Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Movie With Great Acting! Review: I have recently purchased Nutty 2 on DVD, except I purchased the Collector's Edition. A short time after, the Uncensored Director's Cut came out and I just knew I had to have that too. I love this movie. It was hilariously funny! I definitely recommend the Director's version because it has so much more jokes that were edited out by the MPAA. Warning though, that this version is an R-Rated version and kids should not be allowed to view it. You could tell the parts that are uncensored because the picture itself looks slightly deteriorated when one of those parts play. I guess that's from the film sitting in a vault for so long, the directore probably didn't think he was going to use those clips so they weren't taken care of properly. But, nevertheless, this version is by far the funniest. Janet Jackson also does a fantastic job with her role. I only wish she'd do more movies. Janet, previously from Good Times, Diff'rent Strokes, and Poetic Justice as her movie debut, does a fine job with all of her crying scenes in the movie. She really goes all out near the end of the film, with, what I think, an Academy Award Winning Performance! Kudos Janet! An all around great movie with great acting! I had a fun time with this one!
Rating:  Summary: Material doesn't do justice to Murphy's fine work Review: To be fair, The Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps must be looked at in two ways. One should look at the performances of its star, Eddie Murphy, who plays seven different characters. One should then look at how it works as a movie. Unfortunately, the latter look almost undoes the former. Once again, Eddie Murphy show what an extraordinary actor he is. He plays Sherman Klump, the brilliant, lovable, shy and grossly overweight professor. He also play's Sherman's father, mother, grandmother, brother and the foul-mouthed, bad-tempered Buddy Love, Sherman's accidental alter-ego. It is true that Murphy played those characters before in The Nutty Professor. Obviously, the novelty is absent in the sequel, but it should be noted that in the original, he played the family only in scenes where they were seated around a dinner table. This was done for budget reasons, as the star was not as 'bankable' at the time as he once had been. Murphy's back on top now, so the Klumps in this picture have left the table and are all over the place. This change made for a far more complex production schedule, as well as a horrendously complicated job for Murphy. That he pulls it off at all is amazing. That he pulls it off with style is nearly a miracle. This time Sherman Klump has invented a formula which reverses the aging process. He does this at the university lab where he works, and the dean thinks they can make [money] from it. Naturally, Buddy Love is around to make sure things go wrong, including Sherman's romance with the beautiful Denise [Janet Jackson]. In addition to all this, Sherman must still deal with his madly dysfunctional family. As for the story, it goes nowhere fast. Some scenes are quite funny, but others lack the sparkle one would hope for in such a high profile piece of entertainment. I am certain that Mr. Murphy, who often endured five hours a day in the makeup chair, had no time or energy left to devote to the plot. That was the writers' job, and I am afraid they let both us and our people-pleasing star down. Still, compared to recent letdowns such as Martin Lawrence in Big Momma's House, the movie has enough interesting moments in it to make it worth viewing.
Rating:  Summary: More family drama....... Review: While not as great as the first one, the movie provided plenty of laughs. This movie focused more on the family then on the Nutty Professor himself. The family is more hillarious than the first, while the Nutty's character was a little more serious. Some of the scenes you have to check out incude when Mama and Cletus were in the bedroom and Mama turned on the record player (and so on) as well as when Cletus took the youth formula and went out clubbing. Another great scene is when the Klumps gathered around to watch Sherman on TV only to see a mjor foul up. I had a ab workout from laughing so hard. Rick Baker does an outstanding job with the makeup as well . The second one had it's moments, but I feel the directors should be wise and not make another sequel.
Rating:  Summary: The same as the regular NP2 Review: I didn't see where it was different from the movie that was shown in the theatres. Except for a few lines that were in there. I didn't see a difference. Although, I would have given it a 5 because of Janet being in there, I couldn't do it. I still love the movie regardless, but I thought that since it was the director's cut, I would see a lot more that wasn't in there. This wasn't worth purchasing, I think if you have NP2 already, don't get this one cause it's the same thing. Only thing added were the videos for the movie.
Rating:  Summary: "Chunky Town" Review: Very funny. I think this is one of the funniest movies Eddie Murphy has made in some time (not counting Shrek). He plays almost his entire family in this film and is believable as each one. Great sequel!
Rating:  Summary: Funny Sequel; "Unrated" Version is More of a Lite "R" Review: I saw NUTTY PROFESSOR II--THE KLUMPS in the theater when it first came out, and just bought it last month on DVD. After watching the "Unrated Director's Cut", I can say that it really isn't all that much different than the original PG-13 cut (which got away with a *lot* if you ask me). I think this version is a bit over-hyped on back of the DVD case: The only thing "wilder" about the Mariachi scene is that one extra risque` line that was added back to it. The only thing "steamier" about the Hot Tub scene is that Buddy's reaction is more animated. Big deal! As for the "big surprise" that Denise supposedly gets, I still don't get it. :) However, this film still has it's laughs, and you just can't beat Eddie Murphy performing a total of--gasp!--8 characters, usually in the same scene. Eddie Murphy shows us yet again how extraordinarily talented of a comedic actor he is, as well as how much fun he has when doing character ensembles. Rick Baker's makeup is superb as always, and really makes us forget that these roles are all filled by the same man. Just look at all of the huge differences (literally) between Sherman Klump, Buddy Love, Cletus & Mama Klump, Grandma, etc--it's truly amazing. The screenplay is funny, and the directing/editing is fast-paced. All in all, it's a good, funny film, although it's definitely not for the under-13 kiddies. Forget about things like occasional plot holes, and some of the pseudo-science in it; this is a movie to just sit back and laugh with. Also one of the few comedy sequels to be even funnier than the original!
