Rating:  Summary: Casablanca, Move over! Review: Look, I'm so sick n' tired of tha peeps dissing this movie, especially my girl from da hood, Jenni! Woot, you go girl! People don't get this movie, 'cuz it just too MUCH for them, know wha' im sayin? Them can't handle this, it just way too in ya face, know ahmeen? My girl Jenni is SOOOOOOOO tite in this flick, and that Q-T Pie Ben ain't too shabby either. Now I know ya'll gonna forget who said this, but rite now, I be thinkin Osca' fo sho! Peace out!
Rating:  Summary: Gigli a mixed bag of nonsense & enjoyable fluff Review: ok, i was one of only 17 people who saw the movie opening weekend, as a jennifer fan. I heard the bad reviews, and felt they were revenge for the publicity around Bennifer's relationship from the mass media. While I understood some of the points made, after seeing it, i didn't entirely agree. It isn't the best movie ever made, but it is nowhere near being the worst either. I think of it as fluff, but still enjoyable. Don't watch it expecting to think, kind of like Baywatch. It has some of that lesbian love nonsense in it from Affleck's Chasing Amy, but that aside, the film has an unfair rep. so, give it a shot, then judge. It's only fluff, and what's wrong with that? cotton candy is made of fluff, and you don't hear the news giving bad reviews about it, do you? i dunno. you judge, or move onto the next review. have a nice day! peace!
Rating:  Summary: Jennifer & Ben Review: Well i must say that Jennifer and Ben did a great job in this film. J.Lo's movies never fail she is a strong hearted latina who knows her stuff and doesn't care what people think of it. Personally, The only reason why everyone bomb the movie(Thats right, it wasn't them their great actors) Was because the low life paparazi blew everything between them out of proportion. Of course, they ain't going to hide their going to live their lives like everyone else even if the tabloids say false stories about them. Then is when all the rumors started and everything went down hill for the movie. If anyone needs to blame anyone for the bombing if you want to be exact that would be the directors fault not the actors. This movie is totally great and i think it's very romantic between them both. As i said if you insist in saying that it's their fault simply cause their in love, think again. The Director and Writers should be burned if anything. Not them! I give this 5 stars!!
Rating:  Summary: Gigli? Gee... Review: This film, which is currently in the # 1 spot on the Internet Movie Database's "100 Worst Films" list, will be a smash on the video and DVD rental market. At least that's my prediction. Allow me to explain.It's no secret that Gigli tanked at the box office and of the 27 people who went to see it, 26 walked out of one of the worst movie-going experiences of their lives while the remaining one was taken to a sanitarium afterwards for laughing uncontrollably at J-Lo's bizarre speech about a female body part. So, we all know it's bad, right? Even those of us who haven't seen it know it's bad. And THAT'S why I think it will do well on video and DVD. I think that Gigli (like Glitter, Showgirls, Plan 9, etc.) will eventually become a movie that's known as "so-bad-it's-good." Everyone will want to see just how horrible this thing is and what the fuss is all about and in doing so will have a great time pointing out what exactly went wrong with the project, who should be shot for being involved with it, etc, etc, etc... So, is Gigli worth seeing? Sure. At least it's a charming abomination. And I'd rather sit through two hours of this train wreck than endure two hours of the Fast and the Furious and it's sequel. So, check Gigli out. P.S. - If Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez and Martin Brest do a commentary for this film, it will be worth buying. Affleck isn't afraid to rag on his own movies and he'll have a field day with this one.
