Rating:  Summary: It was WAY too far-fetched!! Review: I liked some parts about this sequel, like the funny scenes with Randy Quaid being Cousin Eddie, the awesome character I've always liked, unline the dork he plays in the movie 'King Pin'.I loved those scenes where Chevy Chase was at the blackjack table with that smart mouth dealer (Shawn Wallace) as he makes Chevy lose all his money, FUNNY! I loved the part when the dealer suggested that with $5, Clark outta buy a bullet and rent a gun. Here's where I give it 2 stars,. The extreme unlikelyhood of all that happens in the city. 1. At the Segfried and Roy show, those legendary performers instantly, just like that, see Clark Griswold and ask him to come on stage. Out of all the many others up close, what're the odds? 2. Segfried and Roy is only the beginning of me mentioning 'What are the odds?' At the Wayne Newton show, Wayne notices Ellen (out of ALL the thousands of other women available) and has her come on stage. 3. That dumb, clueless kid Russ who changes his name to Papa Gorgeo, wins 4 cars at 4 slot machines all on the very first spin??? I mean, there's extremely lucky bums who I just hate because they win a jackpot on the first spin, but this lucky bum does it on the first spin 4 times in a row?? 4. The Griswolds claim a $30,000 winning keno ticket (The odds being about the same as winning the lottery). 5. At the Blackjack table, beating the dealer's hand offers MUCH better odds than winning a car from one spin at a slot machine. But this movie twists that all around as to what the odds really are. Clark goes through tons of hands and when he finally doesn't lose, he's all like "I didn't lose!" meaning he's gone through hundreds of hands and has lost at all the others. People go through hundreds and thousands of spins without hitting a jackpot (like me for example), but NOBODY goes through hundreds of losing hands at a blackjack table for at least an hour without ever winning. Nobody's THAT unlucky at blackjack. 6. Wayne Newton romances Ellen who in the movie is an ordinary woman and mom who's not famous when Wayne could just go for someone nice and famous, and sexier, like Marisa Tomei, Brooke Shields, some woman who IS famous and rich. Clark informs Wayne that she's taken and Wayne doesn't even care later on. A male celebrity who's a millionare that romances an ordinary woman and says he wants to spend the rest of his life with her along with the other 5 events mentioned above makes the actual likeyhood of all this happening to a family at least one in a zillion! (THIS MOVIE'S NOT DONE BY COMMON SENSE, BUT RATHER MORE LIKE AN OBVOIUS PLAN TO FOOL PEOPLE THAT ALL THAT STUFF CAN HAPPEN ONLY IN VEGAS, IT'S LIKE SOME OF THE MAKERS OF THIS MOVIE WERE LAS VEGAS HOSTS AND CASINO MANAGERS HOPING ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WATCH IT WILL BE STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT ALL THAT ONE IN A ZILLION STUFF WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN!) (Nobody wins 4 cars in a row on the first spin at 4 different machines. As far as odds go, that's just simply impossible and cannot be done.) ((This movie was way too far-fetched!)) WHAT ARE THE ODDS?? PRODUCERS, WHAT IN GOD'S NAME WERE YOU THINKING?? DON"T TEASE PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO'VE DONE OVER 20,000 SPINS AT A SLOT MACHINE THAT'VE STILL NEVER HIT A JACKPOT!!! I do have hard feelings towards people who've hit a jackpot within their first few hundred spins because I really have done thousands and thousands of spins and've still never hit, but that's beside the point of this review. This movie was an insult to my intellegence, but again, deserves 2 stars because 1) I like that cousin Eddie guy and 2) That shifty blackjack dealer practically tells that moron Clark to drop dead. End of review, that's all I gotta say about that, Viewer in Chicago
Rating:  Summary: They should have made a PG-13 film instead!!!! Review: This is one of the most disappointing sequels ever made. I love the first 3 vacation films, but this "Vegas Vacation" feels more like a made for TV movie. Unlike the other films in the series there are no raunchy jokes and rarely any REALY funny parts. Eddie and Rusty are the best charcters here. Apparently, Chevy Chase has really lost his mojo since 1989. I can't remember any thing he has done in the 1990s or since that has made me laugh. In Vegas Vacation its just it seems like he is going through the motions with no real comical chemistry at all. True, to his credit the script is definetly inferior to the other vacations. If they ever make another Vacation Film like in Hawaii or what-not I hope the writer doesn't forget write in some good jokes and use some "4" letter words too. Those crude jokes made the earlier movies REALLY FUNNY! Verdict: This PG Vacation is virtually unfunny and too tame compared to the other 3 vacations.......
