Rating:  Summary: The Best Disney Comedy Review: Everything in this cute film is magic.And you have to admit that the opening song,'I'd Like To Be You For A Day' is very boppy.Patsy Kelly is hilarious as Mrs Schmauss and Ruth Buzzi and Kaye Ballard are great as two over-exited hockey captains-(Kill!Kill!Kill!) Barbara Harris has never been more appealing than as the hapless Mrs Andrews and the brazened Jodie Foster is lovely.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Disney Comedy Review: Everything in this cute film is magic.And you have to admit that the opening song,'I'd Like To Be You For A Day',is very boppy.Patsy Kelly is hilarious as Mrs Schmauss and Ruth Buzzi and Kaye Ballard are great as two over-exited hockey captains (Kill!Kill!Kill!)Barbara Harris has never been more appealing than as the hapless Mrs Andrews and the brazened Jodie Foster is lovely.
Rating:  Summary: the day has come Review: Finally the day has come. I don't understand why took it so long to release these classic disney films?? Because I personaly think that you have to watch the original version first before you watch the remakes.The film is a real comedy with an interesting plot and fine actors. I must say that I have seen this film almost a 100 times and I still like it, especially in the summer (I don't know why, maybe it isn't fit for rainy days). Buy it, it worth!
Rating:  Summary: Totally Seventies Review: First off, it's not as good as the 2003 remake. But it's still good. Barbara Harris as the mother is a hoot, she really captures Jodie Foster's character. Jodie Foster's acting isn't quite up to Harris' level, or Lindsay Lohan's, twenty-six years later. Unfortunately, I didn't see Freaky Friday (1977) until after I had seen the remake, so I couldn't help but compare them as I watched. The car chase scene at the end is too long, but otherwise the story hangs together (as long as you buy the premise of mother and daughter switching bodies) and is a lot of fun. Although I wouldn't call it sophisticated, sometimes the humor is aimed a bit higher than the pre-teen crowd. Watch John Astin as Annabelle's (Josie Foster) dad perk up when his wife (with his daughter's mind) accidentally calls him "Daddy." The relationship between Annabelle's would-be boyfriend Boris and Annabelle (in her mother's body) doesn't go anywhere, but you can see that Boris wouldn't mind if it did. And I loved seeing all that Seventies decor again. Trippy, man.
Rating:  Summary: Original 1977 FREAKY FRIDAY Is The Best! Review: For a guy who likes Ingmar Bergman and other indy, artsy films, I guess it seems weird that I bought the DVD of the original FREAKY FRIDAY the minute it hit amazon. But, this film was made in the good old days of Disney, before they lost focus of their business and started behaving like most other monster corporations. This story has had at least 3 lives: the 2003 version (enjoyable), the 90's TV version (I never saw that one), and the one at hand. The original 1977 release gives us the unique pleasure of seeing two wonderful performers, Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster, going through their paces in this mother-daughter-switch tale. Barbara Harris is one of the great performers who never quite made the level of fame she deserved. Whether in her Broadway turns in ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FOREVER and THE APPLE TREE, to several good films, she had an amazing ability to be vulnerable in one moment and seamlessly turn into a glamourous, gutsy bombshell in the next. And her voice! This film and, perhaps, Hitchcock's FAMILY PLOT are nice samplings of her skill. Add in the very young Jodie Foster and you can't lose. (The DVD has a nice on-screen commentary by Foster, which proves how spontaneously articulate she is. Too bad they didn't get Harris to discuss her part.) As an added benefit, the screenplay is by source book author, Mary Rodgers (Richard Rodgers' daughter and author-composer in her own right). For those who like THE GILMORE GIRLS, which is a tremendous and enjoyable example of an almost-impossibly-idealistic relationship between a mother and her daughter, this film will be a nice reality check. Here the mother and daughter can't relate to each other at all until they go through the fiery baptism of spending a day in each other's body. Ultimately, this film provides us with 90-plus minutes of enjoyment and humor in the hands of the very talented cast.
Rating:  Summary: Fun from start to finish Review: Freaky Friday is a hilarious film. It is filled with funny, quotable dialogue. The script is great, and what makes it all come together are the performances by it's stars. Jodie Foster is very good and entertaining as Annabel. Barbara Harris as Mrs. Andrews is so wonderful she steals the show. Her transformation into her teenage daughter trying to be a wife and mother is a blast. Barbara Harris has a wacky, rebelliousness that comes though in her performance. It's perfect. Her scenes with Boris (Annabel's teenage crush who lives across the street) and her son Ben, are especially funny. The young Sparky Marcus as little Ben Andrews is adorable. His scene of confiding in his "mother" about his true feelings for sister Annabel is very touching. Marc McClure as Boris Harris (who makes a cameo appearance in 2003's Freaky Friday as Boris making a delivery) is great in his role as the allergy-prone object of Annabel's affections. Another standout character is Mrs. Schmauss the cleaning lady. Her interactions with "Mrs. Andrews" are side splitting. The title song, "I'd Like To Be You For A Day", is really beautiful and compliments the sentiment in the film. Freaky Friday is a feel good film with a message that is obvious, but also has a subtle message throughout that reminds us not to take life too seriously. It seems to say "Enjoy the people you love, appreciate their individuality and struggles, and most of all, allow yourself to have fun on this crazy journey."
