Rating:  Summary: Mad Dog and Glory very disappointing comedy Review: "mad dog and glory" don't let the catchy title and blockbuster cast of robert deniro, uma thurman, and bill murray fool you, this is a bad movie from 1993. yes despite this talent of stars, the movie is a big let down for fans of deniro's and thurmans. however bill murray gives perhaps one of his comedic/dramatic performances ever. in fact not surprising as far deniro goes though, his performance is bloody awful. some people say an actor acts "effortlessly" when he gives a good performance, however in deniro's case that seems to be opposite as their is hardly any acting all. however, this stems from the fact that most of the characters in mad dog and glory are utterly weak and pathetic, with the exception of murray. In fact i still found the movie hard to watch despite murray's performance. the plot of the movie is that bumbling cop (deniro) name mad dog doobie stumbles onto a robbery in progress. he sees a man holding up a liquor store with a tall man (murray) as the hostage. murray's character is a riot, telling mad dog to blow away the sucker like dirty harry. Mad dog doesn't and the assailant escapes, though i believe he is captured later on though that isn't relevant here. Murray's character as we learn is a top and tough mafia boss named frank milo. milo is quite a character almost larger than life, he demands respect and if you cross him your dead. milo though loves mad dog as he has just saved his life in this holdup. milo knowing that mad dog is a cop (although not a good one) offers his services as a mafia boss to mad dog. Dobie refuses using one of the few morals he has, however milo comes up with another proposition, he wants to be dobie's "friend". lol in fact he wont take no for an answer. dobie accepts for the mean time, not seeing any harm in that. Milo eventually introduces the lame brain cop to his new girl "Glory" (Uma Thurman) an attractive woman who we learn is Milo's main squeeze, however better put, she is a prostitute, she is one of many objects that Milo owns". When Dobie sees Glory and Milo offers "Glory's" services (i.e sex). Dobie refuses. It seems this cop actually lives up to his mom of being clean unlike other corrupt cops or is he? (Some possible spoilers) Well not exactly, despite Dobie's claim that he is a good cop and he is sworn to upload the law, he breaks his own rules and laws and decides to "borrow" Glory. When he is through with the companionship, he agrees to give her up. Trouble is he doesn't. When Milo comes looking for Glory an altercation erupts that basically sets up the conflict and what happens in the rest of the movie. Milo wants Glory back at any price. He is willing do anything including messing up Dobie's life to do it. I actually made that sound more interesting that it really is. "Mad Dog and Glory" is essentially a part black comedy and part dramatic film. Problem is I wasn't really in the areas I should of probably because of the set of repugnant characters on screen no matter how dysfunctional and stupid they are. A cop who despite his own morals decides to break them when it suits em, doesnt obviously appeal to me or audience. Glorys character despite being the "victim" of sorts doesn't always come out. In a couple of scenarios her reactions dont have the reactions that a victim would have. However as far as performances go I definitely think Uma Thurman did a much better job and any good critic could see that as her character is much more complex that Deniro's. A woman whose caught in the middle of the bad situation and whose life depends on what she'll do next is pretty interesting. However the Glory character despite isn't as well developed as that. She gives in too easily to intimidation and greed instead of firmly making a decision one way or other. Now the Milo character (Bill Murray) is great, in fact this character is hilarious as hell, despite his presence of being a Mafia boss, who can kill anyone at will and get away with it, hes extremely funny and clever. During one point, he fools the donut eating precint where Dobie works into thinking that he is a "baker" and that he is an old friend of Dobie's. LOL During other instances, he sends it goons to do his dirty work against Mad Dog in such a vile pathetic way that it's almost a joke. Murray is great as this character, for his performance the movie is worth watching. However again, "Mad Dog and Glory:" is still a heavily flawed film, you kinda what your gonna get in the film and Deniro's utterly, weak, spineless and hypocritical character almost leave you feeling dry and bitter by the end of the film. Hell you want this character to die by the end of the film. It's awful, one of a long string of weak characters that Deniro would play in the 1990's up until "Analyze This". The movie was directed by John McNaugton if you never of him that's because he's not that good. Hes made a dozen or so films however only really two stand out in my mind "Wild Things" (1998) and "Henry Portrait of A Serial Killer" (1986) with Michael Rooker which is by far the scariest and best movie about serial killers in general (forget about that trash called "Monster" with Charlize Theron) this movie is the real thing. Uma Thurman of course is hot , she's sizzling ever since she and Quentin Tarantino, did "Kill Bill" everyone seems to be hopping on the Uma Thurman bandwagon, yet a couple of years they were writing her of after she a couple of flops like "The Avengers". Hilarious
