Rating:  Summary: . . .good genes in this family? Review: NUTTY PROFESSOR II: THE KLUMPS
Eddie Murphy, Janet Jackson, Larry Miller, 2001
Overweight professor Sherman Klump (Murphy) makes a youth potion. His alter ego Buddy Love (also Murphy) interferes with Sherman's plans to present the formula to a pharmacuetical company and creates problems in his relationship with his wife to be - Denise Gaines (Jackson).
My Review
A stupid story (confusing if you have not seen Nutty Professor I) with very predictable humour. But nevertheless a lot of work put into this film by Murphy and the make-up crew as he plays eight different roles. Singer Janet Jackson makes her second movie appearance (her first was 'Poetic Justice' with late rapper Tupac Shakur, which was a much better performance).
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining movie Review: This was a great movie. Eddie Murphy pulls off mutliple roles very well, from Buddy Love to granny Klump. I reccomend seeing this movie if you'd be up for a good laugh. (Also check out Dr. Dolittle and Dr. Dolittle 2)
Rating:  Summary: The Funniest One Review: More Humor, Jokes, and pranks In This Sequel starring Eddie Murphy
Rating:  Summary: comic talent wasted on lavatory humor Review: Nobody watching "Nutty Professor II: The Klumps" could ever doubt either Eddie Murphy's extraordinary talent for comic impersonation nor the ingenious skill of the special effects team that has managed to bring the actor's many characters to fruition on film. The utterly seamless merging of all Murphy's personas into a single shot is indeed something wondrous to behold. Unfortunately, no amount of acting or technical expertise can compensate for a weak script - for a comedy is, after all, only as good as its writing. In the case of "NP II," the writing leaves a great deal to be desired.
In many ways, the film's greatest strength turns out, ultimately, to be its greatest weakness. Murphy is so good at delineating and inhabiting his characters that it is quite understandable that the filmmakers would want to apportion virtually equal time to each and every one of them. This turns out to be a problem. For one thing, it manages to dilute the focus of the film's storyline quite frequently. Time and again, we find the narrative wandering back and forth between unrelated situations. Just as we become involved in the affairs of one character, we shift over to the quandaries of another. Still, this would be acceptable if the film at least managed to be funny. It does offer a few laughs along the way, but the film's script rarely rises above the waistline in its humor. If a joke doesn't deal with a specific body part (and we're not talking about hands, feet and noses here), it probably deals with a bodily function either sexual or scatological in nature. I have no personal objection to dirty jokes, but when an entire film consists of nothing BUT such jokes, the whole enterprise ultimately becomes tasteless, tedious and unpleasant. Take heed if you plan on watching this film with your young children (and note that this isn't even the UNCENSORED version!). In terms of acting, Murphy proves once again his phenomenal ability to create characters who are offbeat, individualized and likable. What a shame that the filmmakers were not able to craft a vehicle commensurate with his talent.
Rating:  Summary: stupid Review: i rented this and it was a back screen. i think hanibal is better than this. i don't think people could sue the nutty guy
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Movie. The Uncensored Version Is The Same Thing Review: WARNING! MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! READ WITH CAUTION! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!! O.K. I really like Nutty Proffesor 2 The Klumps. If you get past some of the sex jokes (some which aren't even funny) and the sick, perverted things (a hampster raping Dean Richmend) you'll find yourself laughing pretty darn hard. I'll admit it is pretty funny. Not really like Airplane! but good for a few laughs. Since I'm sure you've seen other reviews that tell you the plot I'm not going to even bother. Instead, I'll tell you what I think of this Uncensored Director's Cut. First off, I own the reqular version on VHS, and I was quite happy with it, but when I saw the Ucensored DVD, WOW!!! I got excited. Imagine what could have been considered to Rated-R-ish, and was cut out!!!! There might be some pretty funny stuff in there!!! I got the DVD, and unwrapped the plastic and put the disk in my DVD player. Oh, I was so prepared to get blown away, the same way I got blown away with the Extended Special Edition of Terminator 2 Judgement Day Ultimate Edition (by the way, the code for T2's Extended Special Edition is 82997), but sadly, I was