Rating:  Summary: Affleck, Lopez, Walken, and Pacino! Need I say more... Review: Before I even start the review to this movie I would just like to say, before any of you decide not to see this movie because of all the negative pre-hype by critics and viewers of the earlier screening to this film, all before the re-shoots were put in and some parts cut out go rent 'Out of Sight' with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez (if you haven't seen it). Then comeback and tell me you didn't like it and I bet all of you say it was good. Now the reason I said that is because the same negative pre-hype happened to 'Out of Sight' before it was finally released in theatres and once it was, it was critically acclaimed and audiences loved it also! So with that in mind I'm going to start my review. 'Gigli' is about the life of Larry Gigli (Affleck), a struggling hit man in Los Angeles looking desperately for his big break to get some respect, which is given to him when he is ordered to kidnap the psychologically challenged younger brother of a powerful federal prosecutor who is trying to put the main mob boss of L.A. behing bars. However once the plan is put into play things go a little off track and suddenly Gigli's boss sends in Ricki (Jennifer Lopez), a gorgeous, free-spirited female gangster who has her own set of orders to assist with the kidnapping. Which creates a even bigger problem with how things are going to work out after all is said and done. Ben Affleck does a pretty good job with his part (Larry Gigli) as expected from an actor who has so many great performances to his name in both comedy (Dogma) and drama (Good Will Hunting- won a Academy Award). Jennifer Lopez as Ricki had her best performance since 1998's 'Out of Sight' with George Clooney and her critcally acclaimed and Golden Globe nominated performance in 'Selena'. Al Pacino and Christopher Walken do a great job as always and make this film even better than it already was as the old timer detective and mob boss. Lainie Kazan (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), Missy Crider (Instinct to Kill), and rookie Justin Bartha also co-star.
Rating:  Summary: Actually, I rate this a -5 stars Review: Movie theatres in my area cut showings down to one a day just one 2 weeks after its release. Even people that buy one ticket and stay all day watching movies didn't watch this one. I was told at the ticket booth not to waste time or money and saw something else.
Rating:  Summary: I Can't Believe This! Review: I can't believe some idiot below me from Oregon actually had the nerve to review this with one star when they've never seen it! Well, I saw this movie on August 8 at 10:50 am in a small theatre some miles from my home, and I was the one person in the theatre for the only showing of the day. While the movie's plot lingers a bit, the movie is very enjoyable. Lainie Kazan and Al Pacino make excellent guest appearances, though both strange and far different from each other! I hate Ben Affleck and you can guess why, but I have to admit he and Jen DO HAVE a lot of chemistry together, and it's actually not annoying to watch. The way both their characters played off each other was highly enjoyable, and the addition of the half-wit kid they had to keep with them throughout the movie (whose name I cannot recall because I was too distracted) was very fun, and I loved how he finally found Baywatch at the end! If you want a good, enjoyable movie that really doesn't make any sense but really isn't supposed to...and you're willing to sit for the first boring 20 minutes and not walk out...you should see GIGLI! Just rent it when it becomes available and upon that put your remote control far out of reach so you won't be tempted to hit pause, just in case (though when I walked out of the theater to get a java freeze I ran so I wouldn't miss any, so I didn't want to leave the movie...but just in case you do). You might be surprised how much you like GIGLI. I'm a big fan of Madonna's but this far surpasses SHANGHAI SURPRISE! Immeasurably!However, if you want another good, underrated movie that no one saw, SWEPT AWAY is also quite enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: There's ALWAYS Room For J-Lo Review: It boggles the mind that in a summer of redundant slasher flicks, pre-teen soapers with a sorry case of the cutes, and big, dumb, CGI action pics, a modest little movie like GIGLI would be trashed so mercilessly. Admittedly, it's not great cinema, but neither was THE FAST & THE FURIOUS, XXX, or any other brain-dead blockbuster of recent years. The principals contribute charming performances and exhibit the required chemistry necessary to make the film work, and both Christopher Walken and Al Pacino shine in cameo appearances. The public's dissatisfaction with GIGLI has little to do with the film itself and more to do with people wanting to bash the world's most famous couple. It goes without saying that few of those people so eager to condemn the film have actually even seen it...
Rating:  Summary: Best movie since Showgirls Review: This is truly a spectacular movie in the tradition of Showgirls and Battlefield Earth. It is one of those movies in which you know the people both on and off screen actually THINK they are making a quality product, but the result is so horrifying as to make it magnificent. Everything about this movie, including, but not limited to, the cheesy and overdone soundtrack (minor key, I should feel sad right now), the horribly written dialog, the wooden delivery (there were a few scenes where I swear Affleck was reading off of a cue card), and the incoherent plot, make this movie one for the ages. While I don't think it really deserves it's current position as #1 on the top 100 worst films of all time on IMDB, it is definitely in the top 10. I saw it in the theater with about 6 other people and we all could not stop laughing. Truly a trainwreck of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: It was different... Review: I saw it with my chick so I was expecting it to be a chick flick but it turned out to have a little action mixed with all the romantic ... So what the ... 5 stars for this chick flick