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A Life Less Ordinary

A Life Less Ordinary

List Price: $9.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must-See!
Review: This is one of the BEST movies I have ever seen! Caneron Diaz and Ewan McGregor work great together! It's a really funny movie, you'll be laughing practically from beginning to end. This is definitely one you want to watch over and over again.
My favorite!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Snoresville
Review: I'm sorry, this film is just plain dull. Ewan & Cameron have no chemistry together at all. If you'd like to see a great kidnapping movie, you should check out Vincent Gallo's dark comedy "Buffalo '66" with Gallo & Cristina Ricci. Gallo's is better than "ALLO".

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Are you kidding??
Review: Anyone who thinks kidnapping at gunpoint can form the foundation for a serious true-love relationship has some issues they need to work on. This film has no plot to speak of and gives you no reason to care what happens to the characters or their made-just-outside-Hollywood relationship. That said, the acting is pretty good and the schtick with the angels concerned about their medical costs is funny. This movie had everything going for it and there are a lot of good scenes. The poor overall rating is not the fault of the cast or the writers. The basic concept is highly shopworn and the casual treatment of violence, class, sexuality, and power fails to achieve the biting edge that I've come expect from these wacky cynical GenX semi-indie postmodern comedies.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Life less Ordinary
Review: A surreal, offbeat adventure with a feelggood factor. This has pace, interesting twists, adventure, love, excitement. Excellent performances from the entire cast - particularly Ewan McGregor who is charming and utterly irresistible as an accidental kidnapper who falls in love with his victim (Cameron Diaz) in spite of interference from two angels.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Oh it was AWESOME!!!
Review: this movie was one of the best that i seen with ewan mcgregor (except of course MOULIN ROUGE) i think the plot is funny and that Ewans character is great because he's so... sensitive.. i think its wonderful. Diaz is a witch with a capital B but that just makes the movie more fun. the two are so bad for each other that they are the perfect match!! and all the things the angels do are hilarious!! its a Wonderful movie and i think everone should watch it at least once!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: No one seems to understand the plot
Review: This is a spoiler!

This is not a movie about a janitor who kidnaps an heiress and then falls in love with her.

This is a movie about the Archangel Gabriel setting up two angels to fall in love. The angels are put in "jeopardy" because if they can't cause two mortals (the janitor and the heiress) to fall in love then they will be banished from Heaven.

Throughout the movie the two angels use their best love-tactic (jeopardy) to try and bring the mortals together. At the end, Gabriel summons up Ezekial to ressurect the slain angels and reunite them as man and woman in Heaven.

The two mortals, if you watch the claymation mini-movie during the credits, even drop by heaven on the way to Scotland for the honeymoon.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What a waste!
Review: This movie COULD have been great as a romantic comedy. All the elements were there--great actors, a fun premise. Great in theory, lousy in execution. McGregor comes off so weak and bumbling that he's completely ineffectual as the male lead. It's bad enough that he plays such a complete doofus, but did they have to give him what's probably the worst wardrobe and haircut I've ever seen on the guy!? Diaz's character is such a witch that you don't care whether or not she's happy in the end. Both of these flawed characters could have worked if there had been any character development at all, but mostly the viewer is just supposed to believe that these two people deserve happiness because the fates and divine guidance say so. You start out rooting for them, but 20 minutes into the story and you just don't care about either one of them. Both stars deserve better.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good like tea - black and sweet
Review: Every time I read a bad review of this movie, one of the main complaints is that the angels are out of place, or not needed. Not so! Their presence explains why the two radically different main characters fall for each other. Without the angels, this story would be a trite, Showtime-style story of "kidnapped girl falls for cute kidnapper", but the celestial help allows the romance to fall into place so that the story can progress beyond that. You know that Robert and Celine have to fall for each other, the fun is in how the angels arrange the circumstances that put them in "the love situation".

The humor in this movie is very black and/or subtle - you have to pay attention to the dialogue if you want to catch everything. It never becomes arch, though, and allows both characters, especially Robert (Ewan McGregor), to show their sweetness. One of the only problems was that in making Robert a 'good guy', the screenwriters kind of made him ineffectual - every character takes advantage him in some way. But McGregor conquers that obstacle and produces a great character, very much the star of the film. Watch for the grave scene. It is the ABSOLUTELY the funniest scene in a movie, ever. Also the ransom call scene. Both are driven by McGregor to great effect. (Why, Oh why, doesn't he do any books-on-tape? I could listen to that voice for hours!)

I am not a fan of romantic comedies, mostly because of the unrealism that two perfect people find each other and fall in love. ALLO is different, though, because it explains *why* they HAVE to fall for each other instead of just giving us the situation and making us believe it.

And to all those reviewers who don't understand the angels, go watch a Meg Ryan movie.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I loved this film!!!!!!!!
Review: I absoulutly adored this film. It was energetic, fun and camron diaz is the perfect little rich girl! I read the book before i saw the film and I leave the book at my villa in spain and every year i notice a new little twist to the story! one of the few films that doesnt spoil the book!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one of my favorite movies
Review: A classic road movie / black comedy featuring the brilliant Ewan Mcgregor and of course Cammy Diaz! McGregor's character gets the sack from his boss and gets dumped by his girlfriend the same day. So with everything lost, he has nothing to lose when he storms up to the boss' office and demands his job back. In which he manages to kidnap the lovely Cameron Diaz. That's all I'll tell you! It's got to be one of my fave films ever. It's got great jokes [in a black comedy stylee] and lots of plot twists and turns with a great scene in the middle with 'Beyond the Sea!' An utter classic. You need it. It's so styylish and every time I watch it, I find I love it even more. Ahhh.

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