not blown away by the Nutty Proffesor 2 The Klumps Uncensored Director's Cut. The back of the cover says things like "The Mariachi Senade Gets Wilder," "Denise Gets A Big Surprise", and "The Hot Tub Gets Steamier". Well, the Mariachi Senade scene only had one added line (that is unfunny). The "Denise Gets A Big Surprise" scene includes........... NOTHING (?) new. And the "Hot Tub Gets Steamier" scene simply has a new shot of Granny with a SLIGHTLEY more exagerated face. I think I once read somewhere that false advertisement is against the law. Well, this sure is false advertisement. Also, in some of the new lines, the picture gets all screwed up (?). But, I must also mention that there are One and a 1/2 added minutes of outtakes, that are quite funny, but were propably cut just to be put in this version. Another thing, look at the back of the cover on Terminator 2 Judgement Day. Sixteen minutes of added footage!!! Wow!!! Now look at this cover. Two minutes of new stuff. Uh, wow. And, consider this, those two added minutes are all outtakes!!!! WHAT A CHEAT!!!!!! But, then theres special features. There's a pointless, 1 and 1/2 minute long featurrete. A good commentary by the director, Peter Segal, and one with the director and producer, Brian Grazer. There are some screen tests and such. The best thing about this disk is the DVD-ROM features. You can listen to interviews with Sherman Klump and Granny Klump. Funny!!! You can even make your own poster!!!! Cool!!!! But, one thing, in the commentary with Peter Segel, he talks all about things that were cut out, like this, the dinner table scene in the movie (Censored Or Uncensored) is 5 minutes. The original way (and the way that they shot it) was 14 minutes. Wouldn't everyone like to see the real dinner-table sequence? I would. Well, it's just 5 minutes in this version. What a cheat. So. basically, I'm saying, if you don't have the movie on DVD at all, get this one for the outtakes and DVD-ROM stuff, but, if you already have the other DVD, don't get this. Really, no difference. Brett Michael Roberts
Rating:  Summary: Not even clost to the first one.. Review: This movie was just awful...it wasn't funny at all. I loved the first sone but this was just not good. There was one or 2 funny moments but it was just basically to stupid.
Rating:  Summary: jerry lwies vs eddie murphy Review: foirst fopn all iz never herda of mary lewis. i 'z neverv seesn one of him flicks. but eddie murphy just might be the besterst comedian out onthe flicka worls today. i'm sure that lewitrs wasn't aNYWHER near az funy as eddie mirufphty. thiz waz one of the funiest things i coulda saw. just great.......word out!
Rating:  Summary: The Klumps Uncensored/ Censored-There isn't mush difference Review: Nutty Professor II was a funny movie, I own the DVD. When I saw that they had an uncensored version I was excited to see what was considered too racey for to the version that was in the theaters. I was very disappointed. There aren't any extra scenes. Just a few more lines from about 3 of the characters, which does not make much of a difference in the movie. As far as the Extra Features...I was looking forward to seeing Janet Jackson's screen test. BIG disappointment. They just show the wardrobe test of Janet in Mama's hug wedding dress. I was expecting to see Janet basically auditioning, reading for the part of Denise Gaines. Dont get me wrong i Loved Nutty Professor II and I am I huge Janet Jackson fan, but I would suggest that you either get one version (Censored or Uncensored) or the other. There is no reason to have both. Also check the running time of both movie. the Uncensored version is only 2 minutes longer, so that should tell you how much of a difference there is in the two versions of Nutty II.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie, Great Laughs, Great Time! Review: This movie is hillarious. This is 100% better than the first one! Eddie Murphy give a funny and great performance. This story is basically about Professor Sherman Klump (Murphy) who teams up with Professor Denise Gaines (Janet Jackson) to make a formula to make people younger. But, when things are going good for Sherman and Denise, Buddy Love (Murphy) shows up to try to ruin Sherman's life. I don't want to give away too much of the movie. I will rate the movie in section. Picture-4.5 (out of 5) Sound-4(out of 5) Story Line Originallity-5 (out of 5) Favorite Character- Sherman's mother. Her character is so cute and funny. Funniest Character- Granny. She is just so rude, but her rudeness is so funny!!! My Favorite Part- Is when the wedding, Sherman's mother starts chanting his name in front of the whole church. I hope you go out to buy this movie. (DON'T BUY THE ORIGINAL NUTTY PROFESSOR II, THE UNCENCORED IS way BETTER!!!!!