Rating:  Summary: Naahhhhh Review: I liked this movie better the first time I saw it, when it was called HEATHERS. Seriously, Rose McGowan tried, but couldn't carry the movie. One good thing about her is she is built like a real woman with hips instead of the usual anorexic standard for actresses these days. Kind of like the feminine ideal from the 50's, except all the tattoos kind of ruin that effect. The cameo by her boyfriend, Mr. Manson, was kind of amusing. But the movie seemed like they were making it up as they went along, and very predictable. Terrible script, and your beleivability is stretched way too far. After Courtney (McGowan) and her clique kidnap one of their pals, things go awry and she (the pal) ends up dead. They drive around, freaking out, all except for Courtney, who has the brilliant plan to call the high school, pretend to be the dead pal's mom, and call in sick for her. OK, what is one of the first things the police would ask the kid's mom after she turned up dead? Sheeeesh. Rebecca Gayheart's acting is slowly improving. I give this movie two stars, one for Pam Grier, one for the sheer mean-spiritedness and bad taste of it. But that's not enough to save this dog of a movie, and the Donnas weren't enough to save it either. Oh, and I liked the Donnas better the first time I heard them, when they were called The Ramonas and The Runaways. I wouldn't bother, unless you are a big Rose McGowan fan.
Rating:  Summary: VeRy CoLoRfUl MoViE! Review: The first thing that grabbed me about this movie were the COLORS! From Rose McGowen (Courtney) and her bright red lips and shiny purple nails, to Judy Greer (Fern) with her BRIGHT PINK outfits, to the nasty purple brusies on poor dead Liz Purr's body, the colors of the film will jump out st you. Probably along the whole Jawbreaker/candy theme. It works.Rose McGowen gives a knockout performance, that perhaps only she could give. She plays evil to a "T" and makes you wish you could be her. Pam Grier is in this movie as Detective Vera Cruz, and she gives a great performance as well. Her facial expressions scream "I'm irritated" through all of her scenes, and it goes great with her charcter. She is an asset to this film. The director's commentary is interesting to watch along with the movie, her gives a play-by-play on what happenes in the movie, how it was shot or where, and gives a few behind the scenes tidbits. His voice really works on your nerves after a while though. The only thing stopping me from giving this movie a 5-star rating is the fact that they give Rebecca gayheart (Julie) a totally uninteresting and useless boyfriend. he DOES NOT need to be in the movie at all. Yes, he comes in handy at the end (I can't say why without giving it away) but what he does at the prom could have easily been done by, say, Fern.
Rating:  Summary: Just When I Thought Rebecca and Rose Had True Potential Review: This film alone is the number one reason Rebecca Gayheart and Rose McGowen will never become top actresses or earn the respect of Hollywood. While young actresses like Julia Stiles, Kristen Dunst, Claire Danes, Christina Ricci and Jennifer Love Hewett have branched out to make films people can take seriously, actresses like Gayheart and McGowen give the " teen " scene a bad name. And that's terrible considering these so-called teens were in their thirties when this film was done. The problem is not with Jawbreaker. Yeah the movie is stupid and as entertaining as an engrown toenail, still Rose and Rebecca have kissed their futures as serious actresses gone forever. I used to enjoy both of these ladies in previous films. But once I saw this I realized they weren't even trying to be noticed as serious actresses. If they were they wouldn't have even looked at the Jawbreaker script ONCE. Jawbreaker is terrible but it's the lead actresses that should be embarrassed. Not the filmmakers.
Rating:  Summary: Jawbreaker Rocks! Review: I think "Jawbreaker" is the best movie in the world, it's obviously my favorite movie. This hilarious movie is about three friends, Courtney Shayne (Rose McGowan;"Scream", "Ready to Rumble"), Marcie Fox (Julie Benz; "Satan's School for Girls"), and Julie Freedman (Rebecca Gayheart "Urban Legend", "Scream 2"), who kidnap their friend Liz (Charlotte Ayanna) on her birthday and gag her with an enormous jawbreaker, they tie her up and put her in the trunk of the car, and drive off to a diner. When they open the trunk, they find out Liz swallows the jawbreaker (it's gross there's a huge lump in her throat) and dies. Julie wants to go to the police and tell them it was an accident, but not for Courtney, she dosen't want to get [...](as she says) so she decides to cover it up and make it look like Liz was raped. When they go back to Liz's house to set it up (her parents are on vacation, so that's how they could do this), a geeky girl named Fern Mayo (Judy Greer;"The Wedding Planner") comes to drop off Liz's homework. When Marcie moves her head she screams because she thought Liz looked at her,, so Fern goes to the back door which was left open and goes upstairs while hearing them talk about what to do. Julie says she dosen't want anything to do with it, and goes to open the door, when there is Fern standing there. When she sees Liz dead she goes and runs away. Courtney promises her that if she dosen't tell anyone, they'll make her one of them (beautiful, popular, everything). So Fern, whose name gets changed to Vylette, of course, agrees, and becomes way to popular to be in their "clique". Well, Courtney and Marcie get really mad and put pictures of Fern's school picture all over the school, and everyone turns against her. Well, Julie and her boyfriend Zack (Chard Christ) join with Fern to bring Courtney down. I'm not going to reveal the ending for those of you who haven't seen it, but for those who have, I thought the ending was hilarious.
