Rating:  Summary: 5 minutes of action in 2 hours of nothing Review: I am a big fan of the theatre. I like going to plays and I have been to many. However, in movie I expect more. 2 hours of mediocre acting by Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito doesnt cut it. I would only recommend this movie to people with severe heart conditions. In fact, even this would be to dull for them. This movie was a complete waste of time. Demand better from Hollywood, people! Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: A Sermon For The Searchers Review: If there is one realization you take from this acute gem, then it would be this: In this world, there are those who preach, and those who listen. What The Big Kahuna amusingly, movingly and effectively argues is that a "preacher" need not be selling a religion. An ideology will do. Industrial lubricants will do. So how much buying and selling do you really do? Have you ever tried to convince someone of your worldview? Have you ever accepted and then adopted a point of view that was not your own? So how much buying and selling do you really do? As a veteran film fan, I can assert that Wichita, Kansas is an acronym for "nowhere". In this nondescript environment enter three archetypes, the cynical Larry (Kevin Spacey), the religious and bible quoting rookie Bob (Peter Facinelli) and most importantly the reflective Phil (Danny De Vito). He is depressed, confused, less hungry for the deal and unlike Larry and Bob, he has nothing to sell. The Spacey character's most primal objective is to find the "Grand Kahuna", the big wallet who's going to make this trip worthwhile. For Spacey, who could not be uninteresting if you had a gun to his head, this performance is a particular standout. Not only is Larry more relaxed and human then most of the diabolical intellectuals he usually plays, but this time he laces his sardonic comments with a superficial ease that could only be attained when someone is making a pitch. As for Bob, his quotation of scripture, and bland reflective demeanor are also a pitch. He wants to sell them on his idea of "goodness". For the time being Larry seems to be winning the battle of words with his slick one liners. But give the kid time, he will learn and he will sell. Crucial to the film's power is Phil. Lacking the pedagoguery that justifies the other two's existence, he is depressed. Even suicidal. An intelligent being can not live without a philosophy, religious or otherwise. He has lived long enough, or just lived enough to know that the philosophy he used to ascribe to, the philosophy Larry still ascribes to is flawed. He is intelligent enough to know that if he chooses Bob's way of life, then it too will reveal flaws. We all need something to believe in and keep in mind that atheism, rejection and pacifism are also beliefs. De Vito has this wonderful scene, the best acted scenes so far this year, where he recalls a dream he once had about God. I will not describe the scene here, but you will know it when you see it. Some will find the prospect of a film set mostly in one room unappealing. But if anything, The Big Kahuna proves that with superior writing, great performances you don't need the scenery. Indeed, in comparison most films seem hide behind their scenery, their special effects and their nudity to obscure their emptiness. To put it bluntly, the film not only has an unexpected emotional punch but is also entertaining as "hell". The film's most revealing scene contrasts religion and common sense. What is to "love" and what it is to just "like". Phil asks Larry "Do you love me?". Larry responds "If you mean 'would I die for you, would I jump out the window if you asked' then no. I don't." Had Larry made their affection and friendship a religion, he probably would have jumped. It's up to you to decide whether that is a good thing.
Rating:  Summary: a movie based on a play that doesn't lose sight of the play Review: For anyone like myself who is a die hard theatre fan it is hard to watch some of the adaptations done these days. It takes true skill to transform a play into a movie and what I love about this movie is that they left it well enough alone as a play. Movies these days don't have the long dialogues and the sharp verbal interactions as some modern theatre and this movie captures it all. This movie sucks you in with it dialogue from the very begining and it's the type of movie you leave feeling like you truly gained something from it. It has a message and it's clear but it doesn't beat you over the head with it. We are all salesmen sometimes, wether it's industrial lubricants or God, we all have something.
