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Death To Smoochy (Fullscreen Edition)

Death To Smoochy (Fullscreen Edition)

List Price: $14.97
Your Price: $13.47
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BadA$$
Review: This movie was great, Robin Williams playing the bad guy on excited me more. Edward norton was a complete turnaround from his earlier acting in Fight Club and The Score and fit the role of the vegetarian nice guy who sings to crack addicts. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. Devito has a good thing going. I want to see more.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Tragically Disappointing
Review: Okay, so we all read the horrible reviews from critics. However, if you were anything like me, you denied it was even POSSIBLE for a movie starring Edward Norton and Robin Williams to be bad. Especially when these great actors are involved in a concept that seemed so witty in previews.

However, Death to Smootchy was a crushing disappointment. None of the characters had personalities with any depth whatsoever, and you almost have to think whoever wrote the script said to him/herself: "okay, this character uses lots of obsenities, this one doesn't swear at all... ... ...and I'm done." Every single line of dialogue feels absolutely forced and is an embarassment to the art of scripting. It only makes things worse when 99% of the jokes aren't actually funny. Add to this that every corny plot device and cliche love interest in the book are used in the most cheesy way possible, and you have a train wreck on your hands.

This is one of the few movies I have watched that literally made me feel embarassed for both myself and the actors involved as I watched it. I can't in good conscience give this movie any more then one star, not only because it was awful, but also because it had so much potential to be great. It would have been so easy to make this movie shine, yet director Danny DeVito failed horribly.

Single-line exaggerated review: Death to Smootchy is the worst movie ever made.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant!
Review: This is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. I'm dissappointed it's out the the theaters already. I will definately buy on DVD!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Friends come in all sizes
Review: Not a childrens movie.
Rainbow Randolph(Robin Williams) gets busted for taking payola, and is forced off of television in shame. Enter Smootchy the Rihnoserus.(Ed Norton)
Several attept to get Smootchy fail, including the Nazis. He is above it all, payola, kickbacks, bribes, he's perfect, everything that Rainbow Radolph wasn't.
A plot is hatched, everybody, except Kathrine Keener, and Smootchy's mafioso sidekick, are against him.
But it's a happy ending, Smootchy beats Danny DiVeto and Jon Stewart, gets the girl, and Rainbow Randolph join forces with him to create the greatest kids show ever!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Friends come in all sizes
Review: Not a childrens movie.
Rainbow Randolph(Robin Williams) gets busted for taking payola, and is forced off of television in shame. Enter Smootchy the Rihnoserus.(Ed Norton) Who makes several attepts to get Smootchy tofail.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I know exactly why I like it-- I am a Brain Damaged Squirrel
Review: Is it just me, or has America's sense of humor gone so far into Bizarro World that only by reading into the exact opposite of a major Hollywood review can I be led to a movie as wet-yourself funny as Death to Smoochy? Have we completely missed the point here? Audiences for A Midsummer Night's Dream and As You Like It threw garbage and food and spit gobs of phlegm on Shakespeare's casts, but effete film critics today don't consider that a signature of the plays as comedic failures. They count them among his finest.

Is Death to Smoochy tasteless? Absolutely, but it is a lampoon of a tasteless genre of American Info-tainment, so the more exaggerated its lack of couth, the better. Is it loud, dark, and over-the-top? Completely, but not so much so that it ever flies off-balance and stops making sense. I question an industry which raves over Snatch but trashes Smoochy. This is loud, sick, disturbing comedy that should make us question who those heroic little purple role-models we saturate our children with REALLY might be. It's an attack on the mindlessness of juvenile commercialism and the banality of both kiddie entertainment and its accepting, fawning public. Randolf doesn't lament the loss of his JOB, he weeps and plots over his TIME SLOT. And why IS there always, for every kid-oriented show or movie, a version "On Ice"? Because kids like ice shows? Or because ice shows are a relatively cheap way to cash in through ticketing and concessions on what otherwise only generates income from advertisers? I wonder... ...


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Too wicked for the faint of heart
Review: This is one of the finest black comedies to come out in years. Director Danny DeVito plunges into a dark and corrupt world of children's television in New York City. Robin Williams gives an intense performance as a popular performer for children who loses his throne in disgrace, and is supplanted by an arrogant hippie who tries to clean up the way business is done.

The caper soon involves multiple plots against the life of "Smoochy," the mealticket with a conscience. Involved in the intrigues and counter-intrigues are cynical network executives, the Irish mafia, a villainous charity organization, and a disgraced performer who is now homeless and deranged with anger. Meanwhile, the granola-brained Smoochy (played by Edward Norton) conceives of a narcissistic and horrendous ice show that completely sends up our culture of spectacle and self-involved commercial "art."

It is a wicked, no-holds-barred, brackish comedy with laser-precise comic timing and a dark, dark satire on American culture. I missed lines because I was laughing so hard. Highly recommended.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Flawed but still a hoot
Review: The uniform trashing that the critics gave this film made me feel I had to see it. It turned out to be a very funny dark comedy in a kind of over the top John Waters "What the hell just go for it" style. While not Robin William's best work, he was still immensly entertaining. I for one am just glad see he is done trying to reinvent himself as Michael Landon...Edward Norton is goofy and wonderful continuing to show his phenomenal range. Ignore the critics..they don't all have to be "Amelie" or "Chocolate" Roger...see it and enjoy.. it's devilishly funny.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Greatest Dark Comedy Ever!
Review: When I initially saw the trailer for this movie I thought, wow this is going to be another good movie from Danny Devito(War of the Roses, etc.), but when the bad reviews by critics were coming out I have to admit hesitation to see the movie surfaced. Having two children of my own, it is a rare occasion to see a movie and I have to be picky-choosy. Well, I ended up seeing it even with low expectations, and I can honestly say that I was flabergasted to see negative reviews for this film.

First off, if you couldn't guess by looking at the poster for the film, this is not a children's film. With this in mind, if you have ever had to sit in front of the TV watching some ridiculous show with your children, which they seem to love, this is the movie for you. Be forewarned however, if you are offended easily this is one you may want to miss. Devito doesn't hold back on anything in this one. I can honestly say this is one of the better movies I have seen in the last few years. So, ignore the critics and give this movie a chance, there are many hilarious moments.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the worst films I have ever seen.
Review: Excellent cast, interesting idea, but an incredibly bad movie.

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