Rating:  Summary: Absolutely nonsense... Review: and funnier than anything else out there. The great thing about “Pootie Tang” is the fact that it is joyfully stupid yet always laughing at itself. It is a smart dumb movie. The movie is about a Mr. T like super hero who is always on the side of the kids, telling them to eat their vegetables and not drink malt liquor. I told you this was stupid! With the help of his best friends (including one played by Chris Rock), the hot to trot Biggie Shortie and his daddy’s magic belt, Pootie is unstoppable when it comes to seducing women and recording hit songs. But it all goes down hill for Pootie once an evil corporation tries to ruin him once they see that he is cutting into the profits. Yeah, kind of a cliché story (at one point Pootie Tang even goes to a farm to lead a simple life and figure everything out) but with unforgettable. Not only is Pootie Tang outrageous, but they are a bunch of wild characters including mega ho Ireenie , drug dealer and Pig Pen wannabe Dirty Dee and the would be Miss Tang Biggie Shortie. Also, nice cameos by B-grade stars like Laura Kightlinger and Andy Richter.Its definitely weak when it comes to a story, but its pretty strong really driven by the actors and their outrageous lines and actions. You will laugh so hard at the cleverness in the absurdity of the movie. The movie doesn’t exploit the actors like many films blaxploitation did (hence the title, I assume). Everyone is in on the joke. While a laugh out loud movie, its all around weak for a DVD. The only real extra is a music video by 702. For those saying “7 0 Who?”, they had a big R&B hit a few years ago with a song called “Where My Girls At”. This DVD might be one of the best in my collection if it had a good audio commentary by Rock and others, talking about how their feelings on the film, bad or otherwise. Without real DVD extras, Pottie Tang is still good stuff. In the respect that it goes after a small audience and has them loving the movit, it is cult picture in the same respect of something like “Rocky Horror”. Either you get it and love it, or you’ll hate it. Capatown!
Rating:  Summary: Best movie I've seen all week! Review: When I opened the paper this morning and saw that Pootie Tang had been given a mere one star, I knew that I had to see this movie. These are the same idiots, I thought, who ripped apart Freddy Got Fingered, and weren't they ever wrong there! So I rounded up my buddies and informed them that like heck if I was seeing that garbage movie "A.I." (Just because a guy's made a few good movies doesn't mean his poo doesn't stink, folks.) Not five minutes of Pootie Tang had gone by when I knew that I was in for a real treat: this movie is HILARIOUS. Now, I will admit - the theater was filled to less than 10% capacity, and it was pretty quiet, save for myself and my two friends. Nevermind that - if you're not laughing until it hurts at pretty much everything in this movie, you're thinking way too hard about it. I won't bother to relate any of the particulars of the plot - suffice to say it's the journey of a hero who falls from grace, but redeems himself and learns that while on one hand you have to separate the right from the wrong, it's best to do it with a little love. Add in cameos by Andy Richter, David Cross, and various others, throw in a dash of funk, and you've got Pootie Tang.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of All TIme Review: I can't believe how funny this thing is. I can't stop laughing each time I see it...and I've seen a whole lot. Trust me. Some love it, Some hate it...and a lil tiny amount of people think it's alright. I say rent it first.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid Can be Funny, but not this time! Review: this movie is stupid. you cant argue w/ that, it's stupid on purpose 2 try 2 b funny. the problem is it's way too stupid 2 b funny, i mean there are some funny parts (my favorite is the pie scene) but it's just not that funny. If u like 2 laugh at stupid [stuff] then go see zoolander, the funniest stupid movie ever.
Rating:  Summary: Ohhh Lighten UUUUUPPP People! Review: I am NOT a comedy fan. I don't own any comedies, I rent comedies when I know people are coming that won't want to see my dismal dramas and documentaries. My bookshelves are filled with non-fiction to give you an idea. But.....I must say that Pootie Tang had me rolling on the floor. Daddy Tang and Biggie Shorty especially. I LOVE this movie it is frankly 'stupid fun' but hey we can all use some fun. For those of you complainers, in the immortal words of Jack Nicholson in 'Terms of Endearment' "it's gonna take a lot of drinks to kill the bug that is ............."
Rating:  Summary: Best Comedy Ever? Review: I believe that Pootie Tang is arguably the best comedy film ever, and I am a comedy snob. Very few people saw this film, fewer still stayed 'til the end, fewer still loved it and fewer still loved it for the right reasons. This movie is NOT a parody of Blaxsploitation films, it just uses those films as a starting point. This movie is not "so stupid it's funny" but rather "so ingenius it's funny." Critics and viewers alike have had a difficult time wrapping their minds around this movie because it is unlike anything ever seen before. The film's ultra-positive energy is a new kind of breakthough "edgy" that I believe is ten years ahead of its time. The character of Pootie is inscrutible and brilliant, yet tender and moving. Never have I seen a movie with more perfect casting (including documentaries!). So many mistakes could have ruined this film: the editing, the acting, the writing, but there was not a single misstep (despite the claims of creator Louis C.K.). As I walked out of the theater after seeing Pootie Tang for the first time, I felt stunned, and blessed, to live in a world in which a movie like this could exist. After the third and forth viewings, the impact was lessoned not a whit.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid with some funny moments Review: Corny, but with funny moments. I didn't particularly care for the girl drinking the cat-milk scene which I thought wa s bit much, but hilarious at the same time. I did like the scene with pootie Tangs hit "silent" album. Silly but funny. Other than that...just a dumb comedy.
Rating:  Summary: Funniest Move Ever Based on Nonsense Review: This movie was showing at the dollar theater near where i live, and i was excited i had a free moment to see it. I love most of Chris Rock's comedy, and i was looking forward to seeing a movie that seemed to be totally goofy from the previews. I was on the floor crying in the first five minutes. This movie is what most comedies should be like, funny. The plot is a joke, the dialouge is a joke, the acting is so good the humor comes across very strong. This movie isn't for everyone though. If you can't enjoy a movie for simply being a good time, then don't watch this movie. On the other hand,if you can look past the fact that it isn't going to be a life-changing movie, but one of the funniest movies you will ever see, then buy this DVD the day it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Funniest Movie I've EVER Seen in My Life Review: I'm a hardcore critic, particularly when it comes to the dozens of all-black movies, year after year, perpetuating horrible stereo-types. Your first clues that Pootie Tang is different are Chris Rock & Wanda Sykes. Within the first minutes, this movie had me crying & holding my middle, I laughed so hard. I laughed this hard right up to moment it ended. Next day I invited four friends over to watch, same reactions. I laughed harder than before! Some reviews dubbed it "stupid". That's a moronic over-simplification. It's actually a very intellegent spoof on ridiculous subjects. The comedy is brilliant! And, not ONE curse word uttered in this entire film. (Sah-Dah-Tay!!)
Rating:  Summary: Capa-Ta Review: One of the best movie's I have ever seen in my life. Im gonna watch it over and over again. This is a must buy for a DVD collecter. Sine your pitty on the runny kine, wadatah!