Rating:  Summary: the long awaited quaduple is the best! Review: I'll start with the number 13 since I'm really 13. 13. Now I havn't seen European, but out of all of them that I have seen, this is the best. I saw all, but European. This is the 4th. This is the best. I bought it on DVD unlike the others.
Rating:  Summary: THIRD VACATION FILM IS THE BEST Review: National Lampoons Vacation is good,European Vacation is the worst in the series,but the third is the best thanks to genuine laughs and situations,the wacky Griswald's head to Las Vegas and soak up casino's,gambling,and the kids are turned to high rollers and strippers,the parents Clark is obsessed with poker and Ellen is obsessed with Wayne Newton.the laughs are plenty and performances are excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Review: Vegas Vacation is a great movie. The lines are hilarious and it leaves my friends and I quoting it all the time. Every time I hear of Yuma, Arizona, or getting some "dam bait", it brings up memories of this great movie. It's just another comedic gem in the Lampoons series and it ranks up there with the other ones. Nothing makes it stand out in good or bad ways but it will make you laugh that's for sure. I own this movie and I don't regret spending a penny of the money I spent for it.
Rating:  Summary: Love Vegas? You'll go *NUTS* over this movie!!! Review: Don't fall into the trap of comparing this to the other "Vacation" movies. This movie stands well on it's own. If you love Vegas, you will go *NUTS* over this movie; I gotta watch it before every trip!! WHY ISN'T THIS AVAILABLE IN LETTERBOX FORMAT? That cost it a star in my rating!!!
Rating:  Summary: 'Vegas' has it's moments - good and bad Review: It is the same story, the Griswolds are off to wreak havoc on another city. This time Clark decides to take the whole family to Las Vegas so he and Ellen can renew their wedding vows for their anniversary. They manage to leave their unique Griswold touch on most Vegas institutions, like a Seigfried and Roy show, a Wayne Newton show and the Hoover Dam. Most of the comedic highlights in this movie come either when the ultimate white-trash, cousin Eddie is onscreen or when Clark is at the blackjack table.
My favorite part of this movie is Ethan Embry as the most dimwitted Russ to date. He buys a fake ID, becomes a high roller and wins 4 cars gambling. I would recommend renting this movie, but not buying it, the 'bonus' features are light.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy it, it's not OAR. Review: While it may be one of the weaker Vacation movies I would buy Vegas Vacation is a second if it were in its Original Aspect Ratio. Unfortunately Warner have only released this 'fullscreen' version (it's actually pan and scan) so they won't be making a sale to me. It's unusual considering that their Laserdisc Edition was in 1.85:1. Who knows, maybe they'll re-release it one day.
Rating:  Summary: The Griswalds Are Back in a great "Dam" Movie!! Review: This is another funny movie in the "VACATION" series. It's a good dam movie with lots of dam humor and many dam jokes to boot, especially on the dam tour. I highly recommend this dam movie. Come to think of it, I don't think Eddie ever got his dam bait.
Rating:  Summary: Another vacation... Review: Funny, but not the best of the Vacation movies. Things are a bit chopped up and some scenes you are just not sure where they came from or where they are going. Probably could have done a lot better with someone besides Wayne Newton.