Rating:  Summary: This is a GREAT film especially w/the usual roles reversed! Review: 1st off let me say I have alot of trouble with the reviewer whom said that "Cape Fear" "really hurt DeNiro's career." To me nothing could be further from the truth! I also disagreed vehemently with the 'professional critics' whom said things about DeNiro's performance in "Cape Fear" like the one whom said DeNiro's performance was "overboard" & that, "He was chewing the prop scenery, up, with his over the top performance." This is ridiculous, and DeNiro's performance as the unstopable Max Cady, to me is one of his finest performances! But to the review: I always thought "Mad Dog and Glory" was a great film & a great vechicle for the great DeNiro...& a superb performance! What a novel idea to switch roles from DeNiro's 'always'(seemingly)playing the hated bad guy, & allowing him to play a somewhat cowardly policeman, & to have the similarly always used for comedy, Bill Murray play the underworld figure! DeNiro's work as that other than a 'tough guy' or 'mobster' was always dismissed by 'critics' & film goer's until his roles in films "Meet The Parents" or "Analyze This". I knew DeNiro could play ANY role in a great way ever since I saw the early film "Bang the Drum Slowly"(where DeNiro plays a sickly southern boy baseball catcher)or an even earlier film that 'apparently" NO ONE else saw, "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight", a low budget film based on the Jimmy Breslin novel, that DeNiro actually saves!! The plot of "Mad Dog & Glory" is a solid one, and gets2 fine actors(DeNiro & Murray)to play roles the viewer's are unacustomed to seeing them in! I thought DeNiro's Mad Dog was brilliant, as was Murray's 'gangster! Also, Ms. Thruman's role is very good as is that of David Caruso(who's career has really been mostly in the tank after he left "NYPD Blue", a curse that seems to follow everyone that leaves!(Just look at Kim Delaney-Nick Tuturro-Jimmy Smits, to name a few!) Caruso's part of the tough as nails partner to Mad Dog is 1 of his best! This is another of my many favorite films by Mr. DeNiro, and there are ALOT of them out there. Unfortunately DeNiro, much like his friend & cohort director Martin Scorsese,often have had their great performances & directorial jobs, slighted by the snobbish "Academy Award" people! That's not that big a deal because this is usually offset by both winning awards from either the Cann Film Festival, or NY & L.A. film critics awards along with others! If you love a good story, & fine acting check out "Mad Dog & Glory" it's a film worthy of praise. I'd give you my list of other great film performances by DeNiro, & films by Scorsese, but we be here all day! Steven
Rating:  Summary: This is a GREAT film especially w/the usual roles reversed! Review: 1st off let me say I have alot of trouble with the reviewer whom said that "Cape Fear" "really hurt DeNiro's career." To me nothing could be further from the truth! I also disagreed vehemently with the 'professional critics' whom said things about DeNiro's performance in "Cape Fear" like the one whom said DeNiro's performance was "overboard" & that, "He was chewing the prop scenery, up, with his over the top performance." This is ridiculous, and DeNiro's performance as the unstopable Max Cady, to me is one of his finest performances! But to the review: I always thought "Mad Dog and Glory" was a great film & a great vechicle for the great DeNiro...& a superb performance! What a novel idea to switch roles from DeNiro's 'always'(seemingly)playing the hated bad guy, & allowing him to play a somewhat cowardly policeman, & to have the similarly always used for comedy, Bill Murray play the underworld figure! DeNiro's work as that other than a 'tough guy' or 'mobster' was always dismissed by 'critics' & film goer's until his roles in films "Meet The Parents" or "Analyze This". I knew DeNiro could play ANY role in a great way ever since I saw the early film "Bang the Drum Slowly"(where DeNiro plays a sickly southern boy baseball catcher)or an even earlier film that 'apparently" NO ONE else saw, "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight", a low budget film based on the Jimmy Breslin novel, that DeNiro actually saves!! The plot of "Mad Dog & Glory" is a solid one, and gets2 fine actors(DeNiro & Murray)to play roles the viewer's are unacustomed to seeing them in! I thought DeNiro's Mad Dog was brilliant, as was Murray's 'gangster! Also, Ms. Thruman's role is very good as is that of David Caruso(who's career has really been mostly in the tank after he left "NYPD Blue", a curse that seems to follow everyone that leaves!