Rating:  Summary: My brain hurts Review: I want the hour-and-a-half of my life back. This movie was so dumb that it gave me a headache. I realized that the headache came from my IQ slipping a few points. Tom Greene should be arrested for making this movie. The producers should be ashamed of themselves for even entertaining the idea of putting this movie on film. The story was half-written, the acting was horrible, and I still have a headache. Please don't waste your time - make sure to pay your friends NOT to give this movie as a gift.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious! Review: ok this isn't much of a review but neither is the review from A VIEWER FROM ANTARCTICA . I think it is really stupid that you put your personal issues about tom green in your review. That is wrong what you said about if he has a blood disease that you hope he dies. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to say stuff like that, that it might happen to someone you love or care about? Besides what do you think? That tom green will see your review? Come on he has better things to do. As for this movie, I think it's nothing different from road trip or the tom green show. What don't you have a sense of humor ? Are you just one of those people who are too serious? Take my advice GROW UP, GET A LIFE AND A SENSE OF HUMOR, KEEP YOU THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF . NO ONE CARES.
Rating:  Summary: "A vile bag of garbage." Review: This is easily the worst movie I have ever seen, and by such a wide margin it's hard to fathom it."A vile bag of garbage." Those were the exact words that Roger Ebert used to talk about another film which he apparently found as appalling as "Freddy Got Fingered." He was talking about "I Spit On Your Grave," a movie which is at least as repugnant and bankrupt on every possible level as "Freddy Got Fingered." "Freddy Got Fingered" is an almost inconceivably awful film. It is as tasteless as "Caligula," as juvenile as "Baby Geniuses," as misguided in its pretensions as "Wild at Heart," and as sickening in its pandering to its audience as "The Doom Generation." Those are all movies that I despised from top to bottom, movies I could not find a shred of redeeming value in whatsoever. "FGF" is every bit their equal. If nothing else, at least "FGF" has a novel reason to be appalling: it was the brainchild of "comedian" Tom Green, a man who has made a career out of making people squirm. I'm not talking about Mort Sahl-type one-liners; I'm not even talking about Monty Python-style broadsides against community standards. I'm talking about stuff that's so base and creepy, so questionable in its "humor," that it doesn't even work as Grand Guignol. Green would do things like bring a camcorder to his parent's house -- his real-life parents, mind you -- and embarrass them viciously by giving them a statue that depicted the two in a pornographically repellent fashion. He aimed to shock people, but not in a way that would get them to confront things realistically, the way Richard Pryor or Lenny Bruce did, but simply to make people nauseated, either by the fact of what they see or its implications. There's a vile shallowness in his approach to what's funny that defies analysis. You simply can't believe any man would be willing to do things like this on camera. Yet there it is. "FGF" has a plot, sort of, involving Green as an aspiring animator trying to get out from under the thumb of his parents. This is mostly a clothesline onto which Green hangs one unsightly "gag" (as in retch and vomit) after another. Consider a scene where he leaps from a car, with no preamble whatsoever, to masturbate a horse. On-screen. Why? Why not? Consider a scene where he twirls a newborn baby around by its umbilical cord, one which he just bit through himself, showering everyone in the delivery room with blood. Why? Why not? And these are two of the milder gags I can think of. The rest I have blotted from memory. Not long ago I saw "Salo: or the 120 Days of Sodom," the last film by the Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini, where Fascists sequester several young men and women in a house for their own depraved games. That movie, repellent and horrible as it was, made a point about its material. It was not easy to watch, but it added up and went somewhere, and it ended with a very telling sense of irony about the nature of evil. "FGF" is like a "Salo" from the Superman "Bizarro" universe. More below the belt than that I cannot get. In fact, more below the belt than that, you'll need to talk to Tom Green about.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible!!Terrible!!!Terrible!!! Review: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE after the first 5 mins. of the movie it is raw,vulgur,pervertave,sick,and grose behavior by rorrible acting,and extreamly unfunny parts such as a scene with a horse,and an elephant,plus other discusting parts to do with sexual content,and non scence vulgar language.20th Century Fox must have been desperate to make a film,because this is the worst film in history to be viewed by the human eye.
