Rating:  Summary: Literally, the worst movie I have ever seen Review: And that says a lot because I generally find some redemming qualitys in any film. The only one I can think of for this waste of time is good acting. They all played their parts well with a lot of emotion. But coming out of it, I literally felt like I lost a good 2 hours of my life. I did not enjoy any aspect of the film. It was painfully slow, boring, depressing and it all seemed very 'fake'. For example, the office set was very drab and unintersting and just put me to sleep more. There was nothing intersting going on. And the ending? Talk about twisted! Thankfully, I did not rent this stinker, so I did not waste any money. Highly overrated.
Rating:  Summary: In the Company of Men - Really Bad Review: This is my new WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER TRIED TO WATCH! There is nothing redeeming about the characters in this movie, the plot is dumb and excruciatingly slow. In short it was so bad I could not even watch it in the fast forward mode. My advise, don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: . Review: Incredible movie in my opinion, but the dry, stage-play-like atmosphere, the Mamet-influenced sense of dialogue, and the shamelessly offensive actions and lines of the main characters are not for everyone. If you're a fan of Mamet or stark, dialogue-driven films, and your sensibilities aren't too delicate and easy to upset, you will probably find this film captivating. Others will find it horridly offensive, although that is partially the point. Some may just find it dull and meaningless. But who cares about them? They are dumb. : ) It isn't a feel-good film, certainly not a film to watch with a date, but if you're patient, level-headed, imaginative, a fan of the aforementioned Mamet-esque style, and not easily offended, you will probably love it. Stringent requirements, perhaps, but that's why this film has a small cult following rather than a huge mainstream fan base.
Rating:  Summary: More Than Meets the Eye Review: The moral of this story is NOT Nice Guys Finish Last, or All Men Are Pigs, but KNOW THYSELF. The world is filled with human jellies who don't know who they are or what they want, who allow their actions to be directed by the rules of others. Hence, Howard crumbles while Christine, well-grounded in her personality, apparently bounces back.If you've come this far, you already know the essence of the plot. What most viewers miss is that Howard has a chance to live on his own terms, and he goofs because of a misguided need for male bonding. As a "nerd", he just has to "carry Chad's sweater". At one point he's at a fork in the road: he is given the benefit of an outsider's perspective, but he takes the wrong path. A colleague, who, not coincidentally, is black, says, on learning that Howard is dating the deaf girl, "You're a bigger man than I am." He explains that such a bold variation is dangerous in their corporate culture! Howard is taken aback at the man's admiration of his daring; this new perspective astonishes him. It doesn't sink in, though. He has a chance to be a real man, and he misses it through his own brand of deafness to the "invisible man" (who has just paid him the compliment of confiding in him and assuming that he's not a shark). There is a subtle implication at the end that Chad may indeed get what's coming to him. His live-in girlfriend has the upper hand emotionally; he explicitly asks her for love.
Rating:  Summary: Way overrated Review: This film is an interesting study of how low people can sink and use and abuse an innocent person, but beyond that there is nothing about it that screams out "THIS IS GREAT FILM ART!" There is nothing about it that makes you want to watch it ever again. Technically dull, it will ultimately be forgotten just as Paul Schraider's early films such as "Blue Collar" and "Hardcore" have almost been completely forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: Black comedy doesn't get better. Review: It is amazing the the outpooring of emotion this film has evoked in its viewers. The fact that every review here is either a testament to the shear brilliance of the work or a condemnation of the worst piece of film every to be filmed speaks volumes to the genius that is the film In the Company of Men. For those who didn't get the ending that seemed to make the whole thing pointless, watch it again keeping in mind who has been promoted and who has been demoted at work. That, my Hollywoodized friends, is part of the puzzle. Add in the fact that a villian so deliciously heinous as Aaron Eckhart's character hasn't been created for public consumption since Shakespeare wrote Richard III and you have one heck of great film. The script is brilliant. The acting of some of the supporting cast is sub-par but that is easily made up for by the impressive trio of Matt Malloy, Aaron Eckhart and Stacy Edwards. The direction is also very good. The director/writer Neil Labute knows exactly where he's taking us while keeping us guessing right up until the end. In the Company of Men was not praised to the degree is was just because it was an independant film. It was praised because of the brilliance underlying it's creation and execution. When I first saw this film I watched it twice, rewinding it as soon as it finished and starting it again immediately. I've never done that with any film. In the Company of Men is a siren call alerting the discerning film-goer of a bold new talent on the block, a talent proven true in Labute's second film Your Friends & Neigbors.
Rating:  Summary: One GREAT movie! watch this one with your dad- over beers! Review: I must say, that when I saw this movie for the first time... I LOVED IT! It has some of the funniest lines in it, ever! and when you see the way that Eckhart treats everyone in this movie.... you can imagine the way you have felt when you were fooled by a person with "fake" lines and feelings. This movie is a must for anyone that has ever been dumped by a lying , faking, and heartless person; be you female, or male! Talk about mind games to the extreme! People that dont like this flick, just havent been hurt before.
Rating:  Summary: PAINFULL TO WATCH... Review: ...because it's so bad. I would rather be handcuffed to the back of a Honda and driven over a cactus field than watch this contradicting and unimaginative trash again.
Rating:  Summary: This is a REAL movie Review: Yes, fans of "The Rugrats Movie" will probably be shocked at the adult satire of this brilliant film (one of the five best of the '90's) but for those who have the maturity to put their own morality to the test and attempt to tell themselves that they have indeed committed the cruelties, at least to a lesser degree, than the characters in this film have, "Men" is a shattering and stimulating film experience with few equals.
Rating:  Summary: lazy thinking, lazy directing Review: Neil LaBute would have us believe he's dealing with serious issues in this film, or that there are insights into human relationships that only he can divine. If only that were the case. Instead, he's just a big softy who swings his Old Testament wrath in no purposeful direction. If LaBute gave his tired dramatic exercises a rest and put down his film camera he would simply tell us this: We should all aspire to be better people than the maggoty characters of "In the Company of Men." It's that simple, folks. And it's that boring. LaBute forgets, or chooses to ignore, the fact that people in the real world aren't this one-dimensional. He also forgets, or chooses to ignore, the fact that cruelty most often takes very subtle forms, and that evil acts are often committed by people with the best of intentions. Forget this dross. Life is too short for such a simple-minded moral lesson, even if LaBute has a certain talent for dressing it in such ugly, repulsive garb.