Rating:  Summary: It could be better , but ... Review: It could be better , but ... it wasn't ?! With all my respect to Robert DeNiro and Eddie Murphy...just o'key ?! So Mr. DeNiro playing the good and lifesmart COP . Eddie - young and unexperienced policeman , who is dreaming to become an actor . So reality TV showpeople put them together , as partners , and started making the SHOW ... Could be very funny movie , but it did not work well this time . I still had a good time , while I watched it ... but I know , that such exellent actors had much better potentional ... just had to stay with the script !? Not there fault ! BUT movie is still fine , I just expected much more .
Rating:  Summary: Crazy, funny and a bit wild! Review: This was an interesting comedy that looks at how the media can overwhelm fighting crime. Deniro and Murphy are joined together to make a action-packed crime fighting television show that follows the pair on actual crimes and investigations. Eddie Murphy was very entertaining as usual and it was fun to see Robert Deniro take his well known 'serious side' and try to loosen up. Eddie Murphy in this movie tries to play to the camera while Robert Deniro can't stand being filmed or being on television which makes for a conflicting dual which puts the fun into this movie. I was impressed with this movie and liked the appearance from William Shatner which I thought made the movie even more funny! This movie never drags and there are many laughs that await you!
Rating:  Summary: good funny movie Review: my wife and i watched this last night we like action movies and a good funny movie sometimes. this movie had both. i think robert deniro was funny in this movie and i have always liked most of eddie murphy movies and i think they were good together.and to see william shatner also made this a funny movie when he was showing them how to hood jump like tj hooker did was funny. this was well worth the time and the money to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Light & funny... Review: That's how I will describe this film. Eddie Murphy was his usual loud, talkative (sometimes irritating) self which reminded me of that donkey in Shrek & that dragon-cum-lizard in Mulan. However, he provided the comic relief while Robert de Niro was his usual serious & intense character. As a matter of fact, it would seem surreal to see De Niro goofing around, so his 'no nonsense' character was just typically him, contrary to what other viewers say. It's light... it's funny...it's a spoof of all those reality shows we see on tv. Simply sit back & enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: De Niro wastes his talent on another mediocre comedy Review: Robert De Niro must be going through mid life crisis. Arguably one of the best dramatic actors of his generation, De Niro continues to try to prove himself as a comic actor in a parade of mediocre scripts (The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, Meet the Parents, Analyze This, Showtime). De Niro isn't a terrible comedian; he is just such a great dramatic actor that his comic ambitions seem pointless. It is like Michael Jordan trying to play baseball. This script is a weak satire of reality cop shows and buddy cop flicks. It is no coincidence that the director of this film is Tom Dey, whose only other directorial effort was "Shanghai Noon", a Jackie Chan vehicle where Jackie does a comic duet with Owen Wilson in a lampoon of westerns. The hope was that Dey would be able to weave the same kind of satirical magic here, but this film comes up way short. To his credit, he did manage to give the film some good action footage. De Niro tries to play the straight man in an absurd situation and it seems like his is the only character that realizes the lunacy of it. Everyone else seems to take their absurdity seriously. The tongue in cheek comedy is way over the top. Rene Russo, William Shattner and Eddie Murphy overact so terribly that it is more sad than funny. As a footnote, Drena De Niro (Robert De Niro's adopted daughter), appears for the fifth time in a film with her dad as Annie, the assistant producer and Rene Russo's sidekick. The star power in this film was costly with a hefty budget over $85 Million and a box office of half that amount. I rated it a 4/10. This one needs to gather dust on the rental shelves and De Niro needs to get back to serious acting.
