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Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn

Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: EVIL DEAD 2, A cult classic
Review: The crossing of the horror, comedy genres give this movie a spoof like quality. A wacky look at demonic possesion, self mutilation and the ultimate good verses evil story make this film highly enjoyable and will be watched over and over again. Sam Raimis melodramtic macabre images mixed with a comedic twist make this movie totatly hillarious. Bizarre enough to become a cult classic yet entertaining for anyone with a sense of humor.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another great Entry in the greatest Horror trilogy ever!
Review: This successful sequel is a semi-sequel/Remake to the masterful
1982 chiller. It deals with Ash ( Bruce Campbell) who survived the horrifying night that he dealed with, and 7 years later, he comes back to the Cabin and is threatened by Demons again. It's
got plenty of Humor and Splatter to keep you amused including some visual Gags that would outstand you.

Other similar movies i would recommend: Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, From Dusk till Dawn, Dead Alive, Re-Animator, Day of the Dead, Making Contact, Poltergeist and Bad Taste.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This is hilarious!
Review: Unitenntionally hilarity? Well, this is the best. It's so bad, it's good. Bruce Campbell, perhaps the only thing he says in this film is "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" You'll love it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: stupidity as an art form
Review: This has to be the most idiotic movie I have ever seen. We expected a "Dawn of the Dead" type zombie flick, but got this sophomoric drivel instead. For this we are grateful, as we still haven't stopped laughing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Horror films are scary all of the time!
Review: Let me just say that Bruce Campbell is a pretty darn good actor for a B rated movie. He takes his work seriously. This movie is darn fun! The situations are hilarious! Laughing animals, a hand that takes over and other wierd and off-the-wall situations make this film funny and fun to watch. It's stupid fun, but that is the best fun, right? The gore is still there, but most of it is pretty mediocre. If you are looking for a horror film to laugh at and want a good time, I recommend this one!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: another great comedy
Review: This is the second installment into the Evil Dead trilogy. This is not a sequel but really a slapstick Three Stooges inspired remake of the first film. The first film was a grainy horror movie with unintentional humor. This film is the most hillarious piece of work i've seen in forever. I saw this movie for the first time when it was released when I was 8 years old and couldnt stop laughing at it's cornball cheescore humor. The "plot" returns Ash to the cabin with his girlfriend , plays the tape that invokes the spirits , his girlfriend becomes a monster , he hacks her head off only to find her naked corpse dancing the ballet.The first half of the film is nothing more than Ash taking a severe beating from his severed possessed hand and going on the brink of insanity. Then a couple related to the people who occupied the cabin before show up only to find out they became demons. Then a hick couple tags along. Yeah thats basically the plot right there. The rest of the movie is each person becoming possessed or eaten by a demon. We get gallons of blood , eye ball eating , walking severed hands , green gore , cheesy animated demons , giant trees , and of course Ash ."groovy"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Evil Dead 2 all the way!
Review: I do not like gore. But in this movie, you sort of forget the gore (and it has a lot of it, ketchup blood included) and have a good time, and get totally freaked out. And the acting---better than you'd think. Camerawork---proffesional quality. Defienety one of the greatest films ever.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This fine Part Remake/Part Sequel of the Original.
Review: This film has the same Actor, Director and Producer. The plot is almost the same with the Original but this time with More dark humor and More action. The Plot:An couple has decide to stay in the cabin for the weekend, when one of them decide to play an recorder tape has the power to awakening the Dead. Since the Evil is there to haunt them. Ash (Bruce Campbell) has to fight them to survive from the Evil.

DVD`s has an fine anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer (Also included Pan & Scan version) An good digitally remastered Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound (Also in Dolby Surround 2.0 Sound). The best extra is the running commmentary track by Director:Sam Raimi, Actor:Bruce Campbell, Screenwriter:Scott Speigel and Make-Up Artist:Greg Nicotero. 30 mintues of behind the scenes footage. Digitally Remastered in THX Picture Quality & Sound. Grade:A-.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Have little Ash after Dinner, stomach willing
Review: As Ash proves yet again that he hasn't any qualm's about buzzing his inhabited friends down to size, he proves this time that you can nearly re-tell a story and not loose a thing. Actually in 2, Ash pulls from his past encounter's to show off his new sarcasm. If you didn't like the straight forward horror of the first, then this is for you. I have watched this movie many times in the past two years, and laugh every time! When Ash has taken out the enemy, and you think the battle is over, he turns on himself...more specifically his hand. In an effort to save himself from the spreading incantation, he whacks off his arm in a humorous and bloody fashion. This movie is my favorite of all ultra-violent comedies, and not for the faint of heart, but if you pulled the first one out of your player because your stomach couldn't take it (as my friends have made me do the last three times)(I forgave them, Evil Dead has been rightly dubbed NC-17, when I was expecting X) then maybe you will like this one. Ash is cool and bad to the goo, I mean bone.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SImply Awesome
Review: This movie's just plain hysterical (and somewhat frightening at times). Sit back, enjoy it, and don't pay attention to the blatant inconsistencies and mistakes; the lighthearted and carefree attitude that it was made with is the same attitude you must have to enjoy it.
The DVD's great, this movie has never looked and sounded so good; and the commentary's almost as funny as the movie itself.
See it, enjoy it, laugh your head off.


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