Rating:  Summary: Pussycat Pride Review: Josie and the Pussycats!...This movie was an amazing,Creative,original film with a great twist that i think blew everyone away.Such an idea that,everyone was happy and famous and rich.....but then you really find out what goes on (quote) "Behind the FAME!..." My FAVE charactor was totally MELODY,such an imagative,sunny loving "SNUGGLE BUNNY" as Jo said.There has to be a sequel.It would be the Producers LOSS if they didn't,weeellll maybe also the WHOLE WORLDS LOSS TOO.I think i have watch the movie about 50-150 times (for real)!... soooo give the movie 5/5 stars!... BRILLANTTTTTTTTTTT SUPER A Masterpiece it inspired me to get my band back togeather xoxoxoxox
Rating:  Summary: Loved it Review: Ha, I was embarrassed I liked this movie, as it bombed and the press reviews were bad. So I'm relieved to see from many reviews here that I'm not alone in loving it. It was just a fun movie, nothing more, nothing less. Really fun.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Movie!! Review: I just love this movie. It is one of the best movies ever made. It is super. The songs in the movie are fantastic. The plot is great. The actors and actresses are great. I strongly recommend watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: When I am wrong, I at least admit it Review: I thought this movie looked incredibly stupid when I saw it promoted - and I stayed far away from it when it came to the theater. Then, recently, a friend of mine wanted to watch it and I basically had no choice but to sit and watch it with him. I really like Parker Posey, so I tried to make the most of the movie. And, about two minutes into Josie, I reaized I didn't have to "make the most of anything. This is a really cool movie. It's surprisingly very smart too. It says alot about our culture today...all the consumerism and marketing and cross-promotion synergy that's forced down our throats (read an article in a magazine about a book that's being made into a movie with a documentary feature being produced for the TV and a video game set to hit stores by Christmas, right after the fast food Happy Meal tie-ins...Welcome to McWorld!...and spend, spend, spend!). The movie is also very funny. What horrible marketing it had when it was in theaters! I never knew this flick would be roll on the floor hilarios. Tara Reid is genius in this movie - and that's something I would never have dreamed I'd say about Tara Reid, based on what I know about her from her appearances on TRL or whatever. Her character is hands-down my favorite in the movie. She has some really great lines and gags as the sweetly-stupid Melody. She's worth watching the movie entirely unto herself. The rest of the cast is really great too. I'm not a big fan of Alan Cummings, but Parker Posey is her usual talented self here. There's several great cameos in this - and lots of in-jokes for people who remember the Pussycats cartoon from the 70s/early 80s. I honestly can't say anything bad about this movie. It's one that I can see again and again and still laugh out loud over. And the great thing about it is that hardly anyone has seen it. It's one of those private little gems you can add to your dvd collection and take out to surprise and entertain friends one night. They will totally make fun of you when you suggest Josie and the Pussycats...but I GUARANTEE you they'll apologize when the movie starts up. I still apologize to my friend for making fun of him about his love of Josie. But like I said, when I'm wrong, I admit it. Seriously..give his movie a chance and add it to your collection. You won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Better than I thought, but still bad Review: Before watching this, I was sure it was going to be bad from start to finish. And, I was basically right but it did have some funny moments. Yes, the acting was bad, the music was bad, and the product placement was obnoxious even though it was supposed to be part of the storyline. Yes, it did bomb at the box office and deservingly so but if it comes on TV, then sure, go ahead and watch it. I was mildly disappointed that the girls weren't wearing those cat costumes from the cartoon upon which this movie is based. They were so cute in those costumes in the cartoon and my brother and I were very excited about that when we were young. [...]
