a rich stock holder under a large corporation, Eddie Murphy is a homeless man, and Jamie Lee Curtis plays a hooker. This is not a kids movie, but is hilarious and has a great story! Rent this!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: And she stepped on the ball .........

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Looking good louis. Feeling good todd.
Review: The rich snobs are great in this film. One of my favorites, and I really like how mean Beaks is.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best comedies ever
Review: Eddie Murphy was at his best, this movie coming between 48 hours and Beverly Hills Cop. Dan Aykroyd also turns in a great comedic performance, especially considering that this was made in the aftermath of John Belushi's death (look for the cameo from brother Jim). In my opinion, it is very realistic in that it shows how useless and replaceable most corporate executives are. There are some holes in the plot, but if you can overlook these then I can't think of a funnier movie out there, right up there with Animal House and Caddyshack. This is one of those movies that I never get tired of, and I can't wait for the DVD. "YEAH!!!"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Movie I Have Seen In Many Moons.
Review: I think that everybody should see this movie. It has many funny parts and I believe that you would enjoy it immensely. Maybe I am going to far to say that you should buy several copies so you have backups incase your VCR eats the tape. Do you know what this movie is worth? Well, "In Philladelphia, it's worth fifty bucks." And to me, it is priceless.

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