Rating:  Summary: A refreshingly intelligent film Review: This refreshingly intelligent film delivers raw intellectual power by retaining the look and feel of the play from which it was adapted. The use of a single set and just three actors throws the emphasis entirely upon the in-depth character studies, the incisive dialogue and the actors' outstanding performances. It draws us into the lives of three seemingly ordinary guys at a convention whose interaction broaches questions that are nothing short of an examination of the meaning of life. The dialogue unabashedly strips the characters naked to show the ironies and hypocrisies inherent in their strategies for establishing meaning in the machinations of mundane lives. The laser sharp exchanges slash relentlessly at the souls of each, leaving none of the characters intact by the end of the film. And with each thrust, they drive another introspective probe deep into the psyche of the viewer. The presentation reminded me a little of "Glengarry Glen Ross" with its theatrical feel and deep reflective tone, although this film was more confronting and less darkly despondent. Roger Roeff's penetrating script approaches the meaninglessness of life from three unique perspectives. We have Larry (Kevin Spacey) the seemingly superficial cynic who has far greater depth than he lets on and who uses his sardonic persona as a defense mechanism to hide his own fears. Phil (Danny DeVito) is the pragmatic but jaded salesman who is great at putting things in perspective for everyone but himself. Bob is the naïve young Christian zealot whose antidote for the futility of life is a strong dose of Jesus. The juxtaposition of Larry the cynic and Bob the idealist makes for numerous thought provoking exchanges, especially when we learn that Phil (our mediator and voice of reason) is drowning in his own soul-searching quest for meaning. The story poses more questions than it does answers, and sputters a bit at the end, but overall it accomplishes its purpose of making the viewer ponder profundities easily ignored while in the pursuit of everyday priorities. The acting was brilliant. Kevin Spacey gave what I thought was the best performance of his career. This was so much more interesting and meaty a character than he played in "American Beauty" that Spacey easily eclipsed even that outstanding performance. Larry was such a dynamic and complex character, that Spacey was able to open up the throttle and show us the full measure of his considerable talents. Likewise, Danny DeVito delivered a personal best in a serious dramatic role. His portrayal of the mediator who was trying to keep the peace while he was disintegrating inside was subtle and powerful. Peter Facinelli was also near perfect with an utterly believable and sincere performance as the pure hearted whelp whose heart was suffused with the Lord. I rated this film a 9/10, but it requires a certain type of viewer to enjoy it. It is a very intellectual film, which precludes it from having much mass appeal. Action junkies will be bored to tears. However, for those who have a philosophical bent, this film will be highly satisfying.
Rating:  Summary: Six and 1/2 Stars Review: If I were to walk into a movie store looking at box titles alone, this movie would never catch my eye. Ffortunately I am a big enough Kevin Spacey fan to have watched it despite the shameful publicity they put out. To say that this movie is "just human interaction" is to look over the fundemental point of the whole movie. The movie is exactly about how people process the experiences they have with each other. What a profound idea for a movie/play! To write something that is mundane as a sales pitch is to talk to Americans in a place that they can understand. The only point of blockbuster multi million dollar movies is to let people escape from reality. This movie doesn't let you do that. It brings you right into the face of 'real life' in a way that is clear and understandable. Don't see this if you aren't going to pay attention, but to say that this movie is boring or slow is to show a lack of understanding of the primary purpose and to deny true human interactions.
Rating:  Summary: Its good,interesting dialogue and characters Review: Just saw this movie and I enjoyed it, it was really interesting to see the different generations and different characters interacting....No this isn't an academy award film, but it is a great little film with solid acting in it, its definitely worth seeing...Kevin Spacey is great as usual, and Danny Devito's character is surprisingly good too....My only complaint is that it can feel a little claustrophobic after a while because they don't leave the hotel room, and it would have been nice to see them in a different setting...but its an interesting film nonetheless.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best screeplays ever written..... Review: I was very surprised at the intelligence and bravery that the scriptwriter of this film displays in his work. Alot of the conversations had by the three main characters, (who are played excellently by Kevin Spacey (Fresh from winning OSCAR), Danny Devito, and Peter Facinelli) are so meaningful and deeply intense. It's an excellent script, a masterpiece. It's right behind the one for "American Beauty", which I think deserved it's OSCAR. It was a very interesting movie, and it's not really exciting, or action packed. Just alot of conversation and humor and realism. I would recommend this as a rental.
