Rating:  Summary: A sad, sad commentary on public taste Review: This movie is intended to be a charming, witty, uplifting tale of a doctor who sees the whole person in his patients. What it ends up being is a marathon session of a guy being a dumb jerk to the professionals around him. I thought the part where his cult-like views get his girlfriend killed was especially charming. It was a nice touch that he feels sorry for himself and glosses over the fact that it was his ... world-view that got her killed.This movie was bad, not for the style or the directing. It is bad because of the terrible dogmatic hippiness of its message. This "fight the establishment" [material] wasn't useful in the 60's and it is equally trite and puerile now.
Rating:  Summary: Patch Adams in 'Real Life' Review: I won't go into a full review of the movie. I think it'll suffice to say that I don't let a month go by without catching some snips of it over again even if I don't watch the whole movie every time. What has incited me to add my two pence here is a comment from one of the earlier reviewers (David Von Pein) - >> And the final nail in the coffin is the last scene, during which we get to witness Patch's bare hind quarters during graduation festivities! Why, oh why, would anyone do such a vulgar thing! Even the unorthodox Mr. Adams!! (Somebody, PLEASE tell me the real Patch didn't do this in this thing we refer to as "real life"!) << I run a humor discussion list and had the good fortune of having a Health Humorist on my list who was a part of a delegation that visited China along with Dr Patch Adams. Naturally I asked her about her recollections of the trip and here's a paragraph that might of interest to David. :-) "I don't recall him doing too many really silly things. I do, however recall that he and some of the other clowns mooned from atop the Great Wall. As you may know, he is known for his 'mooning' in the darnest places. For instance, at a convention of the AATH." Oops. Did that Pain ? Don't look at 'The Dark Side of the Moon' and it Von' Pein for too long David ! ;-)
Rating:  Summary: Maudlin and Unbearably Preachy Review: I am getting to the point that I truly cannot stomach the notion of seeing Robin Williams movies. Most of the serious roles he plays (Dead Poets Society, Awakenings, and Patch Adams, for example) leave me feeling like I am constantly being preached to by some smug righteous know-it-all who has a simple answer for everything. The only opposition the protagonist gets is from the stuffed-shirt Establishment (boo hiss) which serves as a straw man that can be knocked down with ease. However, I find it just to be more insulting to my intelligence, not to mention lacking in basic humor. Patch's wacky antics are the sort of stunts I would expect from my 9-year-old, not a doctor who is presumably trying to treat my ailments. Certainly, none of us appreciates being treated in a sterile impersonal manner, but I personally would prefer a doctor who doesn't appear to be a complete jackass. Studies have certainly shown that patients respond positively to being treated with warmth & compassion, but other studies have shown as well that patients like to see that white lab coat, because it conveys an air of authority and competence that patients find reassuring. Of course the movie completely ignores these complicated issues, because the director is more interested in cranking out a formulaic, paint-by-the-numbers, feel-good Hollywood piece. It is far easier to resort to manipulating your audience with hackneyed plot devices and clichés than try to address serious issues intelligently. Make sure to claim that it is a true story as well. The fact that this movie won the Best Picture Golden Globe is further evidence that all of these awards shows are utterly worthless when it comes to judging the true merits of a film.
Rating:  Summary: I've love to give it four stars, but..... Review: ...it's just too much a Hollywood formula film. I love Robin Williams in general, applaud the spirit of Patch's true story, and did find myself laughing often at Williams' antics and rooting for the character. But in the end it's like the popcorn you might munch on during the viewing. Tastes good at the time, smelled good for sure, but ultimately not that satisfying. One thing a movie fan must always understand about films "Based on a true story": The truth is often played with and stretched in many ways, made to fit the format in which the film is being made. Incidents are exaggerated or minimized, parts of stories are left out, words from Hollywood screenwriters are put into the mouths of actors portraying real people (or, often, one character who is a combination of two or more real people, which simplifies the story and costs less in actors' salaries), etc., until the director and/or producers are satisfied with the finished product. By then you are not seeing a true story, but a product that has a skeleton of real events at its core. Dr. "Patch" Adams does exist. He did get into medicine in the way the film portrays, and he did find the education too clinical for his taste. Believing that laughter is the best medicine, he chose an unorthodox approach with patients, and got into trouble for not being a "serious student." He does continue to pursue this approach today, and runs a successful clinic. Beyond that, the "Hollywood formula" is uncomfortably stamped all over what could be a great story. It's too cutely wrapped up at every turn, including the grouchy old authority figure who is deadset against the wonderful Patch, and how the young student is able to charm everyone he meets and meets with nothing but success (except one notably unbalanced patient---inevitably the Hollywood formula allows that "all but ONE" ratio), how he gets the resistant girl to fall in love with him, has a goofy sidekick, flaunts authority, has to take his case before a board of authority whom he wins over, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. It looks almost exactly like a few dozen other movies, "true story" or not, before the filmmakers are done with it. There is a really great story at the heart of this film. I guess I'll have to buy Patch Adams' own autobiographical books to get closer to that real story. It's highly unlikely this bears more than an occasional resemblance to it.
