Rating:  Summary: A let down in more ways than one Review: The movie overall was bad. It had a pretty weak plot. The casting was overall good (note cameron diaz has an interesting cameo) But if you like stupid fun, then this movie is for you. If you saw it in the theater and wanted to rent it to see if more good/sick stuff was cut out. Don't bother. I guess since it didn't make much money, the company thought no one would rent it either. There are no extra features. I was very disappointed about that.
Rating:  Summary: .. I give it 3 stars... just for Jason.... Review: The plot was unoriginal and it was somewhat corny. I mean, in a span of a week or two, characters fall in love, other seeks revenge. Yadda yadda. It's a typical teen movie with the same gags and the same basic plot going on. It was predictable and the ending was just weird... I could tell you, some parts of the movie were off and incomplete. I only give it 2 stars because Jason Schwartzman is funny and good at acting like a psycho stalker.If anything, Jason is the only thing that saved this movie.
Rating:  Summary: "Slackers" fails to make the grade. Review: The teen comedy hits an all-time low in Dewey Nicks's film "Slackers" a film that tries ever-so-hard to milk the gross-out cow for everything it's worth, and fails miserably. What the audience is subjected two is a vomitorium of disgusting images and sickening bodily humor, all of which are aimed right at our gag reflexes rather than our funny bone. It's the latest in a long and longer line of teen comedies that rely on such material for humor, most notably the successful "American Pie" franchise, and the rancid films "Say it Isn't So" and "Tomcats." I must say, though, that none of them can compare to the unabashed awfulness that drowns "Slackers" in a heap of tasteless, outright appalling gags such as the full reveal of 50's actress Mamie van Doren's breasts, or a girl who continues with masturbation after an unwelcome intrusion by one of the main characters. Underneath all of this dreck is a story that is ...uninteresting, to say the very least. It centers on three college friends, Dave (Devon Sawa), Jeff (Michael C. Maronna), and Sam (Jason Segel). In a listless and unrelentingly boring setup, we learn that they have made their way through college courses by way of cheating, using elaborate techniques to obtain testing materials days before the actual exam is administered. The story supposedly begins when, during a mission to copy answers for a test in a class he does not even attend, Dave crosses paths with Angela ("Pearl Harbor's" Jamie King), and immediately takes an interest in her. After his objective is complete, he leaves his name and number on a piece of paper for her, only to have it fall into the hands of spurned bystander Ethan ("Rushmore's" Jason Schwartzman), who uses it as leverage against the trio of cheaters by forcing them to make him a date with Angela, the girl of his dreams... oh, does any of it really matter? What will ensue in the following second half of the film is little more than a bizarre and often ludicrous mix of young romance and situational humor that practically chokes the few laughs it can muster out of its audience. The run-down excuse for a story could be overlooked if the comedy itself were enjoyably entertaining. Take "American Pie" for example. The story was basically about four guys making a pact to lose their virginity, all the while experiencing sexual frustration and obstacles to the delight of its viewers. But in addition to the gross-outs and potty humor, there was a moral lesson at the center of the story that was ever-present, and its characters were actually learning something from their experiences. No such luck here. Aside from the comedic debacles, the shot of van Doren's aging bust, the use of a "sock" puppet in a most unusual place, and various other clunker attempts at comedy, "Slackers" can't even squeeze one ounce of credible acting from its cast, including Schwartzman, whose peak performance in "Rushmore" makes one wonder what the hell he's doing in such a wreck as this. The film reduces him to little more than a whiny, obsessive, absurd twerp who is annoying from the very first frame. Sawa, Maronna, and Segel, all inhabit such loathsome characters that it's hard to do little else than despise them. King makes her first major role appearance as the standard, cliché-riddled, object of affection, but never takes it anywhere. If for nothing else, Nicks's film is a warning against the type of movies that Hollywood seems all to ready to hand out to a widespread audience. Perhaps its lack of business, or just its outrageously insipid subject matter, will finally serve as a wake-up call to those who make the decision of what gets put on celluloid, and what gets shelved. The movie lacks charm, credible acting, sensible plot, or a solid sense of humor; as far as college comedies go, "Slackers" fails to make the grade.
Rating:  Summary: No cheating! Review: This is a college-party movie that has a couple of twists to it that make it unique in the genre. In the majority of frat / party movies, going to class is an afterthought. About 99% of the action takes place outside classrooms, and the concept of attending class & getting decent grades is an afterthought at best. In this film, the topic of attending class is the primary focus. Or, to be more specific, how to not attend class & cheat the system is the main thrust. As the movie opens, 3 college seniors are just about ready to graduate. Only problem is, they have bluffed their way all the way to the threshold of commencement. They put more work into clever ways of getting out of doing their academic tasks than most people put into going to school the normal, old-fashioned way. Another twist in the plot is that this time it's a loser / stalker who has difficulty (to say the least!) getting dates. Usually this role is reserved for the shy, clumsy nice guy who typically gets his chance to shine w/the babes by the end of the film. Not so this time around. Without question, the highlight of the film is Jamie King as the pure, sweet & innocent but ever-elusive girl-next-door. She actually does not even have that many lines, but her performance overshadows the rest of the cast. She's so adorable that you would think her the last girl you'd ever see in a raunchy film like this one - which in turn makes her PERFECT for the part! One surprising facet of this DVD is the subtle commentary it gives on cheating. Problem is, once you do such a thing, your credibility goes down the tubes in all other aspects of your life as well. Our 3 obnoxious friends must learn that their actions carry consequences in interpersonal relationships and other areas that are well outside the realm of academic fraud. In sum, this is an entertaining party movie that's worth seeing for Jaime King's performance. If college prank movies are your thing, this one belongs in your DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Another Great Teen Movie Review: This is going to be another hit teen movie. Devon Sawa is a great young actor and his movie idle hands was hilarious and Final destination was great. I predict another hit by Devon.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious, and crude Review: This is one of those movies that once again proves that the simpler it is, the better it is. Basically you got three buddies that have never done anything honestly, a hot girl, and a freak who collects the hot girls hair and forms it into a doll. And by the end of the movie, everybody learns their own lesson about life, love, and being a psycho. I definitley recommend this one.
Rating:  Summary: pharking highlarius Review: This movie breaks away from the humdrum. Keeps you on your toes and lets you know, it is possible to still enjoy a cheap laugh or too. Sawa and "cool ethan" are the stars, but James King steals the show. Her beauty and charismatic presence are undeniable at pivotal parts of the show. I will watch this again!
Rating:  Summary: top movie Review: This movie is great - I didnt expect much but it's well acted/directed and there are some side-splittingly funny scenes. I wont tell you the plot but its a typical college movie with your usual layabouts/babes/nerds etc. the one-liners are "out there" as are the dream sequence scenes. get this movie and watch it again and again (great for sunday hang overs or late night entertainment...
Rating:  Summary: No cheating! Review: This movie isn't for everyone. Straight-forward huh? I'd rent it first.
Rating:  Summary: It's ok Review: This movie isn't for everyone. Straight-forward huh? I'd rent it first.