Rating:  Summary: a sign of the end times Review: Cletus Klump: "I got three words for ya: MIGH-TY FINE" Me: "I got three more words for ya: AW-FUL FILM" Okay, so we're not expecting Oscar-worthy performance(s) from Eddie Murphy(s,) but we are expecting a coherent movie that will make us laugh. That IS the intent of comedy, ISN'T it? Just checking, because I thought Murphy knew something about that... Oh, sure, the fact that he plays six (!) characters is AMAZING! He really does get lost in each character. And when you have multiple Murphys on screen, it's just a how-did-they-do-that? waiting to happen, but... it doesn't make up for SQUAT! All the "wow"s this movie gets FAR outweigh (heh heh) the laughs, and that is just wrong. Sure, there are a few funny bits and a couple hilarious ones (exactly two, in fact. One involves a buffet rampage,) but... it pales in comparison to the original. And ANOTHER thing.. the movie is hard to understand. I'm not talking about its neanderthal script, either. I'm talking about the voices Murphy uses, specifically Cletus and Granny Klump. A lot of punchlines were lost, but family members squawking can only be funny a few times, and then it gets old. So maybe I was spared, in a way. This movie frustrated me on so many levels that I can't even begin to go into it. Probably one of the most annoying things was the stupid computers/computer programs that everybody was using! They were driving me insane! They just made everything SO easy to see and movie-audience-friendly that I wanted to throw up my Sweettarts, just so I could toss 'em at the screen. Oh, and all the silly sentimental crap... if I heard silly sentimental music one more time, and was forced to look at an extreme closeup of Janet Jackson (who is 'eh' in her role: not awful, not stupendous [but not much is required of her]) AGAIN, suicide would be contemplated. Oh, and she's a super smart professor that drives a trendy new VW Bug. ::INSERT RETCHING HERE::
Rating:  Summary: KLUMPTASTIC Review: This is a kick*** movie. I do not know it got bad reviews. It was funny and it had a really good storyline. Eddy Murphy did a really good job playing the Klumps. It must have been really hard for him. Janet Jackson plyed his girl in the movie and she also did a good job. This movie is really funny, and in my opinion, it was alot better than the first one.It also has some bonus features on it too. It has Janet's Music Video: "Doesn't Really Matter", and it has a 10 minute review of the making of the movie. The bonus stuff is cool, but the movie is really good. If you like really funny movies, you will like this one, so check it out!
Rating:  Summary: The funniest movie ever! Review: This movie was so funny! I laughed so hard I thought I was going to die! This movie is packed with tons of hilarious stuff, including fat people wiping out a buffet, and a hamster attacking people! (you`ll never look at your pet hamster the same again, beleive me) I give this movie five stars for being so funny!
Rating:  Summary: "The Klumps Uncesored!" Review: Believe it or not, this is the original cut of the movie, the would-be PG-13 version was actually a censored version, which was good, but not as unbelievably funny as this. Eddy Murphy portrays the imminent scientist Sherman Klump, Sherman's father Cletus, his mother Emma, and his Grandmother, as well as his brother Ernie. Oops! I almost forgot Sherman's uncontrollable split-personality, Buddy Love, who crafts himself on to a strand of DNA left behind by Buster, the basset hound who is the first to drink from Sherman's new "Fountain of Youth" formula. This DVD is much funnier than the first, and there are extra bloopers at the end. There are also music videos of Doesn't Really Matter, Hey Papi, and my personal favorite Thong Song Remix. Excellent picture too, much better than the VHS. I don't really think this movie had to be unrated, the MPAA could just either rate it R or leave it PG-13. I don't care if the first Nutty Professor was PG-13, if Peter Segal wanted to push the envelope too far then why didn't he, it's HIS film, not the MPAA's. But I suppose if he desperately wants it to PG-13 that I won't, as I matter of fact I can't stop him. But I don't see why he couldn't have just kept this cut, so what if it was R or not. Except I would have say that some of the scenes were kind of mature, and would not be recommended for kids. All in all, this was an excellent feature, buy it and feel sorry for the PG-13 version as it falls, down, down, down into the stench of old banana peels, coffee grounds, and rotten vegetables. LOL, I'm just kidding, but by this DVD, it's very good! Great job Peter, keep 'em comin'!