Rating:  Summary: Wake me when it's over. Review: A FLOP! Yes, a flop. I had to give it at least one star, only because this review page doesn't work without including the star rating. I love John Cleese, Keven Kline, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Michael Palin. But, this is a dismal attempt to reunite the cast of that wonderful comedy A FISH CALLED WANDA and try for more. It's not a sequal, though it may as well be, for all its worth. It's about a group of lunatics who try to create this new kind of zoo. There are a few laughable bits, but hardly worth the effort. When I heard this was coming out, I looked forward to seeing it. And, as I watched it, I really really tried to like it. But, to no avail. It's a turkey. Stick with A FISH CALLED WANDA.
Rating:  Summary: Much better than "Wanda" Review: A reunion of the cast of "A Fish Called Wanda", which previous film was always highly touted by friends and acquaintances, but left me cold. Creatures, however, is nearly perfect from start to finish. Cleese is always funny, but Palin is perfectly cast as the nerdish zookeeper. And Kline is awesome in both of his parts (some did not recognize him from one to the other).See this one.
Rating:  Summary: What a disappointment. Review: As much as I love John Cleese and the "Wanda" crew, I have to say I found this movie severely lacking in the humour, the sexual tension and the edge-of-the-seat excitement I'd enjoyed in "Wanda". The beginning scene set the unfortunate tone and it went down-hill from there. It wasn't for lack of trying by the cast. They were, as always, doing their best to turn in top performances but the spark just wasn't there. A waste of their talents and that of supporting cast, such as Robert Lindsay. I have to admit that the final scene held a few laughs but I believe that was more the result of the costumes than the story. I WANTED to like this story. I really, really did. Unfortunately, there just wasn't enough substance to hold my interest.
Rating:  Summary: A study in economics Review: As one knows all institutions should pull their own weight in today's economic environment. John Cleese as Rollo Lee is tasked with coming up with a money making scheme to save the Zoo. The theme is "Fierce Creatures" See the unique solution in action. All the characters in this movie have some unique quirkiness to them. I am not going into detail as the surprises are best seen. However Rollo gets a kinky reputation by being seen with half-clad women (plural) and various compromising situations with animals. Bottom line will the Zoo be saved? What happened to less fierce creatures and people? Will Willa find love or a reasonable substitute? Look for Cynthia Cleese (daughter of John Cleese and Connie Booth) as Pip Small Mammals.
Rating:  Summary: This film really deserves to be released in widescreen Review: Either you love this film or you don't care for it. It alldepends depends upon your particular sense of humor. In my case, Iadore it and find it hysterically funny. My problems with this DVD have nothing to do with the film. Instead, my problems are with the transfer. This disc is one of the worst excuses for a pan and scan disc I've seen. I gave up trying to count the number of times that two characters were having a conversation but only one of them could be seen! Often, there was dialog and you didn't even know another character was even there until they spoke! Even though I adore the DVD format, for this title, buy the VHS version in widescreen instead. You'll get to enjoy the film and actually see the action.
Rating:  Summary: Fierce Creatures Review: Fierce Creatures DVD ~ Robert Young (III) is utter junk and it is a travesty to see John Cleese in this sorry excuse for a movie. The jokes are lame and bland. The humor is forced and the script sucks.
Rating:  Summary: Startlingly Weak Follow-Up to a Classic Comedy Review: Fierce Creatures is a follow-up (not, strictly speaking, a sequel - the storyline is different and no previous characters appear) to the extremely successful British comedy film A Fish Called Wanda. A Fish Called Wanda is a minor classic. This isn't. Presumably the cast (John Cleese, Michael Palin, Kevin Kline and Jamie Lee-Curtis were all in A Fish Called Wanda) had a lot of fun the first time round because they have all turned out for this attempt. It falls pretty flat, unfortunately. The story is fairly weak and cliched (repressed British man takes over running a zoo for an American corporation, has to improve profits or zoo will close, decides to get rid of all non-fierce creatures [and their handlers] to improve visitor numbers...), as are the characters. In fairness, nobody expects this to be Merchant-Ivory, but it happens not to be funny either, and that's a pretty big stumbling block. Whereas A Fish Called Wanda has aged well, this feels like a throwback to the worst of British television comedy of the 1970s. Lots of mugging and some inelegant slapstick. I'm a fan of both Cleese and Palin, but the feeling in this film is that they've just dusted off a couple of old stock routines (gurning and funny voices from Palin, lots of flapping around and generally looking gangly and harrassed from Cleese) and phoned them in. In fairness, there are a couple of genuinely funny moments. If the film is on TV and there's nothing else to do it's the sort of thing that will kill a couple of hours fairly well. But I wouldn't spend money on it. Not beyond a one-off rental fee anyway. The film has received mixed reviews on this website. Some people seem to quite like it. Maybe I'm just turning into a tired, embittered jade. Who knows. But I think the advice here really does have to be "try before you buy". And if you are expecting something int he A Fish Called Wanda league, I would counsel you to play down your expectations now to avoid disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Review: HA HA HA!!! THose were the first words anyone could use to describe such a movie. About a zoo trying to stay open in the weirdest way, using Fierce Creatures!!! Also includes John Cleese, Micheal Palin, bascially anyone in a Fish Called Wanda. This is a must get for anyone. END
Rating:  Summary: Cleese as Basil Fawlty again! The rest is ho-hum. Review: I always enjoy John Cleese in his classic Basil Fawlty role, that's about the only part of this movie I laughed at. There's too much emphasis on the big stars, we never really get to know any of the zoo staff. It could have been much funnier. Get the Fawlty Towers videos if you really want to see some classic British humor!
Rating:  Summary: Boundless enjoyment of this film Review: I happen to enjoy English comedies. This one is quite good. I laughed all through the movie and enjoyed myself considerably. I disagree that the picture doesn't rate with a Fish Called Wanda. I took the movie out from Blockbuster because I noticed that Robert Lindsay was one of the animal keepers. Look out. This guy is terrific especially after just seeing him in the Hornblower Series. Thanks for a great movie and hope to find other movies with Robert Lindsay in the States.