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Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket

List Price: $19.94
Your Price: $14.96
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's landscaping, it's not just mowing...
Review: This movie should have been an Indy hit, but wasn't for some reason. Owen Wilson is great in the movie, which he co-wrote along with the director Wes Anderson, the pair that also made Rushmore. It's hilarious without getting too slapsticky at the same time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bottle Rocket is an original, entertaining, and trippy movie
Review: Bottle Rocket is a great movie to watch after a long hard day or night. The acting is great, the story is intriguing, and it will even help you bone up on your Espanol skills. Don't be afraid to gel with this "cult classic!" My friends and I give it multiple thumbs up!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: absolutely
Review: kuma

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best Independent Films, Ever.
Review: I first heard of Bottle Rocket from the MTV Movie awards were Wes Anderson won the award for Best New Filmaker. They showed clips from the film and I wanted to see it badly. Then the Independent Film Channel showed It one night and I fell In love with it. With its quirky dialogue and funny one liners this film kicks booty. Wes Anderson will be one of the best directors of our generation with excellent cinematography and slow motion shots makes this a powerhouse of writing and directing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best movie of the 90's
Review: Anthony: "Grace (12 yr old sister) thinks I'm a failure." Dignan: "What has she ever done with her life that's so great?" Instant classic.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The funniest and most brilliant film of the decade
Review: The biggest mystery of mankind is how this film was not successful in the box office. The only explanation I can come up with is the fact that the majority of movie-goers are morons. The hilarious script disects every suburbanites urge to fight boredom. In Bottle Rocket's case, their escape is amateur crime (robbing book stores). Owen Wilson (Dignan) gives possibly the best comedic performance I've seen in years. His drive to please Mr. Henry (the local crime boss) and to mastermind every plan (explosives, choppers, etc) is hilarious and he seems happy even though he ends up in jail in the end. Luke Wilson (Anthony) also gives a refreshing performance by falling in love with a spanish housekeeper at the motel they're hiding out at. Although Anthony is always willing to dish out a slice of reality to Dignan, he is far from reality himself. Wes Anderson (the director) also displays his skills with the camera with some showy moves like montage and excellent use of slow-motion (especially the last scene where Dignan is walking in the line of prisoners). I could go on and on about this very special film but I'll let you see for yourself. Oh,one more thing-I sound like a Wes Anderson spokesperson-but I would also highly reccomend his new film Rushmore which is equally as good. I was sad to not see Dignan in Rushmore but Bill Murray fills his shoes very well.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply Marvelous
Review: But it; there's no alternative. You only live once

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A charming, original independent film.
Review: BOTTLE ROCKET is one of my favorite films. This incredibly charming and original movie, which is funny without being sitcom-ish, has likeable characters, a sweet romance, a couple of two-bit robberies...a little of everything. It's a wonderfully refreshing change from many indie films that try too hard; "Bottle Rocket" is content to let its strong script have you get to know the characters. Great performances by the two brothers Wilson as well as the lead actress who was also the star of "Like Water for Chocolate." I've been telling everyone I know to PLEASE see it, especially if you like the movie "Rushmore," which is by the same director.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Outstanding
Review: This is my favorite comedy of all time. The quote under the poster, "They're not really criminals. But everybody's got to have a dream," really says it all in terms of the type of humor. I love this movie so much all I can say is I was counting the days until it came out on video when it disappeared from theatres so quickly. And let's just say Columbia didn't mind making me count for more than four months. Great movie. That's all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Low-key Masterpiece
Review: It's too easy to describe Bottle Rocket with adjectives like "quirky" and "zany", but I think I can live with offbeat. This is such a great movie. Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson's script is an alternative to the detached smugness Tarantino uses in Resovoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. In other words, they write characters they actually care about. If I could compare Owen Wilson's character to anyone else, it would have to be Don Quixote. I don't think it's too much of a stretch at all. You get caught up in his dedication and belief that his plans will work when you know he and his friends have to chance of pulling it off. Somewhere, long after the movie ends and the characters keep on living past the last reel (and these characters are vivid enough for you to believe that they have their own lives), I can see him planning another caper and running around in his yellow jumpsuit...

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