Rating:  Summary: didn't really get bored of this movie Review: This movie i would say is not for everyone. But for me it was just a marvelous movie in my opinion and was not boring.
Rating:  Summary: f**k the critics Review: This movie was not the worst of 2003. I will say that my babys daddy is the worst of 2003 since eddie griffin was so corny on that movie. This movie however is better than my babys daddy.
Rating:  Summary: i was just kinding Review: I was just playing around this movie is da bomb. And ben affreck is so funny on this movie.
Rating:  Summary: some what intriguing Review: This movie was some what intriguing. And i didn't care much if this movie sucked because i found this movie funny.
Rating:  Summary: well i liked it Review: This movie was so good. That i didn't care if people said that this movie sucked.
Rating:  Summary: what a movie Review: This was such a great movie. And ben affleck does a decent job on this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps THE worst movie ever made! Review: My friends and I decided to rent this one Friday night, thinking it couldn't possibly be as bad as we heard. We were wrong of course; It was much much worse. The plot was nonexistant, the dialogue was horrible, and the two leads had no chemistry whatsover. The only redeeming quality was Justin Bartha, who played Brian. Poor kid thought he was getting a big break by being in a Bennifer movie. Tough Luck!Three things went through my mind while watching this mess. 1-How in the world did this movie get greenlit? 2-How could Martin Brest, the writer/director of "Scent of a Woman" be behind it? 3-When will this trash come to an end? There is absolutely nothing for me to recommend Gigli, not even to see how bad it is. That's exactly what we wanted to know and every one of us regretted it. One friend fell asleep, the other could take no more and left, while the rest of us said if we could sit through the whole thing, we could accomplish anything. Well, we did it, but for what? Gigli was ultimately pointless, possibly the worst film ever made. Why? Because while other films know they are bad and laugh at it, Gigli takes itself seriously, making it a hell of a lot worse than it should have been. It was a shame seeing such a talented supporting cast (Lainie Kazan, Christopher Walken, Al Pacino) wasted away. What was Martin Brest thinking? What were the actors thinking? You'd expect this from J. Blo, but Al, Lainie, and Chris? NO! Please avoid this film at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: As BAD as the critics say. And the marketing is a LIE. Review: I'd heard the bad reviews, but I figured, hey, it's crime thriller and it's got Jennifer Lopez. How bad can it be? Really bad. Boring bad. Stupid bad. I feel ripped off, because before I rented the DVD, I read the back of the box, and it sounded like a crime thriller. Jennifer Lopez is a lesbian assassin. Ben Affleck is a hood. They team up for a dangerous assignment. I was expecting car chashes, gunplay, fisticuffs. Bodies and cars flying through store windows, and pitched machine-gun battles. Real DIE HARD/LETHAL WEAPON type stuff. There was none of that. There's one quick shooting, near the end, and that's it. The rest of the film is HE SAID, SHE SAID as Lopez and Affleck debate the merits of lesbianism vs. hetero men, and other sex & relationship type stuff. At one point Affleck "opens up" to Lopez, revealing his true "inner feelings." His thuggish Italian character looks on the verge of tears. Lopez's tough lesbian assassin is emotionally torn. The film is also part FORREST GUMP/RAIN MAN. See, they're lugging around this retarded adult they've been ordered to kidnap, slowly "bonding" with the retarded adult, becoming surragate parents, in effect. Afflect regrets yelling at the retarded adult earlier in the film, and makes it up by giving him fatherly advice, while Lopez looks on warmly, feeling all gushy over seeing Affleck's "sensitive side." The retarded adult keeps wanting to "go to Baywatch" (he means the beach), and they take him there. Affleck looks on warmly while the retarded adult, newly confident after receiving Afflect's paternal wisdom, makes new friends. Seeing his retarded protege making new friends in the "normal world," Affleck gets a lump in his throat. It's too tame to be a crime thriller. No action, no adventure, no guns or car chases or explosions. Yet neither is it a chick flick. It's a very long, boring mishmash.
Rating:  Summary: It's not bad - it's GIGLI bad! Review: You get movies that are bad, you get movies that are awful, you get movies that make you feel just plain wrong for paying money to see, then you skip a good few places... and you get Gigli. Luckily the other people I saw the movie with were, shall we say, intoxicated so the fact that it was terrible didn't bother anyone, and we got a few laughs out of Ben Affleck's diabolical acting. Jennifer Lopez is in the movie too, meaning that if you wanna see these two ... on-screen together... then it may be worth the price of admission. The storyline is hilariously awful. There's a mentally disabled kid who is with Ben Affleck. Jennifer Lopez is somehow put on the case, because she is the plucky asassin cop. Jennifer Lopez is introduced to us as a lesbian, but it seems that she's actually one of those magic Hollywood lesbians that also like men, or "bisexual" to you and me. Miraculously, the "lesbian" - wait for it... "hadn't met the right guy yet". This is probably about as tasteful as telling an Asian person that they have different eyes because he hasn't tried stretching them out yet. It turns out that the script writers really had no clue what Jennifer Lopez's character was meant to be, and neither did the audience. I'd probably be offended if the movie wasn't so bad. You almost want to like it, but the odds are really against it. Nothing else in the movie compares to the moment where Ben Affleck is told that, for some reason, he has to hack off the mentally disabled kid's thumb, and he instead enters a hospital morgue and removes a thumb from a dead body - with a plastic fast-food fork (think I'm kidding?). But the writing is nothing compared to the acting. The so-called mentally disabled kid isn't really mentally disabled, which is obvious, but usually the actors do a better job than they did here. In fact at the end he gets his groove on on the beach, during a Baywatch shoot (this is when I had to leave). Really, Gigli is just all-around [crud]. "Never, ever let this film pollute your eyes" - unless of course you were in my situation and could enjoy it in good humor.
Rating:  Summary: DEE MINUS Review: This thing should deserve a D-. It is truly awful. WHY? I'LL TELL YA WHY: I saw most of the movie at home and it was dumb. Well I am 13 but it was still preetty dumb. The story was ok in some parts but the movie was nowhere as good as the first one.