Rating:  Summary: freddy got fingered Review: i thought the movie was brillant. Tom green just knows how to cross the line and make people laugh ... their should be more movies like this i mean the penis in the face always gets a laugh always. horse masterbating who else could think of that and reveiwers loved it it was right up their alley.
Rating:  Summary: A test of your maturity Review:
There are two things about this movie that amaze me:
1. That Hollywood studios have actually sunk to such a level that someone could convince them to make something like this.
2. That anyone old enough to get into this movie would so immature that they would actually think it was funny. (As evident by some of the reviews here.)
As far as I can tell, Tom Green's only true talents are the ability to convince media executives to give him exposure, and the ability to convince Drew Barrymore to marry him.
Rating:  Summary: Such chutzpah to even put it in the title Review: I like good romantic comedy, and I also like good farces. The latter is what caused me to check out FREDDY GOT FINGERED. Within the last year or so, a movie called LOST AND FOUND came out. It was an otherwise watchable romantic comedy, spoiled near the end by its effort to make a joke of a very unfunny matter - a false accusation of child abuse. Yet I heard no one criticize the movie for that. Let the movie makers get away with such failure to be in the same universe with good taste, and they'll get worse and worse. Now along comes the farce FREDDY GOT FINGERED, and they have the chutzpah to make the very title a false accusation of child abuse. The only up side this time is I didn't see where there would have been much of a movie to spoil anyway. Even for a lover of farces, the rest of the movie was forgettable anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Gives a bad name to shock-value flicks. Review: Although I agree with many who praise the imagination of Tom Green, I find his use of humor in this particular work particularly offensive. Many people I know walked out of the theaters during the scene wherein Green makes a mockery of pregnancy and bearing children by having his protagonist, Gordon Brody, yank a baby out of a woman in labor and bite the umbilical cord, which he then uses to swing the silent infant around the room, while the mother screams, "Why isn't my baby crying?" Yet as though this weren't enough abuse of the privilege of having his movie mis-rated as "R", this scene takes place while East Indian women in the hospital start singing the sacred Hindu chant, "Om Jai Jagadish Hare", as blood dripping from the infants body splatters across their faces, a fact which, although Green might not have considered it, insults the spiritual livelihood of one of this planet's biggest religious groups, a group which I could hardly imagine making such a mockery of Green's Canadian heritage. Even those who find the mockery of foreign nationalities and spiritualities acceptable, however, may still take offense and Green's mockery of one of America's oldest and one of its most historically cheated groups, the American Indian. In the DVD's deleted-scenes section one can watch a couple of scenes--Green claim's to have taken them out because of time considerations--which show an older indigenous American male, dressed in a stereotypical outfit (e.g. feather headdress, bead necklaces and, in one scene, no shirt), playing the mute role of the caught-in-the-act lover of Gordon's uncle, a character the camera pans in on while Green in the commentary states, "now, look at that; that's funny" (i.e. the dressed-up mockery of a culture struggling for continuity). If people who criticize sports teams for using the logos of caricatured Amerindians (or indeed those who deplore Hollywood's disregard for the world's many different religious lifestyles) decide that this movie is sufficiently offensive for them to make themselves heard in regards to this film, I'm sure few, even in the film industry, would argue in favor of Green's freedom of expression as a film-maker. The question is whether anyone interested in such causes would watch this movie (or, indeed, upon beginning to do so, would sit through enough of it) to see just how worthy of serious criticism it is.
Rating:  Summary: Hopefully, Green won't make anything again. Review: I've heard Green has an incurable blood disease. Good - he fully deserves it, if not for anything else he's done, then for this "movie" (even though this has nothing to do with a movie, really). Begone ASAP and take your "movie" with you.
Rating:  Summary: The worst Review: I love Tom Green's humor on MTV... but this movie just goes way to far to even be funny. It is one of the few movies that I just could not even watch all the way through. When Tom is in the delivery room swinging the baby around in circles by it's imilical cord, splattering it's new mother's face with blood, I had to take it out of my DVD player. That's not funny. That's gross and stupid.