(Just look at Kim Delaney-Nick Tuturro-Jimmy Smits, to name a few!) Caruso's part of the tough as nails partner to Mad Dog is 1 of his best! This is another of my many favorite films by Mr. DeNiro, and there are ALOT of them out there. Unfortunately DeNiro, much like his friend & cohort director Martin Scorsese,often have had their great performances & directorial jobs, slighted by the snobbish "Academy Award" people! That's not that big a deal because this is usually offset by both winning awards from either the Cann Film Festival, or NY & L.A. film critics awards along with others! If you love a good story, & fine acting check out "Mad Dog & Glory" it's a film worthy of praise. I'd give you my list of other great film performances by DeNiro, & films by Scorsese, but we be here all day! Steven
Rating:  Summary: Confirms Murray as the greatest actor of the last 20 years. Review: Although he is a shy cop, rather than his usual lunatic mobster, de Niro's Mad Dog here isn't so far from Travis Bickle in his urban alienation, his voyeurism, and his daily confrontation with evil. Where Travis was compellingly frightening, though, Mad Dog is a bit of a whimper. Although this is set up as a gladatorial conflict in acting styles, there is no contest - de Niro is on screen for too long, is too normal, and is thus allowed bore us; Murray, blandly evil, hilarious and bizarre, is tantalisingly withheld and thus inspires more of a craving. The whole thing feels flat.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Outstanding! One of my favorite movies! Review: Cape Fear really damaged Robert De Niro's career in 1991, but he makes up for it in this facinating comedy. He is great as Maddog. Though Bill Murray goes through most of the film with a Band-Aid on his head, his goofy face will still make laugh out loud. Uma is also facinating as the girl De Niro and Murray are both in love with. I don't care what anybody tells you. Just see it and I guarantee that you will be out at the video store right after you finish it, asking them to order it for you.
Rating:  Summary: its okay to be a little slow Review: Do all films nowadays have to be knockemsockem and in your face.This film appeals to people who are interested in a small character study from New York City.I agree it is not realism,it is not an overly romantic film but it keeps you entertained with subtle and quirky gestures.All three actors,Uma,Bill,and Robert seem to be at ease here in their roles,no overreaching and its funny to see them work together.Take it or leave it but I thought it was a special little film.
Rating:  Summary: Mad Dog and Glory Review: Dont let the catchy title and blockbuster cast of robert deniro, uma thurman, and bill murray fool you, this is a bad movie from 1993. yes despite this talent of stars, the movie is a big let down for fans of deniro's and thurmans. however bill murray gives perhaps one of his comedic/dramatic performances ever. in fact not surprising as far deniro goes though, his performance is bloody awful. some people say an actor acts "effortlessly" when he gives a good performance, however in deniro's case that seems to be opposite as their is hardly any acting all. however, this stems from the fact that most of the characters in mad dog and glory are utterly weak and pathetic, with the exception of murray.
In fact i still found the movie hard to watch despite murray's performance. the plot of the movie is that bumbling cop (deniro) name mad dog doobie stumbles onto a robbery in progress. he sees a man holding up a liquor store with a tall man (murray) as the hostage. murray's character is a riot, telling mad dog to blow away the sucker like dirty harry.
Mad dog doesn't and the assailant escapes, though i believe he is captured later on though that isn't relevant here.
Murray's character as we learn is a top and tough mafia boss named frank milo. milo is quite a character almost larger than life, he demands respect and if you cross him your dead.
milo though loves mad dog as he has just saved his life in this holdup. milo knowing that mad dog is a cop (although not a good one) offers his services as a mafia boss to mad dog.
Dobie refuses using one of the few morals he has, however milo comes up with another proposition, he wants to be dobie's "friend". lol in fact he wont take no for an answer.
dobie accepts for the mean time, not seeing any harm in that.
Milo eventually introduces the lame brain cop to his new girl "Glory" (Uma Thurman) an attractive woman who we learn is Milo's main squeeze, however better put, she is a prostitute, she is one of many objects that Milo owns".
When Dobie sees Glory and Milo offers "Glory's" services (i.e sex). Dobie refuses. It seems this cop actually lives up to his mom of being clean unlike other corrupt cops or is he?
