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Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket

List Price: $19.94
Your Price: $14.96
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Super thank's for asking
Review: I just wanna say that this is one of the best movie's of that little far off place we call the 1990's

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BOTTLE ROCKET is a joy to watch - if you're on the ball.
Review: BOTTLE ROCKET, directed by Wes Anderson, rewards intelligence. Is that elitist? Maybe. But in a world of candy-coated feed-it-to-me-in-the-simplest-of-ways movies, BOTTLE ROCKET is a gem which you have to examine every facet. And Owen Wilson's Dignan is a comic masterpiece. I would love to see another Dignan movie.

What's the plot? Basically, it's about three friends who decide to be bank robbers. Anthony (Luke Wilson), who has just checked himself out of a mental institution, is friends with Dignan, a man-child who dreams of being a bigtime thief. Bob is their other friend, the getaway driver, mostly given that position because he's the only person they know with a car. Together the three live a life of crime, basically because there doesn't seem to be all that much else to do.

What sets this movie apart from other crime films is the warm center at its heart. The film cares about Dignan, Anthony, and Bob. And it goes out of its way to say that being a dreamer is not only okay in this world, it's a preferred way of life.

This film was written by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson, who also co-wrote the brilliant RUSHMORE and next year's THE ROYAL TANENBAUMS. In my opinion, they are the best writers in Hollywood today. Some of the lines of dialogue should all be on a T-Shirt somewhere. "On the run from Johnny Law...ain't no trip to Cleveland!" "They'll never catch me, man, because I'm &%*#&%# innocent!" "Could you please give me the money...sir?"

This movie is the keepers.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny
Review: This is a mostly well written, acted, and nicely filmed wacky movie. There is nothing deep here just a few bumbling young robber friends. The problem is only one of them wants to really be a great robber and he is a complete moron who can't even keep a job mowing lawns. Another is just trying to impress his jerk brother and the third just wants to be a good friend and find a chick to love.

The result is a hilarious series of poorly executed robberies, mostly robbing people they know. The last robbery is so over planned and yet completely miscalculated it becomes an absolute mess. I laughed so hard and for so long at the last robbery I almost passed out from a lack of oxygen. This is a fun film with two endearing lead characters.

The only criticism I have is the time spent on the love interest. It seemed contrived and added as filler. I suspect the short version is better because it probably severly underplayed or didn't include the love interest at all. But that is really a minor flaw. James Brooks had a hand in the making of this film and the result is something to be proud of.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the one and only....
Review: um, i can't explain what people can feel when they watch this film. i felt happiness, pride, justification, , power, wealth, and mere forgiveness. owen showed real morals in this film. it was amazing how we can base our lives after such a great man. there were only a few greats who have been here on this earth, jesus, moses, paul, james, john, owen, luke, applejack, bill clinton, monica, brandy, tlc, jimi hendrix, willie nelson, wayne gretzky, and martin luther. many,not a whole bunch. we need to live our lives after such great role . i am done.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the greatest movies on this planet.
Review: You will not find humor much like this anywhere else. Wes Anderson has created a whole new world of quirkiness that will leave you rolling on the floor. The style of realism and simplicity is so unique you won't even be able to pin-point exactly what's funny about it, it just is. While this movie may not necessarily be for the farts-are-funny people, it will be riotous towards the people who know good comedy.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Affable, sweet . . .
Review: . . . and a little quirky and offbeat, this movie is definitely not for those who only want to be on the ticket line to see the most mainstream of movies first. But with your thinking cap on, you'll find yourself drawn to these unusual characters as they stumble through crime. Also notable for featuring a stunning Frank Lloyd Wright home in a number of scenes.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bottle Rocket
Review: If you like "Rushmore" and enjoy movies that brake moviedoms "rule" then watch this one. It's on of the only films about crime that is sweet, kind and where the movie does not end with everyone shooting each other.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: spiffy
Review: I saw the last 45 minutes of this movie, and although I can't draw a complete conclusion about this movie having not seen all of it, I can say that what I did see was very amusing. It's a nice departure from the same old rehashed hollywood trash. It has a wonderful feeling of subtly dark humor. It's basically a story about three friends bored with their everyday lives, looking for a little fun, and one in particular (Owen Wilson) desperately trying to be a successful thief, with an intensely focused personality and a very ambitious point of view to a point where it becomes almost ridiculous. I just saw it tonight, and I plan on buying it within the next few weeks. Good acting, good directing, good script, good plot. Good.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The birth of my appreciation for the Wilson brothers
Review: The Indie film industry is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're going to get. Indie movies range from low-brow to high-intensity to semi-porn to down-home. This paragraph has nothing to do with Bottle Rocket except for the fact that in the chocolate box that is Independent Film, Bottle Rocket is the one you always hope for, but rarely come across.

Bottle Rocket is cleverly written by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson, and even more ingeniously ad-libbed by Owen Wilson and his brother Luke. Family chemistry can be a great thing, and in Bottle Rocket, it's spectacular. If Owen Wilson one of the best comic performances of the '90s, it's partially due to the fact that Luke Wilson gives a wonderful straight-man performance. The dialogue is hilarious and quotable, the secondary characters are entertaining, the story is unpredictable, and it's a treat to see the Wilson Brothers together on screen.

Bottle Rocket is a gem of an Indie movie -- hilarious, unconventional, and with a great Un-Hollywood quality. If you haven't seen it -- put it on your "Must Rent" list. If you have seen it, see it again! If you liked Owen Wilson in this movie, check him out in the new Jackie Chan movie Shanghai Noon. The role was written as a stock Cowboy character, but Owen Wilson rewrote it and did some great improv to make it one of the most delightful performances of the year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: unreal
Review: Even though Rushmore received all the critical accolades this is the masterpiece. The best buddy movie ever

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