Rating:  Summary: ow....hehahah..... Review: This movie is amazing. If you like CKY, or Jackass on tv, than you will love JA the movie. Starring Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Chris Pontius, Steve-o, Chris Pontius, Dave England, Ehren McGenhey, Ryan Dunn, and Preston Lacy. This movie is unedited due to its R rating, and the guys took advantage of that, but in a good way. There are great stunts in this movie including: -Steve-o and Chris shooting bottle rockets out of their Bunghole -a [RENT a CAR CRASH UP DERBEY] (pretty self explainitory)-Acting as old men, and going renegade through the town -bungee wedgie!!! -running through town as pandas -the best stunt ive ever seen involving Ryan Dunn, (...) , a toy car, and an X-ray this is a good movie with great special features. i watch it thrice a week, and laugh all the time. its good -go get it-
Rating:  Summary: Don't Listen to the Naysayers - This Film is Fabulous! Review: Now, I have to tell you that going in to view Jackass - The Movie, I had never seen the television show - alas, life without cable. I had really very little idea of what to expect. However, from the first stunt, I was hooked. As the film progressed, my sides ached all the more, and I came closer and closer to physically fall down in the aisle. I haven't laughed so hard at any movie, and am thankful for the experience. The DVD version is just as good, with lots of little extras to enjoy. The bonus footage is hilarious, the commentary is rivetingly funny, and the videos aren't bad, either. Now, I will say this - Jackass is definitely a taste thing. I think that you either love it, or hate it. As you can tell, I love it. And this comes from a well-educated woman, who also loves fine film, classical music, ballet and other such "finer things in life". I just think it's great to keep the mind open to all things - and crass humor is high on my list. Also, I will say that Jackass - or those of its ilk (CKY, Dirty Sanchez, Viva la Bam, etc...) ain't for kiddies. I was really ticked off to see parents in the theater with children no older than seven years, looking a little sheepish at knowing their kids were watching nudity and violence - but did they leave? Nope. Not good. So, if you're of a mature age and get a big old kick out of lowbrow humor, give this DVD a try. As for myself, I watch it at least once a month, for a good pick-me-up. Never fails.
Rating:  Summary: its like the jackass show except its uncensored..... Review: If you like jackass the show then you will definitely like the movie. i was not disappointed at all. it has tons of extra footage after the movie and even outtakes. it also has the "We want fun" video by andrew w.k..
Rating:  Summary: SUCKED! Review: This movie sucks for 98% of it's duration. Party Boy Chris Pontius is the only guy that made me laugh for a second. Everybody else's antics just made me sick, and I did not know if I wanted to kick their ass for it or throw up!
Rating:  Summary: Dumb as hell, that's why I like it! Review: Jackass The Movie doesn't dissappoint. The stunts have been taken even further and more absurd than they used to be. The format might not carry quite the whole movie (meaning you can't carry gut-bust laughing throughout), but for all of you Jackasses, this is a must.
Rating:  Summary: make money with a camcorder Review: I've been buying and 'crusing' Amazon.com for a long time... have been panned by friends by some of my 'less than popular' flicks... but never have i seen such a waste of quasi film making in my life. Of course, if i write negatively about this so called film; people will be drawn to it. the film was disgusting......human feces....actually scenes of throwing up.... ridiculous stunts.... you name it... the MTV generation is NOT the same generation i came from. We valued talent, and yes, it may have been 'dated' at least there was THAT talent and creativity. Twenty years ago in high school i could have done much better than this trash. its trash trash trash, and the jokes on YOU who buys it! for they did hardly anything worthwhile to steal your BUCK! thank God in heaven the movie was lent to me for a few hours and I DID not buy it
Rating:  Summary: The best MTV movie ever Review: I rented this DVD and I laughed my ass off watching it, it starts off when the whole cast is on a wagon and suddenly things fly at them and they run into something and fly off of it.This is like the show but longer and more better.Its worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Great for Jackasses! Review: The only thing worse than this movie was the jackasses I had to watch it with.
Rating:  Summary: This was always the best show on tv and now the best movie! Review: Ok people who dont like this movie or show, has some serious problems. seriously lighten up. if your laid back, not uptight, you will enjoy this movie. if your the kinda person who doesnt like the show then its time for you to change. get a sense of humour. i watched every episode because it wasnt stupid. I wouldnt call an uptight loser a moron if he jumped into a ceiling fan. i would call him a genius, or a jackass. buy this film because its a film not afraid to show things that they want to. buy it because we have short lives, so why not laugh along the way?
Rating:  Summary: One of the funniest movies to come out in the past year. Review: It's brilliant to see critics calling this "the final nail in the coffin of civilisation". JACKASS is a movie devoid of any historical & (almost) educational merit. It's the kind of movie that has prim & prudish prats wondering what the World is coming to. Bear in mind however, that these are the same people who read the "uncensored" Enid Blyton works such as "Noddy" & "The Three Golliwogs" as children & spent many summer vacations at the beach encouraging Punch to bash Judy's head in; all in the name of entertainment. Some people have very short (or selective) memories indeed. Strange; because in JACKASS: THE MOVIE you won't find any implicated homosexual acts (unlike its predecessor CKY), overt racism or acts promoting or supporting murder or abuse. It's all done for LAUGHS!! Brought to the big screen by the makers of the TV series; Jeff Tremaine, Johnny Knoxville & Spike Jonze; the JACKASS team deliver what fans of the show have come to expect. Here's a run down of what you can expect: * Entering a rental car in a demolition derby with a blow-up sex doll as a passenger- with Slayer's ANGEL OF DEATH playing on s/t. * Steve-O getting up close & personal with some crocodiles during feeding time. * Bam Margera setting fireworks off in his parents bedroom at 2am. * Using a display toilet in a hardware store (viewers get to see the "evidence" on camera). * Steve-O revisits his curry stunt (see: "Steve-O Video Vol. 1") in Japan, this time snorting wasabi & having a similar outcome. Only this time there's a LOT MORE vomit. Ditto the "yellow snow cone" stunt which has to be seen to be believed. Other standouts include the toy car x-ray (that's ALL I'll say) & the guys attempting to return a "used" sex toy to an adult novelty shop. And much, much more. JACKASS is a must see & (though most critics would never admit it)one of the most entertaining & hilarious films to come out in the past year. A perfect movie for watching with a group of friends, and with lots of pizza & beer handy. DVD extras: Commentary by Bam Margera, Johnny Knoxville et al, outtakes and stuff they couldn't show in theaters, as well as music videos, the trailer, cast bios & a photo gallery. So what are you waiting for? Check it out.