(Some possible spoilers)
Well not exactly, despite Dobie's claim that he is a good cop and he is sworn to upload the law, he breaks his own rules and laws and decides to "borrow" Glory. When he is through with the companionship, he agrees to give her up.
Trouble is he doesn't. When Milo comes looking for Glory an altercation erupts that basically sets up the conflict and what happens in the rest of the movie. Milo wants Glory back at any price. He is willing do anything including messing up Dobie's life to do it.
I actually made that sound more interesting that it really is. "Mad Dog and Glory" is essentially a part black comedy and part dramatic film. Problem is I wasn't really in the areas I should of probably because of the set of repugnant characters on screen no matter how dysfunctional and stupid they are.
A cop who despite his own morals decides to break them when it suits em, doesnt obviously appeal to me or audience. Glorys character despite being the "victim" of sorts doesn't always come out. In a couple of scenarios her reactions dont have the reactions that a victim would have.
However as far as performances go I definitely think Uma Thurman did a much better job and any good critic could see that as her character is much more complex that Deniro's.
A woman whose caught in the middle of the bad situation and whose life depends on what she'll do next is pretty interesting. However the Glory character despite isn't as well developed as that. She gives in too easily to intimidation and greed instead of firmly making a decision one way or other.
Now the Milo character (Bill Murray) is great, in fact this character is hilarious as hell, despite his presence of being a Mafia boss, who can kill anyone at will and get away with it, hes extremely funny and clever. During one point, he fools the donut eating precint where Dobie works into thinking that he is a "baker" and that he is an old friend of Dobie's. LOL During other instances, he sends it goons to do his dirty work against Mad Dog in such a vile pathetic way that it's almost a joke. Murray is great as this character, for his performance the movie is worth watching.
However again, "Mad Dog and Glory:" is still a heavily flawed film, you kinda what your gonna get in the film and Deniro's utterly, weak, spineless and hypocritical character almost leave you feeling dry and bitter by the end of the film. Hell you want this character to die by the end of the film. It's awful, one of a long string of weak characters that Deniro would play in the 1990's up until "Analyze This".
The movie was directed by John McNaugton if you never of him that's because he's not that good. Hes made a dozen or so films however only really two stand out in my mind "Wild Things" (1998) and "Henry Portrait of A Serial Killer" (1986) with Michael Rooker which is by far the scariest and best movie about serial killers in general (forget about that trash called "Monster" with Charlize Theron) this movie is the real thing.
Uma Thurman of course is hot , she's sizzling ever since she and Quentin Tarantino, did "Kill Bill" everyone seems to be hopping on the Uma Thurman bandwagon, yet a couple of years they were writing her of after she a couple of flops like "The Avengers". Hilarious
Rating:  Summary: A strange but good movie Review: For people who have been walking around with a conception of Bill Murray as a funny nice guy, this movie is a wake up call. Those who would speculate that Murray vs. DeNiro would be a cinematic mismatch would be correct, but likely for the wrong reason. Murray steals the movie and DeNiro can't match him. The better actor is Murray. Slowly but surely people are starting to understand that Murray is a fine actor with an amazing presence.
Rating:  Summary: Mad dog and glory Review: Hey everybody, i just want to say how much i enjoyed this film the performances were outstanding!, especially De Niro's, I could watch any of his movies. If u aint seen this movie get out and rent it! its fantastic..and if Robert De Niro ever reads my reveiw *YOU R THE MAN!* :) I think this was one of his best movies throughout ninetys along with my personal favorites, Goodfellas, Casino & Jackie Brown. ...Big Robert De Niro Fan...
Rating:  Summary: A Little Known Gem Review: I found MAD DOG & GLORY completely by accident. I didn't even know it existed and, judging from the little written about it on this page, not many people do. However, a bored look into DeNiro's filmography got me interested in watching this. I wasn't disappointed. DeNiro plays a quiet cop (ironically nicknamed Mad Dog) who saves a small-time gangster (played with zest by Bill Murray) during a holdup. As thanks, Murray "lends" one of his bar girls to DeNiro for a week. However, DeNiro's character falls in love with the girl (Glory, played by Uma Therman) and refuses to let he go back to Murray. That's the premise. It seems like a basic love story, but the complexity of MAD DOG & GLORY lies in its characters and dialogue. Scenes that would otherwise drag with tedium are injected with a strong script and characters that are well crafted.