Rating:  Summary: "Gigli" rhymes with really, as in really, really odd Review: If you're expecting a normal, by-the-books romantic comedy, do not purchase Martin Brest's ("Midnight Express") "Gigli," the critically-devoured crime romance starring love-birds Ben Affleck ("Daredevil") and Jennifer Lopez ("Out Of Sight"). This film, in terms of the genre, is as quirky as they come as every scene of love is followed by either: a.) a steamy sex sequence, b.) tons of violence, including slit wrists and brain-matter in a fish thank, or c.) a string of curse words more colorful than the film's flashy cinematography. But, of course, quirkiness doesn't always equal greatness, as "Gigli," while entertaining for a Saturday afternoon, is as mediocre as they come, despite a few sequences of solid acting and witty sexual monolouges.
Rating:  Summary: There Is No God Review: Call it a whimsical naivety, but an acquaintance and I rented this monstrosity recently. Frankly, it was highly improbable that a movie could be denounced as fervently as this one and be -gulp- the worst movie ever made, right? Wrong wrong wrong. There are some trite little movies that are so ridiculously terrible that they reach an apogee of unintended hilarity (I cite Cool As Ice, Vanilla Ice's debut film). This is definitely not one of those films. It took every fiber of my being to conclude viewing this. There were indeed points when I thought my sanity would collapse, points were I literally became so disgusting lachrymose I would let out a caterwaul of horrendous pain. Alas, I did manage to survive, but let me certifiably say this was the most painful thing I've ever done to myself. Masochists should shy away from this garbage. I would rather drive a tent stake through my ... then watch Gigli again. By the way, how exactly do such a diminutive amount of people actually seem panegyric in their reviews of this filth? I do realize the divagating circumstances of perspectivism but this is inconceivable. Watch this movie to realize how good you have it. Nothing compares to this monolithic waste of time and money. I implore you with all my collocated being to avoid this ...Theperformances were so tremendously horrible they were beyond my perspicacity's tolerance. I usually do enjoy Ben Affleck (he was particularly acute in Chasing Amy and Good Will Hunting) but this is evidence enough for cinematic banishment. If you want to laugh (as this dross will ineluctably fail at every attempt to wrest from you a single guffaw) read the positive reviews for Gigli. By the way, to the self-important jackass who seems to believe an assessment from the SATs somehow constitutes an intellectual competence, I would volubly retort that The Pledge was a movie about suspense and psychological tension, it ostensibly did accomplish the prerogitive of being stimulating. This cinematic aberration is merely a case of a movie that has an unsubstantiated confidence in itself; a movie that truly believes it is too cute for its own good; a movie that can indubitably emaciate any respect you might have had for its stars. In summation, a movie sooooo perniciously atrocious that even were God to exist, he would vanish in a puff of smoke and prismatic mirrors at the very cogitation of such a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Ever Review: Please trust me on this one, Avoid this movie like the Black Plague!!! This is Ben Affleck at his worst! Jlo@is'nt a good actress and should stick to singing. Even though she isn't even good at singing. Even though she isn't even good at that. The only way you may like this movie is if you are an obsessed pervert and love to stare at Jlo's booty, Other than that this movie is more lethal than Anthrax!!!
Rating:  Summary: Suprise Surprise Review: Like many people out there I avoided this movie while it was in theaters. The media tore this film to pieces before moviegoers even had a chance to check it out. Also like many others I rented this movie because of how 'awful' it was said to be. I have to admit that I enjoyed this movie very much. I guess I dont understand why people say the script doesn't make any sense...it was pretty cut and dry. The characters all provided a comedic value, and I thought Ben and Jennifer did an excellent job. I'm not really a fan of Jen, but I even found her great in this movie. This is hardly the worst movie of the year, and I can think of a number of movies that are worse than Gigli. I wasn't expecting an oscar award winning film...it's made for you to relax, laugh, and have a good time. If the critics negetive reviews would not have so heavily saturated the movie market, I think this movie would have done much better in the box office. I suggest people give it a chance with an open mind, rather than having their minds set on hating the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Review for Gigli Review: It's the stuff Mystery Science Theather 3000's are made of... a disaster of spectacular proportions. Put together enough pointess, random details, and you get Gigli, amovie that's less incompetent than bewildering. So forget the hype -- this movie would stink even without its big-ticket stars, which isn't to say that either is entirely blameless. The dialogue from writer-director Martin Brest is clunky, the film has serious tonal inconsistencies and at over two hours, it drags on way longer than it should. Really silly is the kindest way to describe this hopelessly misconceived exercise in celebrity self-worship... it has a special badness all its own. I highly recommend not seeing this junk.
