Rating:  Summary: Ahh Review: Cute movie, I guess, but not the greatest. What's a rack? Lol, that had to be the best line in the movie, well it's a country son. It wasn't my favorite, but eh, someone else might enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Not Really Anything to Laugh About Review: Peter (Steve Martin) is an uptight, very conservative lawyer who is ready to get back in the dating game after his divorce. He thinks he has met the perfect match in on online chat room - petite, blonde lawyer, Charlene. They are going to meet for the first time that evening for dinner and Peter is sure that they have a lot in common. So when Charlene (Queen Latifah), big, loud and black shows up for dinner, Peter is certain that she has the wrong house. Turns out that Charlene escaped from prison and is out to prove that she was innocent of the crime she was convicted of and she needs Peter's help. Peter, who can't afford to be seen with someone who is black and an ex-con, quickly gets rid of her by trickery, only to find her back at his house the next day having a pool party. After Charlene threatens to ruin Peter's chance at winning a big new account for his firm, an account with an ultra conservative, aged, very wealthy widow (Joan Plowright), Peter agrees to help Charlene out a little. However, as Peter gets more involved in the case, he comes to discover that Charlene really is innocent. Now Peter must call upon all of his talents to blend in at an all-black hip hop club and catch the real killer...I must admit that I was disappointed in this film. The trailers looked so funny and I was excited to see someone trying to deal with racism in our society today, especially among upper middle class whites, but I thought a lot of the film was simply distastefully presented. I was watching this movie with my sisters, brother-in-law, and my parents and I was embarrassed. I fast-forwarded through whole chapters on the DVD, simply because I felt that the humor was grossly inappropriate for my nephews, who were also watching the show. The movie did have a few funny parts, such as the ending where Steve Martin is at the hip hop club and trying to dance and speak like a black person, but I found the funny parts few and far between. The plot was also way too simplistic and I felt that it could have been made a bit more original, especially with the talents employed here to make the film. If you are looking for something to watch late at night, with friends of your own age, this may be something that you would consider renting, but don't go out of your way to watch this.
Rating:  Summary: FUNNY Review: what can i say?? it's FUNNY FUNNY FUNY and i enjoyed it ALOOOOOOT!!
Rating:  Summary: Long time that I don't see something really funny Review: One part of the movie that made me laugh for hours was Joan Plowright (the old british lady) singing the slave song (Will my master sell us ?) with Queen Latifah holding a knife at her back close to stab the old lady. Never saw a funnier thing before. Deserves the 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Comedy From Steve Martin. Review: I don't know how anyone can not like this movie.I have read that most people think the jokes are racist and they are,but they're funny.The movie is about Peter(Martin) an uptight lawyer who hasn't had sexual relations with anyone since his ex-wife who he still has feelings for.When on a internet chat room he meets Charlene who claims shes a lawyer and they set up a date and he opens the door to Queen Latifah.She begs him to help her with her case in which she was charged for a bank robbery she claims she didn't commit.The movie is hilarious especially with a supporting cast that includes Eugene Levy,Jean Smart,and Missi Pyle.The film is one of the funniest movies of 2003 and is definently a must have for a DVD collector and comedy lover. A for the movie and B+ for the acting.Enjoy!!!
Rating:  Summary: Funny stuff from a funny movie Review: What a great rental this was! Steve Martin is definitely worth checking out in this hilarious movie about the collision of two worlds. Prior to this movie, I had yet to see the Queen in anything, but I can't wait for more from her. This movie was so funny we were laughing out loud in a couple of scenes (like watching Steve Martin dance Hip-Hop and speak the lingo). The extras were really nothing special and they wouldn't push me over the top to purchase the DVD so I recommend going the rental route first. About the only disappointment in the whole show was the stupid neighbor that kept making derogatory remarks. I wouldn't go over the top and call it racist, just unnecessary in the grand scheme of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Not even Steve Martin and Eugene Levy can save this. Review: When I first saw the trailer to this movie, it looked like it could be pretty funny and I was expecting it to be at least mildly entertaining. Man, was I wrong. First off, this movie is just another one of those "White people try to act like cool black people, but end up looking stupid in the process" movies that we've seen dozens of times before this. There's nothing new here. Well, with Eugene Levy in this film, it's got to be good, right? Wrong. Levy himself is placed in the exact same unfunny parts as everyone else, and he adds nothing to the movie. It's really a shame, seeing as how Eugene Levy and Steve Martin are funny comedians who are capable of so much more than this. The movie itself is boring all the way through, except there are a few parts near the end that are a bit interesting. But as you may have guessed it, they fail to capitalize on this and go right back to the over-used and unfunny steriotype of white people trying to act black. This film also seems to give the message out that all black people are violent hoodlums that can't control their temper, which really doesn't exactly set the mood very well for an entertaining comedy. This has to be one of the most un-funny movies to come along in awhile and I'd highly recommend to avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: I Want My Money Back!!! Review: This movie was dreadful! Most if not all of the "jokes" were racist and offednding. I was totally shocked and amased that this movie carried only a PG-13 rating. This "comedy" shoud have been rated R. I mean it! I just about turned the darn thing off, then I just thought that 'okay, this is suposevly Laugh Out Loud funny, so I'll just watch it and see..." I was completely wrong. I have seen better acting in a 'Chucky' movie than this. I love Queen Lateafa, I thin she's great. I love Betty White, I think she is one of the best 'golden girls' out there. She is normally so funny. This movie left me so dry, except for a chuckle here and there. So, this movie is oneof the worst movies ever made, and a waste of talent. This was awful! NOT FOR KIDS AT ALL!
Rating:  Summary: 5 Stars! Review: This movie was hilarious! Steve Martin and Queen Latifah made a great team! I highly recommend it to all who enjoy a good comedy! I agree however that the movie should be rated R. It's definitly not a movie for kids.
Rating:  Summary: A good Steve Martin vehicle Review: It's fluff, but I've seen worse. Steve Martin is his usual self, but that's a good thing, because he's fun to watch. Levy and Latifah are great too. All this nonesense about the movie being racist is a bit nutty, after all Latifah is a co-producer, and you'd think that if she can see past the harmless jokes the viewers could do the same. The Farrelly Brothers take a similar approach in their movies in that they include characters who themselves disapprove of the jokes, so that your reaction as a viewer is represented by them. They diffuse the bomb for you so you can laugh. Well the idea in this movie is the same. The movie was overall harmless and enjoyable despite a few irritating moments (the girl-on-girl brawl with the dumb 80's "Simply Irresistable" tune was too long and unnecessary). I also wasn't blown away by the extras, though it was nice to see more shots of Martin dancing to HipHop in the outtakes. How many 58 year old white guys do you see doing that? All the interviews are the usual "oh he's so great to work with" or "for such a young actor he's so professional" crap. Anyway, above average fluff (carried by the performances of Martin, Latifah, and Levy).