Rating:  Summary: this is just so not funny!!! Review: I know alot of people say it but if I could I would give this zero stars. Yes it really is that bad.I was in the video store when I came across this and it looked interesting and it said on the cover it was better than American Pie, so I said what the hell and took it home and put it in my player. This film was awful!!!!! It just tries to hard to be better than other teen movies like American Pie and Road Trip. The plot is dreadful there are rubbish actors and it just makes it a really annoying film to watch. I cant even remember laughing to one thing in this movie because it was all so forced. There was no standout moments, and I cant believe that people are even rating this higher than 2 stars. If I can remember correctly its got the typical teens, the nerd, the cool ones, a fat guy, a sexy girl, and alotta other girls that are in the film but dont really do anything. All I have to say is dont even rent it. Just stay away because if you even touch this movie it will haunt you for a long long time.
Rating:  Summary: Funny stuff! Review: I loved this movie, it is very cute not weird at all. Jason Schwartzman plays a deranged psycho but is a total dork & can't even get stalking right. They aren't slackers but a bunch of cheaters who spend as much energy trying to cheat as they would if they had studied. In all I highly recommend this movie, its not going to win any oscars but is good for a laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Sharp Comedy Review: I thought this movie was hysterical. Wicked, sharp comedy. Genuine acting. Some good cinematography and awesome music. How the critics could not get the humor in this film I'll never know. Yes, the plot was trite but clever in its execution. Sad that most people just don't seem to get it.
Rating:  Summary: Slackers Review Review: If you are an aspiring filmmaker/media producer, you know that seeing really good movies can provide much aspiration to create them someday. To marvel at classics such as Scorcese's Raging Bull, or bizarre works of art like Kubrik's Full Metal Jacket, it would seem to any young college visionary that their own cinematic masterpiece was just a dream away... Then there's steaming piles of horse sh*t like Dewey Nick's Slackers that literally leave you embarrassed and spellbound at how such pathetic piles of waste could have possibly been green-lighted in Hollywood. For those of you that don't know, a green light in the filmmakin' biz is when a movie gets the go ahead to be made. How Slackers avoided seeing more red lights than an underage hooker in Saigon is a complete mystery to me. However, movies as awful as this one are still beneficial. How you ask? Well, if schlock like this can pass as viewable cinema, that gives a lot of hope to us aspiring filmmaker's out here who also have written horrible scripts that we had originally thought disposing of was the best plan. Well future Spielbergs and Scorceses, we were wrong! Dust off those Chupacabra screenplays and ideas for the 235th Batman and/or Rocky movie! Apparently in modern day Hollywood, anything goes! "Anything goes" should have been the slogan for Slackers. The movie fights powerfully through an excruciatingly painful and embarrassing 90 minutes to be the biggest gross out comedy of recent years. In some ways, it succeeds. There's oral sex, masturbation, urinating, and elderly whore sponge-bathing, all so un-tastefully done that the makers of the film would have been better off leaving out all of the other scenes and just making it one big ball of shock value. Don't mistake me though. When I say "shock value," in this case it means something more along the lines of "Wow, I'm shocked that someone actually made a movie that was this incredibly despicable. What I wouldn't give to meet the people responsible for this 'film' so I could castrate them as an appetizer to a main course of offing them execution style in the street on national television." You know, that kind of shock value. Attention: There are plot/surprise spoilers ahead. But you really should read on, because if you go into this movie expecting all the stupidity that you will be in store for, you may be more prepared and not kill yourself after witnessing this awful creation. The movie opens on a college campus (note: forgive me for leaving out details sometimes in the rest of this review. I didn't know I was going to review it until I saw how bad it was) where three lazy guys rule with a tired fist. Hahaha! Get it! Cause they're slackers! Anyhoo, while cheating on a test for his friends, the ring leader of the slackers (Devon Sawa, don't remember his name in the movie) is unknowingly being observed by the biggest dork on campus, Cool Ethan, who is obsessed with a girl that Sawa is sitting next to and hitting on during the test. Like, the name "Cool" Ethan the plot of this movie sucks. Ready for this? Okay! Since Ethan saw Sawa cheating on the test and hitting on his crush, he's going to turn in Sawa and his two slacker buddies for cheating if they don't get him hooked up with his dream girl. That's right, it's the same recycled crap-cake if you don't do this than I'll do that formula you've seen over, and over and over again in teen movies. It's at its worst here, trusting me. Predictably, "Cool" Ethan is anything but. In fact, he's pretty much a freakin' psychopath. No kidding, this guy's mental illness really takes away from any humor that was supposed to come from this role. He shaves his chest hair in the shape of the first letter of the dream girl's name, he makes a doll of her out of strands of her hair that he seeks out all cross campus, and he has an extensive collection of videos and photographs of her. Ethan has a shower scene in the movie, which he sings and pees on himself. It has absolutely no purpose in the plot or any relevance the film might have. This scene pretty much sums up the entire film: it exists only as a vehicle for pure ridiculousness. Another pointless scene involves one of Sawa's buddies singing accompanied by none other than