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Death To Smoochy (Fullscreen Edition)

Death To Smoochy (Fullscreen Edition)

List Price: $14.97
Your Price: $13.47
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Midly Entertaining with a Few Funny Moments.
Review: With the bevy of talented actors in this film, perhaps I expected more. Robin Williams is a great comedian, though his movies have slipped at the box office lately, and Edward Norton is perhaps one of the best actors of our time. Danny DiVito and Jon Stewart did an admirable job as part of the supporting castas well. But I thought that Spinner was the best character, and he had brain damage.
Overall This movie just lacked any real substance to it. I didn't really feel like it had any depth to it. The plot was interesting and new, but yet very thin. In fact perhaps too thin to be made into a motion picture. The sarcastic remarks and few comedic episodes kept me entertained enough to finish it though.

For all of you Anti-Barney people, this film may give you an insight to the corupt world of children's television. Or it might just bore you to the point where you'll hate it just like Barney.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: the worst film EVER
Review: I am a film major, and after watching this movie I almost changed my major. THIS IS THE WORST FILM I HAVE EVER SEEN, EVER EVER EVER.NORTON WILL [make you mad]!!!! Do not waste a single minute of you time...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Different and Original
Review: Death to Smoochy is a dark and demented comedy about 2 kid show stars. One in Rainbow Randolph (Robin Williams) is a dancing man in a colorful outfit and a top hat that entertains kids on his show but is foul mouthed low life in person. Randolph loses his job when the F.B.I. arrest him for accepting a suitcase of money. He goes literly insane when a newcomer who's his total opposite in Smoochy the Rhino (Edward Norton) takes his time slot.

I'm sure Death to Smoochy will be on a lot of critics top 10 worst movies of the year list, that's because they have no idea how to take a movie like this. They say they want an original movie and when they get it they have no idea what to do with it. Mean hello!, it's not meant to be taken seriously and most of you that hated it made that mistake. As for saying 2 talented actors like Norton and Williams give bad performances I totally disagree. Think Norton is great as the innocent Smoochy who gets lurred into corruption by his crooked agent (Danny Devito). Williams is hilarious but in a different way than usual. For instance when he attacks this innocent guy trying to save Rhinos, you can't help but howl with laughter. He really takes his wackyness to a whole new level with this movie.

Whatever you do though don't mistake the film a kids movie and rent or buy it for them as it has a lot of cursing, twisted subject matter and is pretty violent too. Other than all I have to say is just sit back and enjoy and be ready for a twisted and unusual film.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cult Classic
Review: Obviously made by some really smart people!! This movie on the surface can be a violent mess, but under that lies an excellent parody of the children's entertainment industry.

I never would have thought in all my born days that Robin Willams would have made such a convincing crazy man. Pam Trie is also a laugh riot as the leader of a crazed band of Irish mobsters. Edward Norton is charming as Smocy and even the Daily Show's John Stewart has his moments.

Overall-If you want a comedy that makes you think, get this now

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A funny but flawed black comedy
Review: Death to Smoochy starts with a great premise, an excellent cast and a wonderful sense of humor. But the rushing pace of the first half hour and a plot that doesn't seem to know where it's going hurts this dark comedy.

When Rainbow Randolph (Robin Williams) is caught in illegal doings behind the scenes of his children's television show, he's canned, and producers quickly replace him with Smoochy, a rhino costumed Edward Norton. A jealous Randolph takes matters into his own hands and tries to end Smoochy's life.

Sounds outrageously funny? Yes, it is. But all the above takes place in the first four minutes. It feels so rushed, we don't get to know Randolph at all before he's down on his luck in the street. In fact, we never feel like we know Randolph nearly was well as Smoochy.

Eventually, the pace slows down to a digestible level, and you can settle into the film, but it's about this time that Randolph loses almost all of his screen time. The plot suddenly shifts away from his attempts at ruining Smoochy's career and takes other avenues.

Don't get me wrong, this is at times a hilarious film, taking that unique view of children's television like Barney that adults often voice around the proverbial water cooler. Death to Smoochy is thoroughly enjoyable, acting out our imaginations on those kiddie favorites. It is just unfortunate this film doesn't seem to know exactly where it wants to take us, and suffers because of it.

Even though I only gave this one 3 stars, its still a must-see and highly enjoyable. The faults are just too glaring to ignore. It had so much more potential.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Absolutely the worst movie I've ever seen
Review: I can't believe I just spent two hours watching this .... What an unorganized, poorly written, poorly directed waste of time this was. There are MAYBE two laughs in the whole movie, and they weren't even enough to write home about. Not even the great Robin Williams, the venerable Edward Norton, and the heretofore widely respected Danny DeVito could save this monstrosity.

Save your money. If you want a funny Robin Williams movie, buy "Mrs. Doubtfire" or something where he shows his talent instead of screaming nonsense for two hours, as he does in this celluloid tripe.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Quite Likely the Funniest Movie In The Past 5 Years
Review: Sure, there are many other, funny movies. This one, however, kept me in ... state of hilarity the entire way through. Not only is it funny, it breaks so many barriers on the comic scale. I mean, how else could you introduce an Irish mafia into the whole kids show networking scheme of things? That said, it's a great movie, ... and everybody should see it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: See it Twice
Review: Death to Smoochy, which lasted in the theatres about a week, is a sleeper hit. Robin Williams is at his rawest in years. As usual, Edward Norton is excellent, playing a straight laced-high moralled performer who is discovered when Robin Williams character, Rainbow Randolph, sells out to the mob. This comedy winds and weaves its way through the deep recesses of corruption, children's programs, sexual dysfunction, and other topics until it reaches its not too surprising crescendo. This movie is dark, funny, and raw. If you liked, "Being John Malkovich," you will dig this movie.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Why o why
Review: This movie is in the most part a discrase. shure there are a few funny parts but for the mot part this movie is stupid and poorly acted. I am still trying to figure out why williums and Norten(two actors that I like very much)did this mess.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: So So Good
Review: This movie was very under rated. This movie rocks. I have awaited the day it came out on DVD. Edward Norton is fabulous in this movie along with Robin Williams and others. Great movie to own, so do yourself a favor and buy it.

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