Rating:  Summary: thoughtful drama Review: Though essentially little more than a stage bound version of the play, "Hospitality Suite," the film entitled "The Big Kahuna" earns distinction for its sharply delineated characters and the finely wrought performances of its three main actors. In fact, the stage origins of the film are evident in the fact that the action rarely extends beyond a single set - a hotel suite in Wichita, Kansas in which three salesman are gathered for a convention - and the fact that only four people are even assigned speaking parts (and even the fourth is a mere walk-on bellboy). All the other people we see serve as a kind of silent backdrop before which the three principal players enact their complex personal drama. Kevin Spacey, in a truly brilliant performance, plays Larry, a middle-aged, sardonic salesman who sees life strictly from the perspective of a hardcore cynic and who, consequently, runs roughshod over his two business associates with his acerbic wit and hardnosed bluntness. In total contrast is Bob (Peter Facinelli), a 20-something neophyte to the selling business, a sincere, well-intentioned, but hopelessly naïve born-again Christian, who has trouble separating his career as a salesman from his felt need to fulfill the Biblical edict to go out among men and spread the Good News. Caught between the two is Phil (Danny DeVito), a 52-year old man who, after years of devoting his life to the cause of selling, has begun to seriously question the validity of his life's work and has, therefore, recently found himself contemplating such weighty matters as suicide, the existence of God and the meaning of love and friendship. Obviously, such cleanly delineated characters could well have slid over into two-dimensional stereotypes, yet the author, Roger Rueff, in adapting his play to the screen, has built into each of the three principal figures a dimension of multifaceted human complexity. Larry, for instance, despite all of his facile cynicism, shows a far deeper side to his character when, in a quiet moment in which Phil pours his heart out to him, he offers his buddy the hand of genuine compassion and friendship. We discover that the often-bitter tone Larry displays to the world is just a façade, a cover-up for the void that lies deep within his own troubled psyche. Similarly, Rueff avoids the common trap of reducing the devout Christian character to the customary level of a mindless buffoon. Although we sense that Bob too uses his Christianity as a way of ordering his life - thereby avoiding the messy ugliness that a more freethinking life often requires - yet, Rueff merely implies that Bob has some growing up to do, not that his belief system must itself be jettisoned. And Phil, caught between these two worldviews, provides, out of his own confused weakness, the voice of reasoned sanity that helps Larry and Bob come to a final understanding and mutual appreciation of each other. He sees Larry plainly for who he is, yet Phil knows that this is the person who means more to him than anyone else in the world. Similarly, though he somewhat admires and respects Bob's sincere devotion to his Christian principles, Phil knows that Bob has a long way to go before he becomes a true "man of character." "The Big Kahuna" does not provide big laughs, though the sardonic wit often strikes a deep chord in the audience. The film may also seem claustrophobic to those who demand more movement from their movies. The dialogue, however, is consistently sharp and incisive, even though Phil's final speech borders a bit on the pedantic. (At this point, Phil's function as the author's mouthpiece becomes a bit heavy-handed to say the least). Nevertheless, for those in search of a fine character study, driven by strong performances and insightful observations about human nature, "The Big Kahuna" is definitely worth checking out.
Rating:  Summary: Worldlyism - 1, Fundemental Christianity - 0 Review: The basic motif was about how fundementalism breeds irony. And while Devito's character chose to "think about God", his approach came off more as more enlightened soul looking at his own personal relationship versus how most so called "religious" folks look at the own role in spiritual growth to market their particular belief system. Spacey's character seemed to be enlightened already. "So far ahead that he seemed behind" so to speak. His child like initiative spontaneous and gut driven drove his character to a larger than life portrayal of the human spirit. All and all, if you don't like this movie, you most likely just don't get it. Go back to watching "Who's the Boss" and worrying about your hair.
Rating:  Summary: This is a classic one Review: I saw The Big Kahuna for the first time today on DVD and it's gonna stand by me forever, ALL THREE the actors, just perfect! It's very difficult to tell in a few lines were the film is about, Spacey is a very arrogant person ( he play's him nice!) and Danny DeVito is playing the stars of the roof. At the last I pinked a little tear away when DeVito looked a while (almost)in the camera and was caming to a very impacting conclusion. Very wise! 9 1/2 out of 10 Greetz from Holland, Voorburg