Rating:  Summary: Pauly Shore... Well its on of his better ones Review: The bogus witch project is a very, very, cheesy take of the Blair Witch Project. It takes us through parks in search of big foot and through the streets of Watts in search of the Watts Bi**h.While it is a very humourous take of the Blair Witch Project it seems to be donbe with a very low budget and well Pauly Shore... but other than that it is well worth a few laughs.
Rating:  Summary: repetitive Review: This dvd is sporadically funny, but many of the same obvious jokes get repeated over and over (something the compilers realized and mention in the cheezy rap song extra). The most interesting feature is the hidden O.J. documentary, and I'm not even a football fan.
Rating:  Summary: Do Not Waste Your Money Review: This has to be one of the worst movies ever! Its not funny and it is not entertaining. Waste of time and money. Do not be deceived by the fact that Pauley Shore is in one of the segments of this movie.
Rating:  Summary: UTTERLY DETESTABLE Review: This movie is, quite simply, terrible. I watched some of it late one night on cable, and I found none of it funny or entertaining. I assumed it was going to be lame, but I was hoping for the "it's so lame it's funny" effect that sometimes results from bad films. Sadly, the lameness of this movie is more likely to make one want to go to bed than to invoke laughter or interest.
Rating:  Summary: UTTERLY DETESTABLE Review: This movie is, quite simply, terrible. I watched some of it late one night on cable, and I found none of it funny or entertaining. I assumed it was going to be lame, but I was hoping for the "it's so lame it's funny" effect that sometimes results from bad films. Sadly, the lameness of this movie is more likely to make one want to go to bed than to invoke laughter or interest.
Rating:  Summary: Okay if you enjoyed the real Blair Witch Review: We begin with the first in a series of horrible segments thrown inbetween the actual Blair Witch parodies featured. In this intro, you get a Raimi style camera's eye view run through the woods past all number of unfunny sight gags, most of which don't even make sense as jokes. Finally you are told that you are watching some sort of "In the Woods" television station, that apparently only runs Blair Witch parodies, and bad horror film homaging commercials. You then enter your first parody, the Watts B**ch. Where a group of white kids attempt to find some sort of violent gangsta women in the hood. They of course, get lost. Anyway, this one had a couple of funny moments, but you'd probably have to know the original feature really well to get the jokes. One theory should be noted, I believe these film makers made this parody purely on the basis of the uncanny resemblance the lead actress has to the original Blair Witch's Heather. Then We re-enter the world of bad TV, with the only funny commercial on the whole video, for a lawyer who helps people involved in horror film style incidents turn a profit. This commercial is actually really funny, but only because of the faces made by the lawyer character as he attempts to act in his own commercial. Next we have one of the funnier parodies, where a group of young unemployed actors go out into the local park to find a witch that their cute female leader actually totally made up. Her two male partners appear to know it is all a fraud from the beginning and continue to make fun of their leader throughout the film, which is where most of the humor comes from, but it is indeed funny! More so at the beginning though. Next we have some horrible commercials. The home shopping commercials are particularly horrible. They continue to seperate three four more parodies. One being the long awaited Pauly Shore parody, which seems to be the least loyal to the real film of all of them. It might be the least funny too. Sad really. Another parody shows a group in looking for actor Blair Underwood. Most of the humor here comes from the lead actress's uncontrollable use of the "F" word. This does invoke laughter however. Unfortunately it is probably the only funny aspect of this parody. Another shows a group of young people searching for the Bel Aire Witch. This one does have some pretty funny moments, and a funnier cast than the others. Lastly is the Willy Witch Projects, where we get an African American version of the Blair Witch Parody, and probably the funniest of all due to one flamboyant gay character, though this parody eventually seems to run a bit too long, and you finally end up wanting them to kill that guy after hearing all his whining! Still, it's pretty funny. I'd have to say the parodies really aren't that bad, but they have such limited humor, and you get tired of seeing one parody after another about the same movie. The moments inbetween the parodies are awful, except for the lawyer commercial. Overall, I'd say rent it, but don't ever buy it, unless you really are a Blair Witch NUT!
Rating:  Summary: Do Not Waste Your Money Review: You can't get any worse than this collection of amateurish "Blair Witch" short film spoofs. Excruciatingly NOT FUNNY, and at points extremely ANNOYING, this is obviously a cheap patch-job by Trimark to try to cash in on the Blair Witch phenom. Where they found these shorts is one thing (they don't even pass muster as student films - all filmmakers involved should look for new careers outside of the entertainment biz), but they have also added AWFUL padding between the segments trying to spoof commercials and horror icons as well as endless Sam Raimi-like steadicam footage speeding through the woods backed by techno music. What's the point of all this --- to drag it out to 85 minutes and try to break up the repetiveness of the BW segments, I suppose. Only the final spoof offers any laughs thanks to a little bit of originality with an all-black take-off including a flamboyant gay character. Otherwise, this is one "project" that should NEVER have seen the light of a video or DVD release. You have been WARNED!
Rating:  Summary: PATHETIC Review: You can't get any worse than this collection of amateurish "Blair Witch" short film spoofs. Excruciatingly NOT FUNNY, and at points extremely ANNOYING, this is obviously a cheap patch-job by Trimark to try to cash in on the Blair Witch phenom. Where they found these shorts is one thing (they don't even pass muster as student films - all filmmakers involved should look for new careers outside of the entertainment biz), but they have also added AWFUL padding between the segments trying to spoof commercials and horror icons as well as endless Sam Raimi-like steadicam footage speeding through the woods backed by techno music. What's the point of all this --- to drag it out to 85 minutes and try to break up the repetiveness of the BW segments, I suppose. Only the final spoof offers any laughs thanks to a little bit of originality with an all-black take-off including a flamboyant gay character. Otherwise, this is one "project" that should NEVER have seen the light of a video or DVD release. You have been WARNED!