Rating:  Summary: Don't miss it, Review: Funny, funny and very funny. Diaz is not only funny but plays this ultimate dream girl. You want to see it over and over to relax and lough.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE ! FUNNY AS HELL! Review: People who don't give this movie 5 Stars, have a limited taste in movies. It was awesome. The humor may not interest some people who yet live in the 70's.
Rating:  Summary: physical reaction Review: Anyone who does not find this movie absolutely hilarious is obviously taking themselves too seriously. To try and intellectualize good decent physical comedy is like trying to write a term paper on the dramatic content of Sesame Street. There's just really no point. Not every film has to be A Room With A View. If we could all just tap into our pure emotions and reactions once in a while without trying to analyze them the world would be full of a lot less uppity people. I found this to be one of the funniest and most unforgettable movies that I've ever seen. And yes I did pay money to see it more than once in the theaters. And even though it was filled with what is being referred to as sophmoric comedy, I thought it was extremely sweet also, but you'd need a heart to see that. The funniest scene has to be the one with Harland Williams as the hitchhiker. He is definitely one of the more underated actors around today. I thought he was so good in this that I went out and rented Rocketman. I laughed my glutious maximus off at that one too, but I guess that since it's a kid's movie I must have the brain capacity of a second grader. Just goes to show you the state of our schools today, that a person with the same mental capability of a seven year old can manage to make it through a university with a 3.25 GPA.
Rating:  Summary: Slightly dissapointing, but a solidly good release. Review: Caveat Emptor: Never before seen footage and outtakes are one and the same on the DVD release, which is dissapointing considering the restored footage that was added to the Kingpin DVD. The brothers Farrelly note in their audio commentary for Kingpin that both films were much longer in their original cut (no surprise), but if you're going to try to make a complete version for the fans, why not go the whole hog? The never before seen footage on this disc consists of roughly five minutes of rapidly edited outtakes rather than complete scenes, which flash by far too quickly to make you consider this as a "special edition" of the film. However, the transfer quality is great, both picture and sound; unfortunately it's not a 16x9 anamorphic (When are Fox gonna make the Alien Legacy quality standard and earn the respect of every DVD owner out there), in order to really show off just how talented Mark Irwin is and how you can make a comedy and care about lighting at the same time. And the commentary track by the brothers is great, much sharper and interesting than Kingpin's. Watching this movie at home without a howling audience contorted in disbelief the movie becomes slightly different, pushed to the foreground is how the brothers have brought character and acting back to comedies, which makes this an endurable classic. Expect their formula to be ripped off left, right, and center (American Pie, anyone?) but know that they're the masters of getting you to care for some wonderful characters, which all their imitators are going to miss out on. Great movie, good DVD, buy it of course if you like the movie; but don't expect a longer cut, as I did.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing, funny but no master piece Review: It is not that I do not like new movies, I do, but they are a little cheap, a little bland. This movie is probably as good as they get today, but most of the comedy is based on some kind of vulgarity, which does not bother me in the least. Let's put it this way it was good, I laughed very hard, but when I think of it, I would not say that it will make it into the world of classics.
Rating:  Summary: Silly sophmoric humor Review: Well, I'm going to go against the grain of the rave reviews this film received....I guess I'm the "one" in "there's one in every crowd." I don't get it.....many, many movies are very funny. Their scripts are drafted with well-written humor. This movie is directly from the mind of a junior high school simpleton. Raunchy humor that isn't really funny, just an in-your-face shock treatment humor, in fact some scenes were just plain stupid. If you really want to laugh, the old standbys....Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, etc, are a much better choice. This one stinks.
Rating:  Summary: Crap. Review: Gosh, what a hilarious movie (*sarcasm*). Come on - let's be realistic, forget the hype (or the box office grosses) it was awful!! I think that the Farrelly's just turned a five-act play into a feature film. Think about it, there were about five so-called funny (yeah, right), scenes that did not even properly link together. The scenes that followed from them just seemed tacked on. Cameron Diaz was an 'orthopaedist' (excuse me, while I just die from laughing), who is so intelligent that she doesn't realise that her 'hairgel' is obviously something else - besides, who is stupid enough to put any old crap onto their hair without looking into the mirror afterward (oh, I get it - that's WHY they cast Cameron!) Also, the film was obviously a big ego trip for Ms. Diaz - 'gosh, I'm so intelligent! And all these guys are in love with me too!' Well, she could have them. Ugh, who would want to date any of those ugly losers?! This film just proves that ex-models can make it big in Hollywood - regardless of whether they actually have talent or not. It saddens me that films like this are huge hits, when smaller films out there with better actors/actresses hardly make any money. Just go see an Angelina Jolie/Reese Witherspoon/Heather Graham/Robin Tunney/Sarah Polley movie - if you're looking for decent actresses that, (I know it's hard to believe judging by the state of Hollywood today) can actually A-C-T. Or if you're looking for actors - go see an Aaron Eckhart/John Turturro/Matthew Lillard/Skeet Ulrich/Jim Caviezel/Jude Law/Johnny Lee Miller movie. Just don't waste your time on this crap - or money, by contributing to it's already oversized box-office grosses.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Thing Since Airplane Review: Just when you thought it couldn't get any more tasteless, you see the hair gel scene! The guy in front of me at the cinema coughed his Coke all over the woman in front, which set me off! I would buy this just for the scenes with the dog in. I was going to get it on VHS, but I'm holding out for the DVD just so I can have instant scene selection! BUY THIS FILM. Then we may get more like this gem. "Surely you can't be serious? I'm extremely serious, and stop calling me Shirley!"...
Rating:  Summary: Funny!!!!!!!!!!! Review: There's Something About Mary is simply one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. In the cinema I was laughing out loud all the way through, but no-one minded because it was so funny! A cracking film!
Rating:  Summary: Lighten up Scottsdale! Review: Yes, some of the humor is juvenile in TSAM, but isn't fun to relax with a hilarously, silly movie? I got a kick out of this movie. Ben Stiller is a cutie and I found myself cheering for him the entire time. Matt Dillon is terrible, yet he leaves you wondering what coniving act he will perform next. Cameron Diaz is adorable and does a good job, yet I found it hard to believe that she was an orthopedic surgeon, but I guess that ties in with her "perfection". I also enjoyed the scene in which Ben Stiller makes the mistake of picking up a hitch hiker. "Seven Minute Abs!" "Step into my office, you're f***ing fired!" This is a light-hearted film and not everything in life has to be taken so seriously. Let your inhibitions down and enjoy this movie.