Rating:  Summary: A Cute Movie! Review: Freaky Friday premiered in the theaters several months before I turned 12 years old and my friends and me grew up watching the live action Disney movies of the 70's and our parents tried several times to get us to the theater to see this movie but every time there were long lines for the ticket booth and the movie sold out so I didn't get to see Freaky Friday until I was a teen and it was shown on HBO and though it wasn't my favorite live action Disney movie it was pretty cute and had an interesting plot and I think Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris were good as Annabelle and Ellen and I have always liked John Astin ever since watching reruns of The Addams Family sitcom and I recommend this movie. Fans of Dallas look for Charlene Tilton (Lucy Ewing) as Annabelle's friend Bambi. I haven't yet seen the Jamie Lee Curtis Lindsay Lohan remake but someone is going to let us borrow her DVD so we can watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Extremly Funny!!!!!!!! Review: I grew up with this movie. I think I saw it for the first time on the wonderful world of Disney. Either that or Mom got it for me at the library & even she likes it. Jodi foster is both brilliant & lovable! She's believable and as the child her issues where at least believable & somebody I could sypathise with. As an adult in a childs body well hillarious! By the way Ben or Ape Face really showed talent. What happened to that kid? He was cute & delivered a preformance of giant perportion that added dynamic to both mother and daughter. Plus that ball game scene & his love & envy of his big sister. The kid had a real talent for delivering dialog, yet also proved though he first apears a little geek that he had a real little boys spirit. The jokes where clean & in good taste. Yet timeless & funny. Nothing beats a great chase scene & that car chase was both exciting and funny. I seached long & hard for a copy of the vhs but it'd been vaulted. just when I bought it used My VCR broke & I got a DVD player for my birthday. A week later the DVD came out. Purchase of that DVD is one of the first things I'll do with my next paycheck. It will be money well spent on a classic disney movie I could watch again & again.
Rating:  Summary: Extremly Funny!!!!!!!! Review: I like this one MUCH better than the remake! Although the remake was still good. It is MUCH closer to the book. It was also more funny and I thought that Jodie Foster did an excellent job as Annabel! MUCH better than Lindsey Lohan. I also thought that Barbara Harris did a great job as Ellen. The Remake is not close to the book at all. After you see the orginal one, you'll probaly think that the remake isn't as good!
Rating:  Summary: Not as slick as remake, but still great fun Review: I love the remake, with Lindsay Lohan & Jamie Lee Curtis, which made me curious about the fact that there's a remake. With nothing else to do before Christmas apart from having DVD-buying withdrawal symptoms, I bought this, mainly because it wasn't on my wishlist, therefore, safe. And cheap too. I'm not that keen on Jodie Foster, and her hair in this was an absolute mess, plus, she had a (fake) mouthful of metal. Boy, do I remember that all too well. There weren't a lot of stars apart from her that I knew, although Barbara Harris looked very familiar.
Apart from some very dodgy shots - mainly featured during the water-skiing scenes, where it was perfectly obvious the actors were against a blue screen, and it looked so fake - the movie was really good! Not a patch on the remake, but it still had its funny moments, and funny deadpan lines, coming mainly from Barbara Harris a lot of the time. Disney did a good job with this movie, and even managed to include some extras!
It's a lot more faithful to the book as well, more so than the recent update, which was updated beyond belief to fit in to the 21st century. This did come across as rather OTT at times, and almost sickly sweet. The movie also owed a lot to the old slapstick of Laurel & Hardy movies, amongst others. And very bad 70s fashion & hair! It's also a lot more simplistic, but with both the original & the remake, little is featured of the love interest. And the bit where they swap minds is really corny (flashing green/blue colours over the bodies), but the bit where they actually swap BODIES is pure genius. There are a lot of Disney cliches thrown in, and your typical Disney chase scene, which doesn't hold a candle to the one from Ronin. The slapstick comes when a police car goes through a very narrow tunnel, and comes out shaped like a triangle or when they go along a patch of road, and the car splits in half! (Also watch out for the patch of storm drain, which was also featured in the car race in Grease!) The film also has interesting feminist implications and the heavily hinted-at subplot involving teen alcoholism is compellingly unexplained, and would have been funny.
Jodie Foster doesn't really come across as a great child actor. For one thing, her voice can sometimes be very monotone, and she has a very 'old' voice too. (Now that sounds very weird.) The voice does not match what she looks like. Plus, in a few scenes, it's really clear how much difficulty she was having talking with her metal train tracks. She also doesn't have a lot to mess up/learn unlike her mother. The mother calls her husband "daddy", and plays a hot game of softball with a group of little boys. Jodie has less to work with - she screws up a typing class, a photography class, band practice AND field hockey, but does OK in social studies.
There are only two extras, but you get your money's worth with an up-to-date interview with Jodie Foster - although I think she was talking before the 2003 remake. It's quite a long interview, and she doesn't just talk about Freaky Friday, she talks about a lot of her other Disney movies, and how she auditioned to be a young Princess Leia, but was contracted to do another Disney movie. The Memory Game is mind-numbingly slow, and isn't worth wasting your time on.
All in all, this is a great movie, although some people will go too much into it, and think about all the complications, like how the mother is a smoker, but the daughter isn't - surely they'd experience cravings etc? The movie's meant to be enjoyed not analysed, and if you can get past the dodgy blue screen scenes, then you'll thoroughly enjoy yourself, and put a smile on your face.