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Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket

List Price: $19.94
Your Price: $14.96
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Like a Rocket
Review: Great dialogue, great performances and a fresh look at the criminal mind propels BOTTLE ROCKET to be a definite favorite for the new breed of cinemaphiles. The story revolves around a pair of friends (portrayed by the Wilson Brothers) who are unsuitable in their field, crime. After a couple bumbled heists and a good talking to by a younger sister, the boys find themselves abandoned at a roadside motel where one finds love. James Caan makes a much needed appearance in the film, otherwise, it would have fallen under too many radars and probably would have not gotten the attention it deserves. Wes Anderson followed this up with the wonderful RUSHMORE. The DVD has no special features, just an adequate widescreen transfer.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Kick back & enjoy
Review: If you are in the mood for theme-park ride, don't watch this movie. This was one of my two favorite passed-over movies of that year. The other was 'Hard Eight', Paul Thomas Anderson's prophetically excellent early ouevre. Bottle Rocket is delightful because it speaks to a simpler, more distorted vision of the world. Don't miss the wonderfully quirky James Caan cameo, and enjoy early charming performances by some very capable actors.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: An incredible movie with dialogue nearly on par with "The Big Lebowski." A review on the box says "Reservoir Geeks," but anyone who comes away with only that impression has been lured by the Hollywood hook and really misses the depth of this film.

Amongst the many brilliant one-liners and silly cite gags (there are lots!) is a truly profound story of friendship, sacrifice and the importance of following your dreams. Disillusioned with the vanity and idleness of "laying out by the boat house" with sorority girls, Anthony Adams (Luke Wilson) "goes nuts" but is able to resurrect himself by helping his bumbling friend Dignan live out his oddball dreams. In the end Anthony and Dignan are exactly where they dreamed they'd be even though one's in jail and the other dating a housekeeper who can't speak English.

If nothing else, this movie is worth watching only to see Owen Wilson play Dignan, who is easily one of the best comedic characters of the last decade. Wilson plays the character as well as anyone could, which is no surprise since he also co-wrote the film with Wes Anderson, who is himself one of the hottest young director's in Hollywood. A cast of fresh faces (minus James Caahn, who's fantastic), great performances, and a remarkable screenplay make this an absolute must for fans of the modern, 20-something comedy and beyond.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: and my name's dignan, man.
Review: I have to say that the story, the performances, and the characters are unlike anything you'll ever find.

Definetly one of my favorites, however, as much as I love Bottle Rocket, I hate the dvd.

Take a look at the trailer you can find around the internet (try lawnwranglers.com), and you can obviously see some scenes left out of the final cut. For instance the gang is persuded on foot by police officers shouting "stop!". Dignan shouts back "Go!" after every "stop!" shouted by the police. This also explains red and blue flashing lights tucked away in the background of one scene. Not to mention Bob Maplethorp sings real quick in those trailers. Even the damn trailer is missing from the dvd. I do like being able to own Bottle Rocket on DVD, but I'd buy it again if we got some commentary, deleted scenes, and a trailer.

Movie: a

DVD: c

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great movie
Review: This movie just rocks...from the opening sequence, you get a hint of the genius working here. Owen Wilson, in my opinion, is one of the brightest comics out there right now. The movie is basically this: that there are two friends, Anthony and Dignan. Dignan's major goal is to start a "crew," to live the life of a crime boss. So they go out on a mission, robbing a store, and it's hilarious to see them working together, bumbling, their dumb ideas, etc. Then, after the robbery, they go on the lamb, which ain't no trip to Cleveland. The movie slows down here, but what do you expect? This movie was created from a short film, done so independently. And the ending, with James Caan, is priceless. The DVD does not have a lot of extra features, just the menus, etc. Hopefully they will re-release this film with more features, since this was released before The Matrix came out on DVD and special features became a staple. But the movie is still worth the purchase.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Movie Is Right There
Review: I'm going to use this review to declare that Bottle Rocket is the symptang troilfarb. In other words, it's right there. The movie begins and then it flows through to the end and you're laughing and then you go out for ice cream or stay in if it's late and you got something to do in the morning.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ..and Grace is mad at me
Review: I think that's the line. I've seen this film so many times I can't count. And, no, I can't spurt out great lines. I've never been good at that.

So I'll just say that this is one of the top movies of the 90's, and one of the funniest movies ever. I could keep going with hyperboles, but they're meaningless.

What makes this film, as one reviewer said, is the humanity. We actually love these guys. Dignan is obtuse, potentially dangerous (mainly to himself), and an adorable little kid. The three of them fight like 12 year olds. I love it when Dignan feels hurt, then mumbles, "You know my mom and Greg (?) aren't speaking to me" (or something like that).

The love between Anthony and Inez is sexual and innocent. Surprise. There's no nudity. There's a "come on, let's run away" spirit in Anthony. Inez is more practical. First she has to learn English, since there's no chance Anthony will learn Spanish. Something has to be done. After all, Rocky certainly isn't the best interpreter, and Dignan doesn't give the best messages!

The reason I mention Grace is because that little 8(?) year old is the grownup in this film. Dignan even feels threatened by her (I won't give away his defensive retorts). I'm sure this is a major theme in Wes Anderson's films. He is fascinated by adults who haven't grown up (Bill Murray in Rushmore), and kids that are wise beyond their years (Grace, Jason Schwartzman's character and his little friend).

See this film, even if you don't like it. It's light, but with layers. Take it on any level you want.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wow that's pretty bad!
Review: My friend recommended this movie to me and said it was the funniest movie ever. Boy was she wrong! This movie has no plot and is in no way funny. The only feelings I had for this movie after I was finished watching it was sympathy for actors because it might ruin their careers. I can't recommend this movie to anyone. You can, if you really hate that person.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I won tickets thru a paper
Review: I saw this when it was in the cinameas, it was just in the indie/arthouse one actually which no longer exists. I recall it being witty, interesting & different. 2 brothers go on the classic American roadtrip, wanting to be bankrobbers galore & it doesn't always work out. They stay in an apartment complex in some little town where there's a pool & the main character falls in love w/ a girl that lives there. An older man is looking after them, sorting out their schmese or something & the other brother is a bit more maniacal & has a penchant for yellow jumpsuits & motorbikes. It was 5 years ago that I saw it so my recollection is a bit vague. All the more reason why I should see it again. I'd recommend it anyway.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply the best!
Review: Bottle Rocket is simply one of the best movies that I have ever seen. Owen Wilson, who has gone on to star in several movies as well as write one of my other favorite movies, Rushmore, gives one of the smartest, most natural performances by an actor that I have ever seen. The writing is very intelligent and the acting is superb. I have seen this movie many times and each time I watch, I find some new gem that I hadn't discovered before. What can I say, if you have seen it, run out now and rent it, if you have seen it - renew your faith in film making and intelligence by seeing it again. Bravo to the filmakers and I can't wait for The Royal Tenenbaums - the next movie by these brilliant guys!

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