Rating:  Summary: Kinda Good,I Guess Review: This movie wasn't the greatest...Josie and her friends get to be a famous band and their caught up in the record companies scheme without knowing it.The bad guys were stupid and this was a movie that doesn't sound good with the PG rating that it has.The only thing that I really liked was that Seth Green(Buffy,Austin Powers,Can't Hardly Wait..)had a little part in it.If you're thinking that you'll enjoying the storyline,then forget this movie all toghter!
Rating:  Summary: Josie And The Pussycats, is LIKE, the BOMB !!! (*not*) Review: O - kay ... now that I have you all thoroughly *confused* by my Review Title [ is he endorsing the movie, or is he panning it ? ], I can specify: YES, I am Praising & Endorsing "Josie And The Pussycats" -- renting it and watching it with my Sister and her Daughter ( not to mention her two in-rapt-attention Sons ) was as much a delight and a Happy Time Trip to the early 70's ( egad, AM I _that_ old now ? ) for my Sis' as for me !! Oh yeah ... and just to _show_ you I'm a Good Old Dude with at the least, a Youthful Spirit, I recently bought the DVD !! Like, Grody to the Max !! And a *very* hip Father/Mother - Daughter // Boyfriend/Girlfriend film to take in together, may I add. Oh, I won't Spoiler the Fun for you ... lemme just say that Soup Du Jour turns sour in the baddies stomach at the end !! Now, sing along w/ me ... "Jo-see an' da pussy katz ...
Rating:  Summary: An Underrated Guilty Pleasure Review: A hit! A smash! A...flop? I was surprised when "JATP" wasn't a hit. But you know what? I REALLY don't care anymore, becuase I like the movie, and that matters the most. It's really fun, really hip, and filled with fantastic one-liners. ("Oh My God, Ima Trend Pimp!") Tara Reid's performance as the airheaded Melody is perfectly dumb and funny. Leigh Cook and Dawson deliver worthy performances as well! Regardless of the BoxOffice and critc bashings, it's a fun flick. P,ease rent it or buy it, it's GREAT! And the DVD features are OK as well. That is all.
Rating:  Summary: Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect Review: This was a great movie, with catchy tunes. As a fan of the original cartoon series, I much looked forward to the release of the movie. And I wasn't disappointed at all. Rachael Leigh Cook is fantastic as Josie. I would highly recomend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Girl Power Rockandroll epic Review: Following the glorious example of "Clueless", "Josie and the Pussycats" is a teen comedy that asserts itself as art for the generations. That also means, though, that "Josie" figures its teen target-demographic has a mind and a will of its own. For this is a unique satire of teen crazes that also is in love with them. The task is, mostly, to separate the loveable stuff from the pure drek. Hence our film starts with boyband du jour Du Jour landing amid an audience of screaming fans to serenade them with the plaintive strains of "Backdoor Lover". The winking irreverence of this sequence becomes more sinister when we later learn that Corporate America is-- but enough of that. Suffice it that our real heroes are a trio of "luscious young ladies", played with zest and much aplomb by Rosario Dawson, Tara Reid, and Rachel Leigh Cook, who aspire to be both real musicians and rock stars. Their punk-pop tunes like "Three Small Words" and "Pretend to Be Nice", though only huge hits in the confines of the film's fictive universe, are much better than what you're going to find on your radio, which helps to show how lovingly this film has been crafted. Sure, it's a portrait of a dark alternate universe, but it looks an awful lot like OUR universe, thanks largely to the sledgehammer promos inserted into the production design (without any handouts from the companies involved). And then again, with Cook, Dawson, and Reid as the girls next door, and gorgeous cinematography from Matthew Lebotique, along with a tourbus worth of saucy outfits for our heroines to squeeze into,"Josie and the Pussycats" looks a lot BRIGHTER than our universe too. Plus the candyland colors shine with an inspiring richness on this DVD, making "Josie and the Pussycats" even more of a visual epiphany than a musical one. Alan Cumming graduates to the Richard E. Grant role in "Spice World", playing the world's most dastardly manager with wicked overthetop hamming, complimented by Parker Posey's catty crimeboss of a label head. Some inconspicuous cameos might be found by the careful viewer too. From the inspired wit of the opening image (morphing the MGM lion's growl into the delirious scream of a tongue-pierced tennybopper) on, this film is a high-energy celebration, as well as parody, of the madness of our popular culture.
