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To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

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Rating: 5 stars
Review: I love this movie. It is a classic,or should be. I tell me friends and family about this movie and hardly anyone has heard of it. That is a shame. The acting is brilliant. It teaches us that no matter what we look like on the outside we are all the same on the inside--human beeings.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pluperfect males as drag queens - stunning!
Review: This is far and away among the funniest movies I've seen and this (Conservative) old lady has seen plenty. Here are three of the most macho men in Hollywood as drag queens. Whomever did the casting deserves the Mauve Heart and the stars themselves couldn't have shone brighter had they spray-painted their bodies with glitter-paint. This is a classic comedy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brain Author: " food to tickle your brain silly"
Review: Fabulously funny, and completely accurate in its depiction of variations in male gender role...Snipes summarizes the science of gender bending in a single short monologue early in the movie. It is hilarious and completely accurate in its depiction of transvestitism. Using it as a study for a future book project...may I recommend current book,"The Care and Feeding of Your Brain"...and Julie, you are the perfect icon for their worship...whacky and beautiful!!!...All the best, Kenneth Giuffre MD, author "The Care and Feeding of Your Brain" Career Press, 1999.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Insperation!
Review: This Movie is a wonderful portrayl of how a new idea, can influence a whole town. Snydersville will come to life, before your eyes, with the help of Vida, Noxema, and Chi-Chi. The moral of the story is a moral I now use in life "Just Be Yourself!" It is destined to become a classic of the modern queen time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So exciting I could just spit!
Review: Okay, hello, this movie is just what the doctor ordered for anyone in need of serious funny bone medical attention. It's full of sassy comical one-liners that will have you rollin' not only in, but up, down, and around the aisles. To serve as the icing on this cinematic wondercake are the appearances of Robin Williams and the "statuesque" RuPaul. The real stars are the three queens who teach us about the all-imporant steps to becoming a true queen, the rules of love, racial slurs, hilarious one-liners and of course impecable fashion. Guaranteed to not result in renter's-remorse. Seven snaps honeys!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Supercallafragalisticexpialadoseous!
Review: Wesley Snipes really makes this movie what it is, and what is it you say? Funnier than hell! You just don't get to see action stars all done up like drag queens every day of the week, you know! With that in mind, pick this up 'cause it's more than a riot, it's a RARE riot.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: If you want comedy, here it is!
Review: The true test of comedy is that it has to be funny. This movie really is. It will tickle the funny bone. This was a really good role for Wesley Snipes who played what had to be the ugliest drag queen I've seen. Even the man who played opposite Robin Williams in Birdcage looked like a better woman. He played with a flamboyance that drag queens really have. Swayze was perfect because, up to this point he's played the ultimate male. He looked pretty good as a woman. He basically played his role like Hoffman did with Tootsie, playing a better friend than either a man or woman could be. And the Latino/a? Very spicy, ala Rosie Perez! He/she popped off some good line. I think the romance side bar pushed it a little bit but his catfights with Swayze? Meow, Meow!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bullseye dialog makes this a must see.
Review: The amazing ChiChi takes us on a rollercoaster ride from the ghetto to the heartland in spandex and heels, raising eyebrows and capturing the innocent. ChiChi's mentors provide guidance with spur-of-the-moment "rules for behavior", protect the innocent, and win our hearts in this light-hearted paean to the good in all of us, the straight, the gay, and the beautiful.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Is the Greatest Movie Ever Made
Review: This is one of the best Movies I have ever seen. How can you get a better story than 3 drag queens driving across america. This can also be a really touching one with the Story of Carrolanne in Snidersville. Some of the scenes with Virgil beating her up really are sad and you really feel for this movie. I'f you've never seen it, you must!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Prepare to Laugh Your Socks Off:)
Review: I've seen this movie several times, not only in the theatre when it was out, but on video as well. This movie gets funnier every time that I see it, because there's a lot of talent in this movie, like Patrick Swayze, Robin Williams and Denzel Washington. If anybody hasn't seen this movie and wants to, it's a good movie to watch with some good friends, and be ready to laugh really hard at the mistakes that Chi-Chi makes as he tries to be more like his two mentors.

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