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A Mighty Wind

A Mighty Wind

List Price: $19.97
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: As always with this group of actors, well worth the purchase
Review: If I had to, I'd say this is the third best out of the "four Spinal Tap movies", after Spinal Tap and Best in Show - but that certainly doesn't mean this movie (or Waiting For Guffman) is bad at all. It's just that Best in Show and especially Spinal Tap were that good. The cast is practically identical to the Guffman and Best in Show casts, which is a good thing. I will say that A Mighty Wind has the best "serious plot" of any of the above mentioned movies, which builds to a peak near the end of the final concert. You'll be surprised at the impact of it.

Music-wise (and this is a movie about folk musicians, so there's plenty of it), it's just as good as Spinal Tap, although some people will probably lean towards one or the other due to personal music preference (I enjoyed the heck out of both soundtracks though).

Only reason for no five stars is Eugene Levy's good but somewhat out of place character. There's nothing WRONG with it per se, but it just seems like an awkward character for a McKean/Shearer/Guest movie. Pick this one up ASAP.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funnier With Each Viewing
Review: I've seen this movie six times now and think it's the best Christopher Guest has done except for Spinal Tap. There's so much that's good here it's hard to know where to begin. The film's heart belongs to Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara (and if you admire these two actors that makes this film a must see--for their vocal performances alone). But after repeated viewings I think the best--and strangest--performances were given by Jane Lynch and John Michael Higgins (who both outdo their excellent work in "Best in Show", I can only hope there's a film in the future which better shows their awesome talents). Lastly, BUY THE SOUNDTRACK! For reasons I don't understand this film didn't showcase the songs the way Spinal Tap did. If you see this film, listen to the soundtrack, and see it again, you'll understand how great is the whole package.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The extras on the DVD are great!
Review: This movie is great. Good characters and funny situations. I have my copy of the DVD already and the extras are worth the money! You get to see the whole songs from the PBN broadcast (although I wish they could have spliced them together to look like the actual broadcast - they were separate takes from several of each song). Of course, the out-takes were good enough to include in the movie if not limited to the time given. They even have scenes from 60's shows that the groups appeared on. You have to watch this at least twice - once with the commentary on.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: hey wha happened in the movie i was to busy laughing
Review: This movie is short and sweet and it cuts right to the point to make me laugh is a very hard thing but this movie succedid all the way . i laughed so hard that i almost chocked on my pop-corn!Guest and company have done it again
below is a ranking of movies that he was in
1 little shop of horrors
2 pincess bride
3 best in show
4 waiting for guffman @ a mighty wind tied

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Amusing, but not brutal enough
Review: Where Spinal Tap took a comedic chainsaw to the excesses of metal music, A Mighty Wind uses a feather duster. In short, the humor isn't nearly brutal enough. Having been around the folk music scene, I could put together a funnier and much more surreal film from documentary footage.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Maybe Not as Good as His Others, but Still Hilarious
Review: The only reason that this movie could not be given 5 stars by some people, is either a.) They don't appreciate Guest's style or b.) they don't think it's as good as his other movies. But, the fact of the matter is, when comparing this movie to others, it is hilarious, has wonderful music, and is a joy to watch. While maybe not being as good as Guest's other movies (which I disagree with, I think this is better than Best in Show, and about the same as Spinal Tap... nothing can top Guffman) it is one of the best movies you will see this year, if not ever. I recommend this to anyone who loves the mocumentary style, and to those who have never seen a guest movie alike. This is a great movie

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Mighty Wind--funniest mocumentary since Spinal Tap
Review: I read a lot of reviews that say "A Mighty Wind" was funnier than or wasn't as funny as "Waiting for Guffman" or "Best in Show," etc. I have a theory about that: these Christopher Guest & co. mocumentaries succeed or fail in a person's eyes to the degree that they have a connection with or knowledge of that which is being parodied. For example, I'm a musician, and I love Spinal Tap and Mighty Wind. Think they're hilarious. I don't know or care much about dog shows, and I thought Best of Show was the weakest. That being said, if you like music, or have any knowledge of folk music, you'll find this movie hilarious but at the same time a bit more poignant than usually expected from these parodies. Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara's characters provide the emotion; everyone else backs up the comedy, my personal favorite being Mr. Guest and the Folksmen, with Mr. Guest's sheep bleating baritone. See this movie!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: a great laugh!
Review: This movie was really funny to me, but it might not be quite as funny if you haven't seen other movies by this director. It is all improvised and done in the style of a documentary. All the characters are folk singers who were popular in the 60's, returning for a reunion concert. If you liked movies like "This is Spinal Tap" or "Best in Show", you'll love this one. The humor is very quick and dry, and definately not to be taken seriously. If you want a good chuckle without having to follow a deep story plot, it's a great movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Mighty Wind.... A Mightier DVD!
Review: Christopher Guest, Harry Shearer and Michael McKean came down to Sydney, Australia for a special screening of 'A Mighty Wind' with a Q&A session afterwards. I was lucky enough to attend and was even luckier to hear the plans they had for the DVD.