his penis with some sort of a puppet on it. If anyone sees it you can correct me if I'm wrong (klarkbar@hotmail.com), but I'm pretty sure his penis is actually alive. Yes, as I recall he is not doing a ventriloquist act, his penis is literally an organism that moves rhythmically and sings. Now I know what you're thinking, some of this actually sounds funny, right? Well, I might have said the same thing had I just heard about this, or, I dare say, viewed these scenes independent of the rest of the movie. But I really don't think they'd be the slightest bit funny even then, and with the rest of the movie, they just work to make it ten times worse than it already is minus the gross out scenes. I'd like to note that I've only mentioned a couple out of many, but not a one of them makes a bit of sense or is the slightest bit funny. I saw people walk out of this movie. They walked out of a free preview of an unreleased movie early in the film. Keep in mind a lot of these kids were likely freshman in the dorms that more or less had nothing else to do, and they walked out. When only a quarter of the pointless gross outs had happened. I've never walked out of a movie and I vow to never do so. I've slept through them, eaten through them, necked through them and made fun of them, but I've always been against the walking out thing because I thought it was silly to walk out of something you had played for, or in this case pass up a cool opportunity in seeing a movie that wasn't going to be released nationally for another week. I now have sympathy for the walkers. I still will never walk from a movie, but I understand now. This movie is terrible. The acting is horrible. Sawa seems to have the repeated misfortune of being cast in tasteless gross-out teen movies (Idle Hands). Hey Devon, I have an idea for your next movie. Kill your agent, poop on him, and then base the movie on the true story of of your grisly fecal murder. Make sure you get an incredibly horrible screenwriter, and also make sure to be a stoner in the movie, which for some reason on screen you are predisposed to doing on screen in every stupid movie you do. At least Idle Hands was kind of funny sometimes even if it was a stupid kind of funny. This movie made me laugh once, and I'm pretty sure it was out of pity.
Rating:  Summary: Mildly amusing college hijinks flick Review: If you're looking for the the hilarious film about Austin oddballs, THIS AIN'T IT. Richard Linklater's opus (1991) is Slacker (without the final S).
Given that this one's about a trio of smug middle-class cheaters, I suppose the rip-off title is in keeping with the movie's theme.
Rating:  Summary: Typical College Comedy Review: If your looking for a pseudo American Pie, you've found it. With slap stick humor an boat loads of sextual situations an enuendo this movie is funny. The acting is suprisingly good for a comedy, the Character "Cool Ethan" is one you will hate forever after seeing this movie. And when he dispences nicknames like "Laser" how could you like him. This is a bizzare but funny movie
Rating:  Summary: the best america has to offer Review: it was the funnest , the most sweet the most dramitic movie i ever seen and ive seen my fair share.it about these three guys who have cheated their way though every thing high school collage jobs everthing but one wronge move cost them everything. they get blackmailed into helping this total freak too get this hot babe who is total out of his leage but dave who is the one who has to get this girl to like the freak falls for her and the movie takes of from there my fravate part is th sock on one of the guys .... well i wont runion it for you but its lauh out lough funny. if you dont buy it rent it now
Rating:  Summary: Worst film of 2002? Review: It's got my vote. Mercifully, it only runs for about 80 minutes; but it is long and painful 80 minutes.It is an unrelenting series of unfunny, mean-spirited "gags" without a shred of narrative cohesion and not a single likeable character. If you enjoyed movies like American Pie, There's Something About Mary, Road Trip or Van Wilder; avoid this stinker at all costs, it is nothing like any of those films.
Rating:  Summary: if you liked Rushmore you'll love this! Review: Jason Schwartzman is great and is worth the trip to the theater if you enjoyed him in Rushmore. He plays a similar character and plays it very well. the rest of the cast does a good job of fitting their parts making it easy to get into the movie.
Rating:  Summary: low grade teen comedy Review: Just when you begin to think that the teen movie genre can't get any worse, along comes a film like "Slackers" to remind us that barrel-bottom scraping has long stood as one of Hollywood's most lucrative and time-honored traditions. "Slackers" features a trio of amoral buddies who spend most of their time devising elaborate schemes to help each other cheat their way through college. Starting from this rather dubious premise, the film proceeds to encompass every cliché from every teen comedy ever made. With few exceptions, the characters are all unlikable oafs, some of whom actually seem to be suffering from serious cases of mental illness. It's a little difficult to laugh when you begin to see someone as a genuine threat to the safety and welfare of other people in the vicinity. As with most youth comedies, "Slackers" serves up a plethora of crude sex gags, only in this case, none of them comes across as particularly witty or imaginative. In an attempt to achieve a certain "originality" the film also throws in a few "fantasy" sequences that fall flat through sheer lack of inspiration. Moreover, the college classroom scenes are all appallingly unconvincing, particularly in terms of the kinds of shenanigans that are permitted during test-taking times. And the silly, all's-forgiven ending rings as hollow as everything else in the film. "Slackers" bombed big time at the box office upon its release in early 2002. Perhaps that shows that Hollywood CAN go broke underestimating the intelligence of its audience after all. It gives one cause for hope.