Rating:  Summary: Patch Adams was in no way a self centered person. Review: I first saw this movie last year and it is one of my son's favorite adult films that he is allowed to watch with supervision. A man that is so depressed that he self commits himself to a mental ward at Fairfax Hospital, VA., feeling that he has no purpose in life and makes no difference that he exists. He realizes that the therapy he is receiving makes him feel no better, but realizes that the inmakes on the ward are in worse shape than he is and getting no better either. He finds that he, as a patient, more in touch with reality, tries a different approach and he makes a difference. Thus begins the transformation of Patch Adams, who makes it his life long dedication to help people who are worse off than he is and to use the special talents and intelligence given to him to become a doctor. I have spent a great deal of time at Fairfax Hospital for care of my children and medical care I required.Two of my children were born there.Doctors have become more sensitive to patients than in the past. Some refuse to give up the stiffness, that is their own problem of not being able to change. Perhaps Patch Adams is a bit strong for some to deal with, but his patients respected him for his ability to see them as human beings.Patch insisted to know the name of a patient, as Fairfax Hospital and many other hospitals are teaching hospitals. The medical profession has come a long way for doctors who see the light that Patch Adams was trying to shine to open their eyes, that book knowledge is only part of being a good doctor. Patch Adams wanted doctors to see that if they wanted respect from their patients, they needed to respect their patients and understand that they had feelings, and to at least call them by their name. The children in the cancer ward, if one is knowledgeable, there are Child Life Programs to deal with the feelings and help the children who are long term or terminal patients to deal with the trauma of hospitalization, and deal with the medical proceedures that the children will be experiencing to reduce their fear, a job the medical staff is too overloaded with to perform while doing their own responsibilities to have time to spend to add to their load. The best hospitals in the country all have Child Life Programs, Fairfax Hospital, Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, and John Hopkins, to name a few. Patch Adams' colleagues realized that he had a good point, it was just a concept that they were never taught as part of their medical practice. The movie was meant to teach a story, but at the same time to be entertaining. No patient likes an arrogant doctor who thinks that he is a superior being to a patient, or who does not take the time to consider what the patient is trying to tell them. Patch Adams was a dedicated doctor who felt that the needs of his patients included more than medication. He never felt medicine was not part of their care or medical school would not have been so critical to him. Mrs. Symmington
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful movie Review: Robin Williams is a wonderful actor. This is one of his best. It's a delightful story and a great performance. 4 stars for this one!
Rating:  Summary: A Silly Movie With a Wonderful Message Review: Patch Adams is a "basesd on a true story" type of inspirational comedy. While at times it may be hard to believe, I think the deeper message behind the film is very important, especially to those in the medical field. So what if doctors get emotionally involved with their patients? Being in the medical profession myself, I often find that things can be too cold and scientific. It's very refreshing to see a doctor who cares, a doctor with a heart. So while Robin Williams' character may be a little obnoxious and even somewhat unbelievable at times, this movie is downright heartwarming and inspirational.
Rating:  Summary: The medicinal use of comedy Review: This film is based on the true story of Hunter "Patch" Adams. Adams wanted to help people, and to do, so he tried to re-align the way doctors see their role with patients. Rather than maintaining a distance between doctor and patient, Adams felt that doctors should be more compassionate and understanding. At the time, this was a revolutionary idea. His dream, from what I read, is still in the process of becoming a reality. Robin Williams, playing Adams, gives a lot of life to this role. As in other roles, Williams doesn't keep to the comic side of the role but explores the other extreme as well. We can see and feel his pain. Williams is very good at taking us through the whole spectrum of emotion. A problem I have with the movie is some elements are too similar to other movies Williams has done. For instance, if you remember the scene in "Dead Poets Society" where all the students are showing their support, then you have seen a version of this movie. You can't help but make the connection. I would recommend seeing this movie. If you see the special edition, there is behind-the-scenes footage at the end.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie Review: Even though I'm only 11 years old, my best friend and I are aloud to watch alot of pg-13 movies. When I came across "Patch Adams", I had no idea that it would make me cry and laugh at the same time. I would recomend this movie to any one that likes to cry during movies, but laugh to.
Rating:  Summary: great Review: i absolutely possitively love this movie. not only was it touching but it was also sad when the guy shot his girlfriend. i had so much to say to mr williams for an excellent portrayal in a true story. he has a jim carrey esque man on the moon feel to him. actually if andy was older they probably would have hired mr williams. great acting , great story , just plain great.