Rating:  Summary: The Critics Are Harder On This Than A Gobstopper! Review: I have never seen a dark comedy (at least I think I haven't). So this is a good introduction. Everyone who's criticizing it probably thinks it's exaggerative, yet stereotypical adolescent behavior. But that's the amusing part- Rose McGowan took oblivion, cold-heartedness, and superficiality to a higher planteau than the norm (the clothes looked great). And Julie Benz played the team ditz to a "T"... what a dingbat! Rebecca Gayheart, I thought was insane for leaving the clique, yet I thought her moral character outshined the darker. And Elizabeth Purr, well... had no role (but she looked quite iced). The makeover of the nerd was typical, yet they put a twist on it, and she metamorphed into an egotistical tramp. But all 'n all, this is a good movie to watch when you can spare 2 hours. The plot is not the hated abomination that everyone makes it out to be. Yes, the backfiring of McGowan's scheme (her recorded words resounded with callousness within the silence of the room) was predictable, yet I found it extremely hilarious because it was like "dead air," & everyone threw their corsages (or punch cups) at her. 'Jawbreaker' has it's dark and humourous highlights (almost too dark to be even close to real!)
Rating:  Summary: "Learn it, Live it, Love it!" Review: What are three beautiful teen queens to do when they accidentily kill their best friend (by choking her with a JAWBREAKER) as a birthday prank? Well what they end up doing will be having you question how much your friends actually care about you. Rose McGowan has an uncanny knack for playing evil parts. Her role as "satan in heels" Courtney is very entertaining. Julie Benz cracked me up with her portrayal of the dumb blonde Marcy Fox, or "Foxy" for short. Rebecca Gayheart is the goody-goody (believe me she fits the stereotype) Julie who beleives in doing everything right! Other than getting a little old in the middle, this movie certainly delievers. Again, believe me the plot gets a little repetitve but the dialouge makes up for it big time! There are some details that if you haven't seen the movie (what's wrong with you?)that shouldn't be revealed, so I'll just keep them to myself. All in all this movie was great and I really appricated it. One last note, if you're looking to laugh you won't find many here (why, think of the classic "Heathers" it's like that). If you're looking for an entertaing film with a good plot, this is for you!! I enjoyed it and i hope you do too!
Rating:  Summary: Great, but no masterpeice Review: I first saw the USA version of the movie. At first, I didnt really care for it, but as I watched it more I started to like it. It's about 3 vixens (One later dissaproves, and then drops the "group") who accidently kill their best friend, Elizabeth Purr by a birthday prank. It's like Clueless and Heathers together, its not dark like Heathers is. Later on Courtney Shane does WHATEVER it takes to cover up her murder (She even slept with a stranger). The school geek, Fern, found out about it. The day Liz was 'sick' she was assinged by Ms. Sherwood to deliver her homework, and overheard everything. Of course Courtney has to do whatever she can to cover it up, she transforms her into the beautiful stylish Vylette. Over the movie thoguh, Vylette becomes as Wicked as Courtney, and of course she cant stand taht, so she revealed her identaty ASAP. I wont spoil the ending, you'll ahve to watch it for yourslef... but overall I highly recommend it. It's a good movie, but defenitly not a masterpeice. MPAA: Rated R: Sexuality, Language, and Violence all involving teens Age range: 14-19 My rating: 14+ (Hey, you'd see this stuff everyday if you are in Middle School and High School)
Rating:  Summary: morbid Review: This is a morbid comedy about a gang of girlfriends who do a prank that goes totally wrong. Jawbreaker in the mouth and the girl ends up dying. Girls feel guilty. Can they get away with the crime ? You'll see. Sounds good but really it isn't.
Rating:  Summary: ew. Review: Quite possibly the worst movie ever made. They were obviously going for some kind of quirky artistic direction with this, but the colors are tacky and headache inducing. The script is terrible, with constant ramblings about nail polish color and beauty marks turning into fish on the backs of peoples necks. While I know not much brilliance should be expected from a teen movie, this was particularly painful to sit through. I could seriously feel my brain rotting away.
Rating:  Summary: Ethan Erickson Review: Being a teen guy I wanted to see this movie for hot girls. Instead Ethan Erickson "Dane" caught my eye, he is one hot guy. Look at his body, he has great abs, muscles, and a very hot face. I liked it when he had to work on the "big stick", and Rose McGowan told him not to come yet. I wonder what Ethan is up to these days, I have not seen him in a movie since. I hope he is still hot.