Rating:  Summary: Blank the critics Review: Contrary to what I heard some critics say, I thought this was a great movie. It delivered an important message without getting so deep that it stopped being a comedy. Not to quote Brenden Frasier, but we have guys up in the offices running the industry and they don't know a ... thing about rock & role. This movie attached this real problem without really attaching it. To many discisions are made by the pocket books of executives, and not enough by the talent. But if they get out of line, ... (a slight strech but after all, this is a comidy.) This is a cute movie, and I'm glad I bought it.
Rating:  Summary: Superb! Review: Awesome! Can't say anything bad about it. The chemistry between the girls is perfect! The soundtrack rocks! Don't judge a book by it's cover and think this is a teeny-bop movie made for 10 year old girls. It isn't! Try it out, you'll see!! Funny, sad, and action packed. All rolled into one.
Rating:  Summary: Don't think, just watch Review: Anyone who ever watched the cartoon or read the comic should know that Josie and the Pussycats is always about three girls playing music and solving groovy mysteries. Anything else is window dressing. But this movie actually provides some snappy one-liners, good chemistry among the actors, and catchy music. Not to mention a hilariously nasty send-up of boy bands. The funniest moments come when actors break down the fourth wall and acknowledge that they're in a movie. Incidentally, Rachel Leigh Cook pulls off the lip-synching very convincingly, which puts her ahead of most other actors who attempt it (George Clooney in O Brother, Where Art Thou springs to mind). All around, a fun romp. What more do you want?
Rating:  Summary: A genuine bomb Review: Rachel Leigh Cook is rather charming as Josie and Alan Cumming does a good job with a similar role to one he played in Spy Kids. But others, like a bedraggled looking Tara Reid, don't improve what is already a scattershot film with sloppy writing and choppy direction. The notion that Americans are jumping around from one to another ("orange is the new pink") has been done much better before. The only inspired part of the film involves the opening with the boy band DuJour, which ends all too soon. The movie also has so many product placements it is distracting. The filmmakers apparently are trying to make this seem funny. But it's just like a huge shameful commercial. Acutally commercials usually show more cleverness than this film. I guess 12 year old girls may like this film. But I doubt anyone else will.
Rating:  Summary: Nice try... Review: My wife said that this was "cheesy, but fun", and I was desperate for a rental one night, so here I am... The saddest thing about "Josie and the Pussycats" is that there's obviously a sharp, smart, and very funny movie buried here: Du Jour probably deserve their own film, Alan Cumming and Parker Posey are hysterical, Rachael Leigh Cook and Tara Reid both prove they have a real knack for comedy, and there are plenty of funny moments (the Eugene Levy promo, the conspiracy that explains both Elvis' death and Behind the Music, Carson Daly's cameo.) It's just too bad that the rest of the movie is so watered-down; the plot points of "Josie and the Pussycats" seem to be lifted, wholesale and without irony, from every other teen movie out there (WILL Josie find love with the sensitive folk singer? WILL Josie abandon her friends?) The music (besides the dead-accurate parodies by Du Jour) is bland and forgettable. As for the product placements: While initiallly clever parodies, they quickly grew so overbearing that they wound up being...obnoxious product placements. I'd like to think that "Josie and the Pussycats" was concieved as a much sharper, much more ruthless movie before the suits and higher-ups got their grubby little hands on it and turned it into something that spends most of its' time pandering to teen culture instead of satirizing it. I'd love to see how a director who isn't trapped by the Teen Movie Genre would have handled this material (Christopher Guest, perhaps?) However, while the movie itself only gets two stars, I'm throwing in an extra one for getting to stare at Rachael Leigh Cook for 90 minutes (Yes, I'm happily married, yes, I've read my Adrienne Rich and Sylvia Plath, but, to quote Homer Simpson, "Mmmm...")