First off, if you're not familiar with Christopher Guest's movies you simply have to know one thing, they are all Improvised. No script just acting on the spot. All Guest's movies (Best In Show, Waiting for Guffman) are in the style of a documentary (Mockumentary) where the storyline is plotted out before hand and the scene is just given an outcome which the actors then have to Impro. This makes the movie fresh and funny plus its what differentiates itself from other films, giving it a unique element.

The movie itself centres around when folk icon Irving Steinbloom passed away, he left behind a legacy of music and a family of performers he had shepherded to folk stardom. To celebrate a life spent submerged in folk, Irving's loving son Jonathan (BOB BALABAN) has decided to put together a memorial concert featuring some of Steinbloom's best-loved musicians.

There's Mitch & Mickey (EUGENE LEVY and CATHERINE O'HARA), who were the epitome of young love until their partnership was torn apart by heartbreak; classic troubadours The Folksmen (CHRISTOPHER GUEST, MICHAEL McKEAN and HARRY SHEARER), whose records were endlessly entertaining for anyone able to punch a hole in their center to play them; and The New Main Street Singers (featuring JOHN MICHAEL HIGGINS, JANE LYNCH and PARKER POSEY), the most meticulously color-coordinated "neuftet" ever to hit an amusement park near you.

Now, for one night only in New York City's Town Hall, these three groups will reunite and gather together to celebrate the music that almost made them famous.

Christopher Guest stated that the DVD was set to release in 6 months, making it around Christmas time or early January (Depending if Warner Bros decides to push it forward or hold it back).

The DVD is set to have feature commentary by both Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy (Writers). Also the whole 'Ode to Irving' show at New York City's Town Hall will be played in its entirety for all those fans of Folk Music out there. There will also be around an hour of Deleted Scenes (Additional Commentary), Trailer and Production Notes.

This DVD is definitely worth the buy. It may not be packed with Special features but the film itself is whats worth the money. If you loved Reiner's spin on Rock music with Spinal Tap wait till you see (if you haven't) Guest's take on Folk Music. With over 80 hours of footage shot and around 8 months to edit it, it really shows how passionate Guest is about his films and what he feels is the Creme da la Crème to make into a 5 star movie.

A must see movie. A must buy DVD.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Laughs Are Blowin' in this Mighty Wind
Review: Perhaps it was because I survived the "Great Folk Scare" of the '60's that I find this to be the best of the Guest/Levy films to date. I like Guffman, love Best In Show, and ADORE Mighty Wind. I handle the marketing for several live concert series in my hometown, and I have actually worked with the kinds of people portrayed in the film - I can recognize 'em! I assure you, this hits very close to the mark. And the music is fabulous. You could easily mistake it for the real thing if you don't listen closely to the words. Especially impressive when you consider that the actors themselves are singing and playing the instruments.

Eugene Levy turns in his finest and quirkiest performance to date. It's refreshing to see him extend beyond the types of characters he's been playing, entertaining though they may be. The duo of Mitch and Mickey (Levy and O'Hare)were the "darlings" of this fanciful folk scene, and they are my personal favorites. The characters are funny, and also quite touching. I found my "aaahhh" reflex kicking in on several occasions. As singers they sound great together. I found myself wishing they would actually record the fake albums refered to in the movie.

The New Main Street Singers drove me up a wall with their sugar-coated lyrics and group harmonizing - which was exactly the effect they were supposed to have. And the Folksmen are flat out funny - honestly!

I saw the movie twice so far, only because it was in the theater just one week. But I will buy every version of the DVD that the savvy marketers issue - the theatrical release, the director's cut, the unrated version, the special gold-plated six month anniversary release with free cd and Mitch and Mickey bookends....well, you get the idea.

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