Rating:  Summary: bravo jen and ben at their best Review: If you like cheap "made for tv movies" (as I do) you'll love this movie. The acting is stilted, the dialogue makes no sense, the plot is meaningless. The scenery is amateurish. I give it five stars because it's so bad that it's actually quite good.
Rating:  Summary: Good Film Review: I am not stupid (I got a 1500 on the SATs) but I thought this film was alright. Jen looks very good as does Ben. There are some bad scenes (Ben's mom getting poked with a needle in the butt, Ben going "moo," etc.) but it was okay. I rented it because I heard the hype was so bad and i wanted to see how bad it was. But it wasn't so bad at all. I have seen many films (eg. The Pledge, Snatch, Phonebooth) that were less entertaining. I liked it, okay? It is not that awful. Rent it now.
Rating:  Summary: Expectations Ruin Everything Review: When Gigli came out everyone said that this is the worst movie ever. Thus, I had to see it for myself. When I came out of the movie theater after watching Gigli, I thought to myself "God those critics are morons!" Gigli was wonderful. It was original and entertaining. I titled my review for this movie "Expectations Ruin Everything" because I believe that this movie would have been a hit if audiences hadn't expected Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck to get together in the end. I think that when critics went to see this movie they thought it would be a standard romantic comedy. However, when they ended up seeing an original, funny, unromantic, kind of sassy movie, their expectations were not met, therefore they were not satisfyed. Before I saw Gigli i read a synopsis of the movie to see what the actual storyline was. Because of that, I already knew that Jenn Lopez was a lesbian so i didnt expect her and Ben Affleck to get together. Therfore,my expectations were met along with seeing a movie with comedy and coolness.--I enjoyed the movie. Also, how can Gigli be coined "the worst movie ever" when nobody saw it. It only made 6 million dollars at the box office. Nobody saw it, therefore how can they judge it? Dont believe the hype, my friends. Contrary to popular belief, Gigli was a great movie. I conclude my comment by saying that if you want to see a movie that(unlike almost all other movies)lacks a romantic situation but is packed with good, sometimes funny, sometimes just plain cool entertainment, then see Gigli. Stray from the norm and try something unheard of--SEE GIGLI!
Rating:  Summary: A misguidedly much maligned movie Review: GIGLI was pegged a Loser even before it was released in the theaters. Many critics called it the worst movie ever made AND audiences stayed away in droves. How much of that was due to 1) a title that people unfamiliar with Italian couldn't pronounce correctly, 2) the media invasion of the private lives of stars Lopez and Affleck, or 3) an outdated but still festering homophobia reaction to the idea of Jennifer Lopez playing a lesbian remains to be seen. Or there may have been difficulty/comfort in accepting brain-damaged characters both created by actors and by patients. Whatever the reasons this film seems to have not been actually viewed for its own merits.Director and screenplay writer Martin Brest has created a smart film and knows how to handle touchy subjects as sensitively as the best of them. The plot line is fairly simple: Affleck is a Mafia-like LA gangster enlisted to kidnap the brain-damaged young brother of a prosecutor, the mob thinking that this will make the prosecutor drop charges against a major gangster (a tasty little cameo for Al Pacino). Not trusting Affleck's character to carry out his job, the mob enlists the backup of another important gangster (Jennifer Lopez) who just happens to be lesbian and thus not readily vulnerable to the macho plans of Affleck's ego. From the moment Lopez knocks on Affleck's door there is a chemistry that only the blind eye could miss. The three (two gangsters and their kidnapped victim) gradually work through the many thorns along the way of the story including a love scene and a confrontation scene between the leads, a hilarious but warm encounter with Affleck's mother (Lainie Kazan in an absolutely bravura performance) who shows understanding about Lopez' sexual orientation seeing the whole spectrum of sexuality with its still open door for a perfect wife for her son, and a brief but equally pungent role by Christopher Walken who smells the plot. Actor Justin Bartha lends enormous credibility to the role of the brain-damaged lad and it is his character along with Lopez' that eventually lead (and accompany) Affleck's humanization. And Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are beautiful and exciting to see as a new screen pairing. Yes, there is a love story and a comedy here, but far more important, there is a presentation of an opportunity to examine our own prejudices and misconceptions. And for that reason (among many others) this is a film that deserves a much wider, much more open audience. Give it a chance!