Rating:  Summary: This Was A Funny Film - Eddie Is Hysterical! Review: SHOWTIME is a really a funny, funny movie. I think Eddie Murphy (I Spy, The Nutty Professor, Mulan) is one of the most under-rated actors in Hollywood. And teamed up with Robert Dinero (Analyze That, Casino, Midnight Run), who is doing a lot of comedy these days, the acting pair creates some very funny stuff. The story is about police officer(and actor) Murphy and real detective Dinero being teamed together for a reality based TV show produced by Rene Russo (Adventures Of Rocky & Bullwinkle, Ransom, Outbreak). Of course they are complete opposites, they hate each other and they don't want to do this with each other. As an advisor they hire none other than T.J. Hooker himself, William Shatner (Star Trek, Miss Congeniality Dumbfellas) - excellently playing himself the actor, to advise them on being TV cops. The rest is bad guys vs. good guys and a lot of comedy in between. Of course the end all is that they bad guy gets his due, the ladies get their man and both Murphy and Dinero earn valuable lesions in friendship and trust. Not mention they even include the bloopers during the credits - and I love when movies do that. A lot. The film was directed by Tom Dey (Shanghai Noon) in his second feature film The DVD extras feature a great and interesting commentary by the director and the producer and a lot of behind the scenes and deleted scenes. Also there is a cleverly written making of special that has William Shatner as the host. Bill is obviously having fun doing this and he doesn't mind making fun of himself too. And, at near 70 years old, he can still run and role and jump over car hoods. Not bad Bill! I enjoyed this movie and DVD a lot. It has some great car crashes and chases and some interesting staging of events as well as the cliché 'Hollywood' types that give Hollywood its public impression. I would get this just for the 'fun' of it! (9-9-02)
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: Mitch Preston's (De Niro's) worse nightmares come true, when, after shooting out the lens of a news cameraman's video camera, he is forced to participate in television's latest 'COPS' Style show, "Showtime," or face a lawsuit. Partnered with Trey Sellars (Murphy), Mitch is less than thrilled. Trey, however is ecstatic at the opportunity to show of his acting talents, and easily earns a huge fan following, much to Preston's irritation. I really liked this film. It was funny, entertaining, and really showed both actors' range. Trey is believable as a two-bit actor and wannabe cop, and Preston is great as a burned-out, hard-luck police detective. While the plot is far from believable, this movie made up for it in its sheer entertainment level! A must for Murphy fans, or fans of 'buddy' cop dramas. Watch this. You won't be disappointed
Rating:  Summary: "Showtime" was all that baaad...... Review: The negative reviews and folks who I new saw "Showtime" who did not like the movie pretty much cancelled my plans to see the movie. But when the movie hit DVD I took a chance on it. I love Deniro and Murphy plus Russo who appears in the movie. Overall, there were moments that dragged here and there but the movie pretty much is a "rent me" movie and NOT a to buy title. The climatic ending I do have to say got me at the edge of my seat.
Rating:  Summary: A stale comedy Review: The comedic pairing of Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro at first sounds like a good idea. And the premise of this film, mocking reality TV, namely cop reality shows, is promising. But this film doesn't take advantage of its potential and instead recycles old jokes. Every once in awhile, something begins to shine out; a joke begins to develop or a commentary on the manipulation of truth in reality television, but just as you think this film might have a saving grace it buries the good ideas with the same bad jokes and sight gags that have been done in countless other brain-dead movies. Having Murphy and De Niro on screen, though, is fun at times. In fact, when William Shatner is thrown into the mix, mocking his T.J. Hooker character by playing himself, the film starts take off. But Shatner's screen time is short, and before you know it, the film returns to a clichéd comedy. The action mixed in the film is also boring. There was no life or energy to these scenes. Bad guys shoot at cops, cops shoot back. Cars launch in the air and burst into flames. No emotional involvement, no heart in your throat reaction. Just action that made me yawn and check the clock. The film also doesn't seem to know how it wants to portray the real world of police. It opens with De Niro telling a classroom how real cops don't have a lot of shootouts, and cars don't blow up from being shot at. But a few minutes later, De Niro lands in a shootout with drug dealers, and throughout the film lands in one big shootout, blow up scene after another. This schizophrenic visualization of police work is confusing. Yes it is a comedy and doesn't necessary need to be believable, but it set up the rules of the world it takes place and then shows a world breaking all those rules. That's not a sign of comedy genius, that's a sign of poor filmmaking. Showtime is worth a one time viewing for Shatner's self mocking character and a few laughs, but is otherwise a below average comedy.
Rating:  Summary: Funnier than I expected. Review: I was forced to watch this movie, I didn't want to, because I hate self-aware Hollywood "insider" movies, AND I hate Rene Russo. This was a really funny movie, it was just original enough to keep me going and that was only possible through the very natural, and professional performances of DeNiro and Murphy. Rene Russo, on the other hand, has the distinction of being the only female actor I can think of who chews the scenery in every movie she is in. Rene Russo is a talentless twit. This movie was very funny anyway.