Rating:  Summary: What a stupid movie! Review: Haha! Got you there. This is in fact one of my favorite movies of all time, so I give this a 5 star. I am still watching this movie most nights since I taped it and I'm still loving it, probably because it stars my favorite actress of all time, the sexiest woman in the world, Racheal Leigh Cook. Ignore the people who tell you it's [bad] because this isn't, honestly. It may be a kid's movie, but it contains some low-level offensive language, so that's what makes this movie even better. It's got some low-level violence which I was surprized to see when I first watched this movie so that's all sweet. The movie is about 3 girls who had big dreams, now fate has given them the chance when they are nearly run over by a man named Wyatt(?), who currently works for a label called Mega Records, which is actually a label that sends out subliminal messages to kids who listen to this music. When they record their album, their song hits #1 in the first week when they sign with Mega Records. Then things start getting fishy as you watched it some more, this movie is truly full of surprizes! It stars movie actresses like Rachael Leigh Cook and Tara Reid plus other very good actresses and actors, so how could this movie get boring with those 2 gorgeous girls in it? Even the plot is a bit slack, I still love it because of the acting. I was never a big fan on the cartoon series but I love this movie. It's very good, with my standards anyway, and I recommend it to anyone who use to watch the cartoon series or just wants to see a good movie. The songs that are played on this movie are mind-blowing! Even though I'm not a great fan of this kind of music, I loved it! Just wished that the 3 pussycats were actually a band! Hehe! Peace out
Rating:  Summary: ORDER THIS! Review: Wassup, America?! First of all, this movie rocks. I am male, but I love it. NOT JUST A CHICK FLICK! GUYS LIKE IT TOO! Good choice for everyone who likes movies of this genre. I don't own the DvD. I taped this on the STARZ channel one night while they were having a free preview weekend thingy. I gotta buy this in the next year. The actresses that play the Pussycats (Rachel Leigh Cook, Rosario Dawson, Tara Reid) have been in some other great movies. Rachel was in She's All That with Freddie Prinze Jr. Rosario Dawson was in Men in Black 2 (another awesome flick; I got the dvd for christmas). Tara Reid was in three of the BEST MOVIES EVER MADE! American Pie, American Pie 2, and Van Wilder! I love all those. If you like teen movies, the Pussycats are right for you! PEACE OUT! in the immortal words of Smokey from Friday: "...and you know this, man!"
Rating:  Summary: Josie and the Pussycats Rock! Review: I remember watching the Josie and the Pussycats cartoon when I was a little kid. I loved this movie and it's message. I thought that the clever placement of different products and brand names (like the Target theme in one of the rooms, Evian water at the aquarium, McDonalds stuff in the shower, etc) were very clever, sendinga subliminal message themsleves. Everyone should see this movie! The music in it was great also!
Rating:  Summary: Expected Little, and was Pleasantly Surprised . . . Review: I would have never imagined that I would enjoy this movie as much as I did. But, it's great!! It is a brilliant satirical attack on the recording industry and how much marketing is tied into art. It is so much fun. Rachael Leigh Cook is an amazing actress and I do hope that Hollywood's lights continue to receive this rather stunning young starlet. The cast in the movie was great. 'American Pie's' Tara Reid plays the rather effervescent 'Melody,' the band's drummer. Rosario Dawson plays the bassist, 'Val.' Parker Posey and Alan Cumming fill out the 'bad guy' roles rather well. The Pussycat music is actually pretty catchy. There were a slew of songwriters involved in this picture. Adam Duritz of Counting Crows and several others, wrote music for the movie that was later sacked. I do believe there is one Duritz penned song in the movie. The interaction of the group, the satirical story, and even the moderately cheesy love story, all give this movie an almost infectious likeability. I never grow tired of watching it. I don't know what was left out of the 'PG' rated version, so, get the 'PG-13' or you may miss something cool. This movie is well worth owning, don't bother renting it. epc
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good Review: I was pleasantly surprised to find an intelligent, funny, and satirical movie in Josie. I was never interested in seeing it in theaters because I thought it was aimed at a demographic significantly younger than me. When I finally did see it, I thoroughly enjoyed the soundtrack, sharp wit of the writing, and especially the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously.