Rating:  Summary: Don't be afraid to laugh Review: I would give this movie a one star rating but I have to admit I laughed a whole bunch of the time. Why do I laugh? Because these morons decide to do the stupidest things to get themselves into a whole bunch of crap. But they'll do anything. Its even scary what type of idiots are on the street today, what sort of moron you might come across. Nonetheless, it was funny. And disgusting. But funny ...Overall: Watching it once is probably enough, the stuff they'll do will probably get old if you buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Jackass. The Movie! Review: Finally some uncensored Jackass. The Jackass gang can now show stunts that stupid MTV woulden't let them pull on TV. And it's all uncensored. It's just like the show except it's longer, it's on a bigger screen and they can show what they want. Don't rent it. Buy it. If you loved the show then you'll love this. The soundtrack is as good as the movie too. Tune in to see, Alligator Tightrope, Rent A Car Crash Up Durby, BMX Tug Of War, Sweaty Fat Fu*ks, Golf Carts, Butt X Ray, Party boy Japan, Night Pandas, Wasabi Snooters, The Bungee Wedgie, Roller Disco Truck, a great opening and ending and many more. The dvd is one of the best dvd's you can get cause it has so much goods to keep you entertained such as, Additional footage which includes Pocket Ass Return, Sand Vagina, Seattle Skimboarding, Failed ending and much more, also on the dvd: making of Jackass(uncesnored), TV Spots, Trailer, Hilarious commentary, Picture and poster galleries and much much more! But there is one scene that wasn't aloud on the dvd or in the movie "The Body Bag At Dump". It was too gnarly for Jackass but you can see it in Bam Margera's dvd of Haggard. Also check out the killer soundtrack.
Rating:  Summary: Inane Review: There was a time when wearing a chicken suit was sufficiently humiliating to get a camera pointed at you but, as we see in this movie, it's now necessary to drink urine instead. Perhaps next time we'll see a human sacrifice and no-one other than a participant in this movie is more deserving of such a role. It's not all that surprising to see geeks biting the heads off chickens - anyone with minimal talent and a thirst for attention will do it - the real question is why the audience would be entertained by such incredibly stupid behavior.
Rating:  Summary: The Zen of Jackass Review: What did you fantasize about doing when you were 9? Lighting off firecrackers in your parents' bedroom when they're asleep? Pole-vaulting over trees? Launching a golf cart off a jump ramp? Walking a tightrope over a pond of snapping alligators wearing only a jock strap with a piece of meat sticking out the back? Wishing you were 30 so you could actually do it? Welcome to Jackass, a non-stop orgy of stupid human tricks. Hilarious stupid human tricks. Done by 30-year-old guys. Out of the minds of their inner 9-year olds, Johnny, Bam, and the boys indulge the crazy fantasies that most of us had, but were too young to actually do, and too embarrassed to admit thinking about once we were old enough to do them. The result is an hour and a half of pure ridiculousness that's guaranteed to make you moan, cringe, roll your eyes, and howl with laughter. Sure, the themes get a little repetitive, as themes tend to do when you're 9: taking a vehicle and smashing it up; anything having to do with butts or nuts; jumping, crashing, or diving headlong into stuff. Probably the most notable thing about Jackass is what's missing: any trace of pretense. At first, their antics make you cringe. But these guys are so uninhibited, especially in the stunts that involve butts and nuts, that you find yourself disarmed and laughing your ass off right along with them. There is no thought given to cool. Fitting in is the last thing on their minds. There's no burden of any grown-up stuff, like sexual tension or exploitation. In fact, the only girls allowed are Bam's mom and a Japanese prize-fighting kick-boxer who leaves Brian Dunn spitting chicklets. Social conventions are left at the door when you enter the Jackass world. Jackass says that being human is funny. It's pure boyish abandon. And it's refreshing. It's freeing. It's fun.
Rating:  Summary: These guys are stepping out of the closet before our eyes.. Review: If you want to see a guy eat a urine favored snow cone and then vomit, a toy car x-rayed after being lubercated and inserted in a man's colon, & an obese man and his midgit side kick run around nude. Then this is the documentry of morons made just for you. I agree that these days you have to do alot to shock an audiance. But when you have to look foolish, why bother? Yes the film was a box office hit, so expect sequels. Even though it's all in bad taste, for some reason it will attract movie goers. In Jack@ss 2, I'm hoping for a hot tub party full of bubbling sewer, and maybe they will dig up a corpse and make out with it. What ever happens I won't see it first hand, I'll hear about it second and that's bad enough. A hardly deserved 2 stars is all I could do.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Does this movie justice! Yeah, dude! Review: No matter what you think of JACKASS this is one extremely well-done DVD. Two commentaries, outtakes, deleted sequences, and the works! If this interests you at all it's worth the price of admission!Many people criticize the juvenile nature of the show, but face it ... it's funny! And jaw-dropping! You won't believe the lengths these guys go to for a gag. Whether they are shooting rockets out of their rectums, boxing in a department store, or running around the streets of Tokyo dressed as pandas causing pandemonium ... these guys rock. They aren't afraid of anything. I'm well over the target age here, and I find it very funny. Some adults do have a sense of humor. It took me back to my frat boy days ... I was more likely to do the party boy stunts than shove toy cars where the sun don't shine.
Rating:  Summary: It's only funny when somebody gets hurt. Review: This movie was insane and funny. Everything the Jackass crew did was over the edge and hilarious. My only complaint is that some scenes were too long and I felt like saying, "I get it." I think I would have enjoyed the movie more if I wasn't sitting behind 2 chicks who would squeal "ewwwww!" every 15 seconds. If you like gross and brutal humor, check this one out. This was more like CKY then Jackass but it was still good.
Rating:  Summary: Uncensored Jackass Review: This is a must own DVD for all fans of jackass. It's 2 hours of non-stop laughing. The whole content of this DVD is hilarious, and its well worth the money you pay for it. It has all the usual jackass stuff and alot of clips MTV wouldn't dare show. It has everything, people getting hurt, observational humour, practical jokes, everything people love. The critics slammed this movie but as everyone knows, the critics are not always right. My biggest regret is not getting to see this when it was in the cinema! 5 Stars.
Rating:  Summary: The Daredevils' "Gone With the Wind"? Review: **1/2 About the only thing that can be safely said about the gross-out fest 'Jackass ' The Movie' is that it is definitely an acquired taste. You will be either delighted or appalled by the masochistic antics contained in this film, and if you ever needed proof that there is a distinct cultural divide existing in this nation today, 'Jackass' provides it in spades. For those who do not know, 'Jackass' is the brainchild of Johnny Knoxville and his assorted buddies who have made a lucrative industry out of devising and performing death- and injury-defying stunts so that likeminded individuals, from the comfort and safety of their couches and theater seats, can at least get a vicarious thrill by watching others act out what they themselves wish they had the nerve (or stupidity) to do. (The film, of course, comes with a 'don't try this at home' proviso that is as transparently insincere as it is obviously ineffective). 'Jackass' is like the ultimate boys-will-be-boys extravaganza, a fifth grade prankster's dream come true. Not only do the 'men' perform the stunts, but they spend most of their time in convulsive hysterics responding to them. On-screen vomiting, defecating, intentional bloodletting and the imbibing of urine are just a few of the goodies offered up for the audience's delectation by the makers of the film. Think of this as the dark side of the Peter Pan Syndrome, a tribute to adult men who have serious maturity issues and who clearly refuse 'to grow up.' Like most compilation films, 'Jackass ' The Movie' is a hit-and-miss proposition. Some of the 'stunts' are clever and amusing, and there is a certain anarchic kick to be derived from seeing these guys pushing back the boundaries of conventional common sense and good taste. But there's also a certain mean-spirited tone to so much of what we see on screen that it interferes with our enjoyment of vast portions of the movie. Personally, I don't care if these guys want to injure, maim or even kill themselves to get their kicks, but why do they have to get so many of their laughs at the expense of other people? A number of the 'bits' seem designed to do little more than humiliate hardworking business people, innocent bystanders and even members of their own families. In making a cruel version of 'Candid Camera,' the filmmakers only heighten their own smugness and attitude of superiority, helping to alienate all but the group's most fanatical followers. What also surprises me ' given the general nature of the film's target audience, that is ' is just how homoerotic in tone many of these stunts turn out to be. I'm not saying that as a judgment against the film, but I do find it to be an interesting observation. I don't want to belabor the issues too much here, and I certainly don't believe that the success of this film (and the TV show that spawned it) in any way foretells the imminent collapse of Western Civilization, as others have charged. That is clearly an overreaction. 'Jackass ' The Movie' is obviously intended for a very specific niche audience and, in those terms, I guess, it gets the job done. Just make sure you're in that niche before spending your hard-earned money to see it. You've been forewarned.
Rating:  Summary: So excited, slightly disappointed... Review: I have enjoyed watching Jackass on MTV and the guys and girls I work with have been saying for the past week how funny this movie actually is, one guy said "I was crying with laughter throughout the entire movie" - I can honestly said I laughed out loud at the scene with the alligator, that was without doubt the funniest and most memorable part of the movie, a girl in work said she thought the funniest part was where he had an x-ray, I didn't find that part that funny. I'm not gonna slam this movie 'cause it's quite humourous but it isn't as funny as people have made it out to be.