Rating:  Summary: Excellent Film Review: Great Dark Comedy with two great actors. Robin Williams is excellent and Ed Norton is Brilliant. Well written story. Great acting. Did not do as well as it should have in theatres.
Rating:  Summary: Some people just don't 'get it'... Review: This is one of those films that appeals to people with, yes, a broader sense of humor. I'm not a film snob, so don't go there. I enjoy just about every movie I see, and only later bother to find the plot-holes and inconsistencies. However, I -do- know what 'good' is, and this movie is 'great', period. Not everyone will understand or catch the fleet-footed dialogue, or giggle at the really dark physical comedy. 'Death to Smoochy' has already relegated (or should I say elevated) itself to -cult- status. There are two aspects that stand out in this film that make it something I want to own, as follows: 1. Brilliantly written dialogue. Simple as that, almost -no- awkward jokes (almost), excellent delivery from nearly -everyone-. I laughed out loud, brayed even! 2. Robin Williams. Yes, he's been something of a type-cast lately, what with all these 'we need harmless-seeming insane guys' roles, and after seeing Isomnia and One Hour Photo, I wasn't convinced he could do it. Now I realize how much they held him back. He is truly whacked in this role, and in my opinion, I don't remember being more impressed with him. As with Jim Carey in Cable Guy though, it will probably go largely unrecognized because there wasn't a giant Hollywood budget pushing this flick. But here it is anyway, and you can watch it for yourself and revel in how truly maniacal and with apparent relish he pulls this character off. Hats off to you Mr. DeVito. Just my kind of movie, and you did it with a truly sick sense of class and style, something most movies today don't dare try, for fear of not appeasing the herd. You, and others in your position, should continue to make movies that are off the beaten path.
Rating:  Summary: Death,Indeed Review: I work in a movie theater, and I agree with the reviewer who dubbed this a "sleeper hit." I saw this the first week it was released and I was stunned by most, if not all of the performances. Robin Williams takes a brief hiatus from his kind-but-misguided roles (see Mrs. Doubtfire, Patch Adams, etc) to sink his teeth into a comedy with bite, and back-breaking laughs (I fell out of my seat laughing). The always spectacular Edward Norton (American History X, Primal Fear)takes on the good guy role for a change. And Danny Devito returns in fine form as a wise-cracking, well-meaining but unscrupulous manager of the whole show... The Plot Rainbow Randolph (Williams)has just been fired from his old job at KidNet, since he was caught accepting bribes from parents to put their kids on his show. The network, in an attempt to salvage its reputation, hires Sheldon (Norton)and consequently his squeakly-clean, vegan, and politically correct purple rhino alter-ego Smoochy to replace Rainbow Randolph. Randolph, of course, will have none of it, and after crashing in fit of despair and depression at the home of a former castmate, decides to bring into fruition the demise of Smoochy. His methods will have you on the floor with aching jawbones, as his antics run afoul of the Irish mob and other seedy characters. I absolutely loved this movie,(and I don't beleive in any kind of censorship, which is what the film-rating system is all about) but I could not, in good conscience encourage anyone to take their kids to see it. So LEAVE THE KIDS AT HOME, get some water and tissues and prepare for a delicious laugh-fest. YOu might just die laughing....
Rating:  Summary: Redundent Story Telling Review: Two great actors fallen short not on their ability but on the plot. After about an hour the movie seemed to play the first hour all over again. Without the singing and dancing this movie would have been about forty minutes. Not much can be said for the movie because I can't put my finger on anything that stood out dramatically. The worst part of the movie was robin Williams Mrs. Doubtfire and his lack of impressive or believable insanity. If you want a great Robin Williams move watch One Hour Photo or Insomnia. Ed Norton was good but with a set of movies like his this was definitely a misdirected choice. I hate to be so critical but Great Talent was wasted on a horrible movie.
Rating:  Summary: okay but it's no THROW MAMMMA FROM THE TRAIN. Review: Robin Williams, playing the third deranged character he's played this year(after INSOMNIA and before ONE HOUR PHOTO), stars as Rainbow Randolph, a beloved but corrupt kids TV show star in the vein of what Barney could be in real life (who's under that suit anyway?). Anyway, rainbow is fired for accepting bribes. He is replaced by the earnest Sheldon Mopes (Edward Norton; FIGHT CLUB) and his persona of Smoochy the Rhino. This doesn't bode well for Rainbow Rudolph and he plots revenge on Smoochy. Sound ridiculous? It is. But it's meant to be. This isn't a great comedy but it has its moments. However, I expected more from the talent involved. I thought Danny Devito made a great comedy with THROW MAMMA FROM THE TRAIN and I guess I just wanted this film to be a little more like that one. Not bad, worth a rental just for Norton and Williams performances.
Rating:  Summary: The Critics Can Go to the Nether Regions Review: Seriously... just look at the other reviews on this page. As of when I wrote this review, I only saw one negative remark. If you're unsure about it, rent it, or ask someone who ACTUALLY saw it! I've only met one person who didn't like this movie (sadly, it's my room mate; but he's just an idiot to begin with). So, technical stuff: you can get a synopsis further up in the editorial review, other than that, the performances by Danny DeVito, Robin Williams, and Edward Norton are fantastic. The entire theming is well done. There were a lot of ideas that were used, so just keep your eyes open and laugh at the funny stuff (like the head of a charity getting his head chopped off by an Irish mob). Remember: "friends come in all sizes".
Rating:  Summary: SO funny! Review: I LOVE Edward Norton.. and this was such a fun role to watch him play. He was GREAT as Smoochy and he portrayed his character so well. It was a dark comedy, something that the truly wicked would enjoy.. I thought the movie was very entertaining. I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 because I thought it dragged a little bit towards the end.. but that was mainly because Robin Williams character was a whack-job beyond belief!! I would recommend watching it atleast once... it is a very funny movie!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: I think that this movie was great. Any one that thinks that Robin williams is funny should see this movie, And any [person] that would think that this movie is a kids show should get therapy or go to ... . Because this movie is rated "R". So you dumb [person] that said this was a bad movie because you saw the poster should shut ... up. I give this movie "5" stars. It was a great movie. GO SEE THIS MOVIE. or rent at local video store near you.
Rating:  Summary: Okay, okay . . . Review: I just got one thing to say here. This movie is for you if you think singing a song called "My Stepdad's Not Mean, He's Just Adjusting" on children's programming is hysterically funny. If things like that and a brain damaged ex-boxer who can't keep time on a cowbell don't appeal to you, this movie is just not for you. However, those things appeal to me, as that and a few other parts are making me grin right now just thinking about them. Wickedly funny.
Rating:  Summary: "uh...uh...it's a rocket!" Review: "Death to Smoochy" is laugh-out-loud hilarious! Robin Williams and Edward Norton were GREAT. The whole concept? No one puts Rainbow Randolph out of work! DIE SMOOCHY DIE!! I recommend this film to everyone (even if you're not fond of dark comedies). Totally original and brilliantly directed by Danny DeVito, "Death to Smoochy" has become one of my favorites!