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Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket

List Price: $19.94
Your Price: $14.96
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funniest movie you've never seen.
Review: Imagine the sincere youth attitude of the guys from Trainspotting, the caper-style plot of The Big Lebowski, and a sincerety unrivaled in a light-subject movie, and you have Bottle Rocket. The characters Anthony and Dignan have absurd character traits, but yet seem so plainly real, that the viewer just connects with the characters. The romantic subplot is done extremely well, and the humor is like a good martini -- dry, but not too dry. Definitely watch this movie-- you will not regret it -- if you're smart.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Film of the 90's
Review: Anyone who will see the soon to be released "Rushmore" must see this film first. The same writers (Owen Wilson and Wes Anderson) and director (Anderson) are behind both products. Bottle Rocket has mastered the art of subtle humor and, if you are the right type of person, will leave you laughing uncontrollably. I have been recommending this movie to my friends for almost two years and if you see it you very well may consider Owen Wilson, who stars as Dignan, one of the funniest and most talented actors woking today, like I do. Lines such as "and I realized that not only did I not want to answer that question but I never wanted to answer another watersports question or see any of the people againg for the rest of my life," are classics that when contemplated within the context of the film are truly special not to mention hilarious. And classic lines are abundant throughout. A true must see that may be the favorite of my favorite movies.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very entertaining movie; worth ninety minutes of your day.
Review: Bottle Rocket is the perfect movie for those days when you just want to "veg-out" and not think too hard. From its beginning until its conclusion, the movie's characters capture your interest, and make you wonder just what will become of them by the time the story is over. The plot is complex enough to keep your interest, but you don't need to hear every word and see every action to keep up. If you're in the mood to just let go and laugh at complete idiocy, then Bottle Rocket is the movie for you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: With close to 2500 rentals under my belt, it takes a hell of a movie to impress me. "Bottle Rocket" is one of my all-time favorites. It's sense of humor is subtle and terrificly unique; I've never seen a movie quite like it. I've seen all the idiotic "Gen X" movies but this one takes the cake: the humor comes from the character's innocence and the way they romanticize being criminals (shown in lines like "On the run from Johnny Law: sure ain't no trip to Cleveland.") What distinguishes this film is that it is funny without relying on the worn-out, overused "aren't we being cute?" irony that plagues TV these days. The movie has that great, intimate feel that wonderful low budget/indie movies are supposed to have. Also features a great soundtrack. Highly recommended!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic movie, great dialogue and interesting characters.
Review: Fantastic movie, great dialogue and interesting characters. Funny, funny...querky movie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A simple yet brilliant film
Review: I rented this film and hated it the first time I saw it. I rented it a week later and it has become one of my all time favorite movies. The characters are engaging and hillariously eccentric. The dialogue is well crafted and extremely funny. The plot is enticing and the acting is superb. Owen Wilson shines as the very odd Dignunt and his brother Luke does a fine job with Anthony, the lead character. James Caan is good for many laughs and the director Wes Anderson has made a first effort which he should be proud of. Bravo!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent debut by a brilliant new director
Review: Wonderfully nutty, engaging road movie with real flourishes of subtle humor and a new sensibility. Post-ironic, unsarcastic, truly original. This director is the one to watch in the new millineum.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A classic unknown
Review: Bottle Rocket is a classic unknown film, and you must consider yourself fortunate if you have stumbled upon it. A friend recommended it to me, and I must say that I have never laughed so much at such a brilliantly acted and written movie. If you have trouble finding humour, or you need it right "in you face" (Animal House, Something About Mary) you will not enjoy this movie, but if you revel in obscure but magnificent cinema with all the elements, check out Bottle Rocket. You will not be disappointed. Don't be surprised if you find yourself shopping for a jumpsuit the next day!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This movie is the best ever. I love it. The humor is subtle and the drama is fantastic. The first time i saw it the ending even made me sad and I'm a guy. This movie is very funny, and very good. Great one liners like "Bob Mapplethorpe potential getaway driver, GO!" and "and my names Dignan man so what?" You have to see this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Please do yourself a favor - see this wonderful film!
Review: The amazing thing about this movie is its subtlety - especially its low-key, ironic sense of humour. All three of the main characters are quirky yet enjoyable, just like the score (which was done by Mark Mothersbaugh, of Devo fame). While this film isn't the end-all of movies, the character development and interplay is very, very enjoyable. There are many moments to laugh out loud at the off-beat comments (and mumblings) of the characters, and a lot of lines that are memorable enough to be quoted again and again.

This film seems to usually illicit strong reactions from viewers, however. Either they find it extremely humorous and endearing, or they think it's boring and pointless. I think a good sense of wry, ironic humour and a touch of love for the slightly off-beat helps a lot. A love of character-driven films and slacker films wouldn't hurt either (i.e., this isn't for people with short attention spans and the need to always be excited).

In my opinion, this is a movie that everyone should give two chances - if you just don't get it the first time, try again. It just might click, and you'll be better off for it.

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